
WJ4 Team Builder

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New wizard tech this year with a shnazzy Google Form to help make finding jam teammates easier!


Please note that you doing a pitch is optional. If you just want to put what you can do and how much time you have, that should be just fine.


And you can peruse results for potential collaborators here.



Of course, feel free to use this thread however you like. Shout about your idea, someone else's idea, whatever. Just please let us know when you form a team so we can edit the status on the spreadsheet.


Lastly, make sure to check out what ideas folks are having on that second link. It's important to reach out and let people know if you like their stuff (even if you don't know them at all!)



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An interesting idea from the diversifier discussion is that people who are too busy to do the full jam could still participate by making cover art, strategy guides, or fan art for one or more games. Again, there's no requirement that everyone make a video game or assets for a game, all creative participation is encouraged.


If this idea appeals to you, please drop your name on that there form!

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Hello all! 

I think I have my game concept as solid as it can be without starting. I am looking for a few people to help out! 

I wrote a lengthy thing at the link below, so read on if you're interested. I know some people don't want to know game details ahead of time, so I am keeping it somewhat hidden.


Here are the basics:


Cool Blob Future


Arcade game where you try to get a high score


Needs: 2D artist, 2 tracks of music, Cool emotes, Sounds



If you are OK with arcade-style games and want to help out with one of the above, read my blathering description here!


Also, if you want to help and have good ideas to make this better, let me know!



@BadMisty is on board for SFX!

@badatstuff is on board for music!

(your username doesn't have to have "bad" in it to be involved!)

Edited by Travis

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For music stuff add me on Steam at JoelWMusic and shoot me a message.  I want to make sure I know what direction you want the music to go in.  It also helps to have a song that has the feel of what you're looking for.  I will get back to you as soon as I can with a demo and we can workshop from there.

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I would like a music and/or a sound person. I don't need a lot of music and sound effects, and I can probably get some from online, but if anyone wants to help, I would appreciate it! 

I have two ideas I'm gonna focus on, and we'll see how far I get. I have to keep the ideas secret for now though. Of course, if you join the team I can tell you more details. You can contact me on the forums or in slack.

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BTW, when you quote you don't have to include the whole message :P

7 minutes ago, badatstuff said:


Like so.

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I still haven't started thinking about a pitch, but I've put some of my info in the Doc form: I can do code, design and some art :)

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@Arthur There is a huge demand for 2D artists, welcome aboard! If you wanna head over to the slack and just shout out in the #wizardjam channel you will be the belle of the balle. Or I might suggest perusing the team threads popping up and if you see something you like the idea of, drop a reply. Excited to have you, your stuff looks amazing! 

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Wow, thanks guys! I feel so woo'd! 


Can someone invite me to the slack? My email is arthurmhamer at gmail dot com


Nice one!

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On 11/13/2016 at 6:59 PM, kevin888 said:

@badatstuff Can I message you on slack?

You can though I've never actually used the app before, do you need my username or email address or what?  I'm badatstuff on there too, or hartley.jordan2@gmail.com if that's what you need.

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39 minutes ago, badatstuff said:

You can though I've never actually used the app before, do you need my username or email address or what?  I'm badatstuff on there too, or hartley.jordan2@gmail.com if that's what you need.


You are on slack already since I went to message BadMisty and your username came up!

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On 11/18/2016 at 2:06 AM, Arthur said:

Hey gang, I'd love to get involved with Wizard Jam. I can provide 2D art, but will happily take an amateur crack at anything else. Ma website > www.arthurhamer.co.uk

@Arthur lol any interest in whipping up some BlendoGames styled 3D art? It's almost 2D anyways :) or I could send you models and you could do the simple 2D textures

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@coughlinjon That sounds amazing dude, but I'm already signed up to help with two other games! I'll message you though, I'd love to take a crack at some 3D stuff :) 

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