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Hey everyone! Group of friends and I finished our first Wizard Jam game. Play Tetris while other users submit blocks through Loosely inspired by the jackbox series and designed to be played over a twitch stream. Hopefully we can get a big crowd of people submitting blocks over next weekend, time to be determined!
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Howdy! I didn't want to post until I was sure I could actually put something together so.... check out this GIF! What's going on there? Why, it's a reality show simulation & management game of course! A little while back I binged hard on Terrace House (check it out on netflix) and so I kind of wanted to do something Sims-like to help teach myself some AI principles. @Mythalore described it on slack as "Big Brother Fortress" and that's just about perfect. Here's the pitch I drafted up before getting started: Not sure where the outer space angle came from but I'm running with it if I can get it in the game itself. From here, I need to build out the activity/waypoint findinga little bit more but I'm happy to have the basics of pathfinding and a set of needs in there already. Wanna help?? Does anyone have interest in doing art, sound, or music for the game? You can sort of see the direction I'm looking for in the color palette of the placeholder art but there's a lot we can do on all fronts if folks are motivated and into the idea. Drop me a line and I can get folks hooked up with the Trello and source control for the project
The objective of the game is to delivering advertisement pamphlets by mail to people who don't want it. The player must travers a small neighbourhood and deliver several pamphlets right to peoples’ doorsteps. The way there is somewhat hazardous, with dogs and robot mowers in the way. The game looks and plays like a classic Zelda game. The player can walk in eight directions, talk to NPCs and must complete missions for them to progress. As I am planning to use a lot of the assets and behaviours from this game in a larger project I am working on, everything will take place in one level. The player can walk around and is only limited by "hard gates". For example, will a street be blocked by a police car, which can be moved if the player helps a suspicious individual in the neighbourhood. Because I want to use the assets later, the world is built to be flexible. The world consists of several sectors. These are one screen in Zelda games. Each sector also holds a set number of squares. To continue the analogy with Zelda, Link takes up one square in the classic games. Each square has a list of possible assets it can hold, for example a hedge or a mailbox. The parameters of the world can be changed and everything within it will follow. If the world scales, the assets will follow and I won’t have to align everything again. By building the world this way I hope it will save time when the detail designing of the level starts. Each number represents a sector. The lines between them divides the NavMesh, with confines NPCs to one sector. The parameters for the game world. Each square's content can be changed. Sector one with empty squares. Sector one with some squares with hedges.
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[UPDATE] Signature Moves is now released! This is my first game I'm "releasing" into the wild so any feedback (especially what still needs work) is greatly appreciated. [ORIGINAL POST] Hello all, This is my first Wizard Jam, and in fact, my first game jam in general, so I'm basically just following other's lead in making a dev log. I'm a full-time graphic designer, who's dabbled in Gamemaker over the past year or two, so my main goal is to keep the scope of the game limited to things that I already have some idea of how to do. That way I can actually finish it. Enough about me though. In light of my inexperience with coding, I've decided to go with the classic top-down shooter structure. The central mechanic that I started with is that the player does not move his/her character directly (via WASD or arrow keys, for example). Rather, any movement takes place as a result of the player's abilities (Signature Moves if you will), such as the knockback of firing a gun. I was inspired by immersive sims like Dishonored, to experiment with the combination of different mechanics, which I concepted over the weekend. Right now I have a pretty good idea of 8 Signature Moves I would like to include, but am going to hold off on describing them in depth until they're mostly finalized and implemented. Once the Signature Moves are working, the next step is creating enemies, which shouldn't be too difficult, as my plan is just to create an enemy type for each of the player's abilities. That will hopefully leave me this coming weekend to finalize some of the more complex game elements, like how the Signature Moves are selected, leaving the last 5 days for polish, creating a simple progression system, and doing all the things that took me longer to do than I thought they would. I'm not sure if I'll be able to post daily updates, seeing as my first post is already well after the jam started, but I will do my best to do a write up at each of the milestones I described above.
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Premise You have been tasked by Gilgamesh to defend one Babylonian city from invading forces. The game will be a 2D tower defense-ish game, where you as a player can build things as well as attack things yourself. Enemies spawn on one side of a square map, you have to prevent them from destroying your wall on the opposite side. Things you can do: Shooting arrows from your bow Looting gold from fallen enemies Building/buying walls to force enemies to take a longer path Building/buying walls with some defenses mounted on them (archers, polybolos or hwachas or something) We will go for a low resolution pixely art style. The Team Me: I am a software developer with 5 years of C# experience. I have made one game before, together with VagueBagel, for WizJam4. VagueBagel: A software developer with several years of experience in C++, C#, and many more. We're both fairly new to game development. Challenges I am busy one of the weekends so I only get this weekend, and the final weekend to work on this. We don't know how to make any assets. Want to help? We would like help with the following. PM me if you want to help with something on the list Music Sound effects 2D art work
So this is somewhat based on an idea I originally had while watching Westworld, specifically the scene in which whoeveritwas (Hopkins? Can't remember!) tells Mauve that she's a robot and where they show this dialogue-tree-style interface that's supposed to explain how she creates language. I'm not sure if it would actually work similar to that in reality but it led me to consider how a (very simple) robot might perceive the world, identify objects, and learn how to interact with them. What we came up with, is, I don't know, something between Creatures, if anyone remembers that series, and yet another puzzle game. I'm probably explaining this in the worst way possible so here's an example: - You've got yourself a robot! - Robot can scan items and perceive adjectives, like colors and basic shapes. - Robot finds berries of different colors, probes them, and learns they are harmless. - Robot has to solve a puzzle in which it is confronted with a fire. - Robot scans fire, learns of fluid shape and recognizes the color, which it remembers from the berries to be safe. - Robot considers fire to be a safe item, interacts with it, and "dies". - Player has to find a way to show robot that fire is not safe, by weakening the robot's trust in the adjective "orange", for example. The game is kind of split in two parts: - The world which the player can interact with, in which he / she crafts and shows items to the robot for it to learn something. - The levels / puzzles which the robot is sent into all by itself and in which it has to reach some kind of target for the player to progress. In the long run, the player could upgrade the robot with new body parts / software which let it perceive new adjectives (aggregate states, temperature, noises) and take out new actions (at the beginning Robot can just move and touch, so maybe it could learn to chop, or hack, or push). Maybe the player could even somehow teach it simple puzzle solutions like lighting a fire or pushing a box onto a button, stuff like that. At first, we wanted to give this a more Thumbsian twist by making the robot evil and you actually having to build levels to trick / kill it, but we felt like going with the nicer option, although the other concept might be a bit more straigth-forward. Like with Cheatin' Hitman last time, my wife and I will be working together on this one, and hopefully get something done. We'll go on vacation next week, so I'm not sure what we will end up with, but we'll try! Thanks for creating the jam and good luck to everyone!
RELEASED The game is avaiable on! Post feedback and hiscores! ORIGINAL Hello wizard jammers! My title is BEWARE OF FALLING SAMURAI from Three moves ahead episode 165. The idea is to make an arcade game in the vein of Downwell, where you are going down levels, jumping in peoples faces and slashing them. I want the player to be always moving, so there will be no platforms, you will break falls by sliding down walls like the image below. To make this impossible for me, i will try to make everything with traditional animation with only two colors to give it an manga/anime feel. I'll try to prototype some mechanics tomorrow and keep posting progresss!
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Hey everyone! I've decided that I am going to jam again this year and I have a pretty solid idea of what I want to do this time around too; it will hopefully also be more relevant to the title as well, my wizard jam 4 entry was an OK first attempt I guess considering I did everything minus the music. Live From the Past Anyways, I'm going to make a game based on the Important if True 2: Fight Garbage with Garbage. Pitch Fight Garbage with Garbage is going to be a competitive garbage cleanup game, where you and another player have your plot of land on a single 3rd of the screen (Player 1 on the left, Player 2 on the right) and it is your duty to get rid of your garbage. The garbage will be split into two types, recyclables and garbage, and it is your job to make sure you fill your recycling dumpster(tm) with as many recyclable items as possible before the timer runs out, while also keeping your plot of land as free from garbage in general as possible. To do that you need to use your garbage disposal cannon(GDC) to throw your unwanted garbage into the other players plot of land. The other player has to do the exact same thing. Rules There will be a time limit (say 60 seconds), and at regular intervals new items will spawn in the middle 3rd of the map and will slide to either plot at random. The player is able to pick up items from their plot and either deposit it in the recycling dumpster or add it to the cannon as ammunition. The GDC is on a rail that moves on the vertical axis only and it requires the player to mount it to move, aim and fire the garbage the player was holding. It will be possible to fire the garbage directly into the other players recycling, which causes a severe penalty to the player at the end of the round. Thrown garbage can be blocked by either the GDC or the player themselves, which will be handy to block shots being aimed at the dumpster. Garbage that has fallen into the dumpster cannot be removed (might change). At the end of the round, the dumpster items will be counted, giving points to each player for good items and deducting points for garbage found in the dumpster. Points will also be deducted for garbage and recyclables left on the plot. I fully expect players to end up with negative point scores at the end of rounds and I will l surely tweak this once I am actually in the thick of it... Mockup Bad Paint image is bad, but I think it more or less gets the point across of what I've been explaining above. P1 (blue square) is on the left and P2 (red square) is on the right, the center is a no-mans-land that spawns the items, players, have to pickup the items on the floor and make use of the appropriately. The Arrows represent the GDC of either player. The stars represent the recyclable item and the brown fart thing (it was a speech bubble I swear) represents the garbage. There will potentially be quite a bit of art assets to draw, which is going to be interesting to say the least as I am not terribly good at drawing but I definitely like to give it a go . I will aim to make the game 2 player at first, but I will ideally like to do something AI related to allow you to play single player against the CPU. although I realize that the AI, might just be a dumb, pickup first item you see type of thing, but something cleverer would be nice... Like last time, I will try and keep my progress going here as it keeps me motivated and makes me have to do something to show all of you, which I hope you'll enjoy! Thanks for reading all the way through!
Suddenly, the King of France! Hello! This will be my third Wizard Jam and I am stoked to get started! If you want to see my previous WJ games, I was pretty happy with Cool Blob Future and sort of like a few things I did in Devil’s Snuff Box (but not many things). For Wizard Jam 5, I am taking on Idle Thumbs 241: Suddenly the King of France. This will be my first jam game where I go all 3D, so I am going to try and push myself within reason and within the two week time limits. The Pitch: Suddenly the King of France is a puzzle shooter that puts you in shoes of the King of France at the time of the French Revolution. Your goal is to save your hide from the angry masses and earn tons of points while doing so. If you are wondering how the lengthy imprisonment, trial, and sentencing of King Louis XVI will make a fun game, it won’t. So, I’m just mashing a bunch of historical events, stereotypes, and misunderstandings into a scenario that will hopefully be fun! Perched on the top of your castle tower, you must distract and destroy the charging citizens by making them turn their lust for the king’s blood on each other. You’re equipped with a special cannon, precisely firing king accoutrements onto individuals, causing their fellow citizens to toss them onto the guillotines they intended to use to lop off your regal head. Once you tag a citizen with all three pieces of the king’s regalia, the citizenry will turn on that poor plebeian and you’ll earn points. If you shoot the same citizen with the same piece of king equipment, it will destroy both of them and act as a setback. As the citizens continue to flood into the court, they will slowly chip away at your tower, bringing you ever closer to your death and the end of the game. The Mockup: This picture is pretty bad, but it gives an idea of the layout. You are shooting down from a high tower as citizens pour through several doorways, coming to get you! The perspective on this mockup is all off, but I decided to save my energy for really making the game instead of this mockup. Hopefully it’s good enough to give you the idea! Since I am no artist and no modeler, my characters and props are going to be very basic and cartoony, but I think I can create a consistent and fun look that should work. I hope so anyway. The Team: Game design, programming, and bad 3D modeling: Me Voiceover work: Jon Coughlin & YOU?? Music: Joel Whitaker Personal Learning/Stretch Goals for this Jam: · Create all simple 3D models with Blender and ProBuilder · Make basic AI for citizens that complements the “puzzle” elements · Create an online leaderboard? This is a stretch. Want to help out with a game and do it in less than ten minutes? Great! Just send me a quality recording of you yelling some sort of charging growl or grunt sound that you would imagine an angry Frenchman making as he passionately charges into a castle. Send me a link or a file through the forum PMs along with the name you want in the credits! I will try to update this log as best I can, especially with juicy gifs! Thanks for reading!