tegan Posted June 7, 2014 Makin' a new thread 'cause I don't want to clog up the 3DS thread or rename the X/Y thread. So a bunch of stuff just got leaked from CoroCoro and posted on Serebii. Here's the rundown: New Mega Evolutions for Diancie (what? Diancie's not even released yet...), Sceptile, and Swampert. Mega Diancie is still Rock/Fairy with its ability listed as "???," Mega Sceptile is Grass/Dragon with Lightning Rod (what?), Mega Blaziken we already have, and Mega Swampert is Water/Ground with Swift Swim. Not gonna lie. New Swampert looks pretty ridiculous. Such tiny, tiny little legs. Also: ACRO BIKE CONFIRMED. Trainer redesigns are based on Emerald, so I assume this is actually going to basically be an Emerald Remake in much the same way that HG/SS assimilated a bunch of Crystal stuff. I quite like these new designs. The shoes are dumb, but never again will Brendan's hat be mistaken for hair. Note the new "Mega Bangle." I love that the Team Magma grunt uniforms remain pretty much the same while the godawful Team Aqua grunt uniforms got a complete overhaul. I hope these guys are still complete idiots. Also, new admins for each team. Steven "I collect rocks and rock accessories" Stone will have a Mega Charizard X and have a new storyline about hunting the secret to Mega Evolution. The only surprise here, to me, is that he has a Charizard. That's not rock-related at all! Not Mega Aggron? Not a new Mega, like, I dunno, Metagross or something? So here's the big thing people were wondering about: the cover legendaries are indeed new forms for Kyogre and Groudon. I guess they`re supposed to be a new thing called "Ancient Devolution," with the new forms being referred to as Primal, Prehistoric, or Primeval Kyogre and Groudon. No idea if this is considered a Mega Evolution or a Form Change or what. Oh well. Neat. So that's that! I'm guessing this stuff will all probably be seen at E3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted June 12, 2014 I addition to the big E3 trailer from the other day, Nintendo also quietly announced Mega Sableye through a trailer. It's supposed to be a defense-focused Sableye. Weird. I guess they kind of owe it to Sableye now that its gimmick is gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merus Posted June 12, 2014 I guess they kind of owe it to Sableye now that its gimmick is gone. ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted June 12, 2014 ? It was the first Dark/Ghost type and therefore had no weaknesses. Now there's a second Dark/Ghost (Spiritomb) plus that type combination is now weak to Fairy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted June 12, 2014 More new footage: Plus here's an album of high-res art and screenshots. Weird that they're teasing Mega Diancie even though regular Diancie isn't available yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted June 20, 2014 More info on Mega Sableye. Looks like it's getting all of its stat boosts dumped into Defense and Sp. Defense, with its speed being lowered in turn. It also gets Magic Bounce, one of the best abilities in the game. Rad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted June 21, 2014 So the new legendary forms are called Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon, and change form through "Primal Reversion." Primal Groudon is now Ground/Fire and has a boosted Attack stat, while Primal Kyogre remains pure water and gains a boosted Special Attack, thus securing Kyogre's position as being drastically superior to Groudon for some reason. It looks like both probably have new abilities, but they haven't revealed what they are yet. I'm gonna' guess... Dry Skin for Kyogre and a new sunshine-based equivalent for Groudon. Or two new abilities. Whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted July 9, 2014 When you visit another player’s Secret Base, that base’s members will be hanging out there. You can talk to them or even battle them! If you find base owners that you like, you can scout them as one of your Secret Pals and bring them back to your own Secret Base. Once you’ve become Secret Pals with someone, you can continue to have Pokémon battles against them, and also have your Pal use “special skills” to support you on your adventure. Another fun aspect of Super-Secret Bases is a capture-the-flag activity. Examine the flag beside the Secret PC in another player’s Secret Base to obtain it! You can take one flag per day from each base visited. Visit lots of Secret Bases and collect lots of flags to improve your team’s rank and get rewards, including increasing the skills of your Secret Pals. Flag colors will change based on a team’s rank, so you can tell another team’s rank at a glance—and others can tell yours! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted August 8, 2014 Corocoro leaks! New Megas! Mega Altaria: Dragon/Fairy with Pixilate. Mega Lopunny: Normal/Fighting with Scrappy, Lopunny now learns Hi Jump Kick as well. This seems like it was deliberately designed to counter Aegislash. Mega Salamence: Seemingly still Dragon/Flying, but now with Aerilate. also new: the five "cosplay Pikachu" forms they've been showing off allow Pikachu to learn new moves: Pikachu Rock Star gets Meteor Mash, Pikachu Ph.D. gets Electric Terrain, Pikachu Pop Star gets Draining Kiss, Pikachu Belle gets Icicle Crash, and Pikachu Libre gets Flying Press. Pikachu Libre remains best Pikachu. Also, a shiny Beldum holding Metagross' mega stone will be distributed like Torchic was for X/Y. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastBaron Posted August 8, 2014 I just saw that you hated the shoes the characters have. They actually look exactly like the shoes the company my sister's boyfriend works for makes and I agree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobbyBesar Posted August 8, 2014 I find this thread bewildering but charming, which, I guess, is much how I regard pokemon in general. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted August 10, 2014 New trailer! Mega Salamence looks much cooler in action. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted August 12, 2014 Mega Slowbro and Mega Audino got leaked. Both get huge defense boosts. Slowbro is hilarious and Audino marks the first Gen V mega, which could lead to some rad Megas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted September 4, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6blt8m8-3Y I am so happy about that new version of the bike music. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dium Posted September 5, 2014 I've basically never stopped liking pokemon since I was ten years old, but man, I dunno how cool I am with playing a new Pokemon game every year. I feel like I oscillate between hard poke-craving and a totally satisfied disinterest with pokemon, and only a year between games isn't long enough for me to start feeling those pangs again. I've never played any Hoenn games, though. They're basically the only ones that passed me by. So as much as I say I'm not excited for pokemon... I'm probably gonna get it. I can only hope the game is longer than XY (a complaint that I almost never make about any other game series). I've been spoiled by previous generations into thinking there'd be a huge variety of stuff to do after the elite four. I guess if they're releasing a new game every year now they might feel less pressure to do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonCole Posted September 5, 2014 I kinda wish I skipped X/Y and got back into it with this. X/Y was kind of mid-cycle on my excitement curve and I lost Steam on it really fast. Now I'm still a little burned out and probably won't play these either. Maybe I just need to power through and play X/Y in the coming year at some point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted September 5, 2014 I've been playing it a little bit at a time for a year now. I'm on the road to the last gym. At this rate, I'll beat it RIGHT about when Sapphire/Ruby come out. Don't know if I'll want to jump into another so soon after. I guess we'll see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted September 10, 2014 More Corocoro leaks! Mega Gallade, Camerupt (gains Sheer Force), and Sharpedo (gains Strong Jaw); plus it's been revealed that Primal Groudon has a new move called Cliff's Edge and that both Primal Legendaries have new abilities that summon "strong sunlight" and "strong rain," implying something different from the sunlight/rain normally summoned via Drought, Rain Dance, etc. Mega Gallade looks pretty cool and like a reasonable extension of Mega Gardevoir's design. Looks like I'll be breeding another perfect Ralts (and hoping it's male). Well, if Mega Gallade turned out so well, surely the other two Megas revealed today will be just as goo- Oh dear. *snrk* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dium Posted September 10, 2014 I don't think Mega Camerupt looks that bad. (hmm... ok, the more I look at it the more bothered I am by its shape) Mega Sharknado is a disaster though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted September 12, 2014 Mega Sharknado is a disaster though I choose to believe this is a beautiful typo and not intentional. Also, English trailer! Looks like the new weather effects are potentially permanent. Weather-changing moves stop working and Fire/Water attacks are completely neutralized instead of just weakened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted October 2, 2014 I really want to know what that new ability does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted October 10, 2014 Corocoro leaks! Mega Beedrill (YESSSSSS) and Pidgeot just got revealed; Mega Latios and Latias finally got confirmed (we already knew they existed because some hacker found them in X/Y) along with the return of the Eon Ticket item that lets you catch the one not found in your game; and for some reason there's a two-page spread with the Gen IV and V legendaries, so I imagine they'll be available in some way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastBaron Posted October 10, 2014 Mega sableye looks super creepy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted October 11, 2014 Well, Sableye is based on the Hopkinsville Goblin, after all. The PokéNav is returning and getting some significant functionality changes. - new PokeNav called the MultiNavi- four settings: MapNavi, TVNavi, PlayNavi and Dexnavi- PlayNavi includes features like Pokemon Amie and the GTS- DexNavi helps you find Pokemon in the wild and register them in your Pokedex- sneak up on Pokemon or you can register Pokemon that you encounter in the overworld I just love that it's based on the GBA SP to match the classic GBA Pokédex. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted October 11, 2014 More info from Serebii: Edit @ 09:45: Mega Pidgeot is Normal/Flying-type with the ability No Guard and Mega Beedrill is Bug/Poison-type with the ability Adaptability. You can fly on Mega Latios & Latias in the overworld and find Pokémon such as Reshiram, Zekrom, Dialga & Palkia in the sky. Latios is exclusive to Omega Ruby and Latias is exclusive to Alpha Sapphire.Edit @ 10:00: The Eon Ticket is said to return through a special distribution. This makes Latias available in Omega Ruby and Latios available in Alpha Sapphire. | Edit @ 10:15: This ticket will be distributed via Serial Code in an upcoming issueEdit @ 10:04: The Legendary Pokémon are found on islands that can only be found through areas on the sky and is said to make it so all non-event Legendary Pokémon will be obtainable in Generation VI. You access the sky through the Eon Flute itemEdit @ 10:14: You can also encounter various other Pokémon in the wild within the clouds over Hoenn.Edit @ 01:45: Two more images have surfaced. One showcasing the first Mega Rayquaza, showcasing all the information we got on it last week. The second introduces the new PokéNav called the MultiNavi. It has four settings: MapNavi, TVNavi, PlayNavi which includes features like Pokémon Amie and the GTS and DexNavi which helps you find Pokémon in the wild and register them in your Pokédex. You can sneak up on Pokémon, or you can register Pokémon that you encounter in the overworld into your Pokédex. We'll bring more as it comesIn addition to that, it confirms what many speculated that Mega Rayquaza will feature in the Pokémon Mega Evolution ~Act 2~ Special airing November 6th. This special will also feature Primal Groudon & Primal Kyogre. I bolded the part that I'm most interested in. Fuck yes, flight and abundant legendaries! Also, Adaptability is a nice get for Mega Beedrill. Not sure about No Guard on Mega Pidgeot though, since the only move that really takes advantage of it is Hurricane. Everything else Pidgeot learns is 90% accuracy or higher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites