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Following chunks' lead, is anyone interested in some online DS play? My Friend Codes are:

  • 42 All-Time Classics (aka Clubhouse Games)
    1074 6164 6395
  • Animal Crossing: Wild World
    5197 7954 2160 [updated]
  • Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
    0731 0113 5499
  • Mario Kart DS
    2534 7096 6395

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Good Idea!

Animal Crossing: WW

3307 9914 6183

I've been playing for only a week, so I have very few things to share, I have oranges as original fruit trees, and I planted an apple, a cherry and a coconut, but I think they'll die if I dont water them! And I can't find a watering can :( So if anyone that pays a visit is so kind to give me one I'll appreciate it! In the next two weeks I won't be able to be online regularly, but I'll have the town gates open whenever I can.

By the way I live in there with my boyfriend Kiko so you may find him around if I'm not... :)

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Excellent. I've added you to my friends list now -- make sure you add me too, or we won't be able to meet up! ;(

I have pears if you'd like one of those. I'll also see if I can't get that blasted pantsless racoon to stock a watering can to bring you as well.

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  • Mario Kart DS
    0215 3711 1785

I rarely play online anymore, but if a bunch of Thumbers want to go a few rounds, I'm game.

BTW, I know this is beating a dead horse, but FRIEND CODES SUCK.

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Added my Friend Code for 42 All-Time Classics. Anyone who wants to boost their world rank at pretty much anything please add me to your roster... :fart:

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Here's my Friend Codes that I have at the moment:

  • 42 All-Time Classics:
    0688 0739 3309
  • Mario Kart DS:
    1546 7964 2263
  • StarFox: Command:
    4120 7602 0503
  • Metroid Prime: Hunters:
    1976 4067 9309

I added Wrestlevania and lobotomy42 to Mario Kart and Wrestlevania also to 42 All-Time Classics. Maybe we can get some wifi gaming sometimes.

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  • Animal Crossing: Wild World
    5197 7954 2160 [updated]

Having caught up on some reading about other people's experiences playing Animal Crossing, I decided to reset my village as I hadn't really been playing the game very well. Crazy I know--especially as the museum was almost full--but it just wasn't coming together as it should. (The map layout was also pretty shite.)

So, shiny new village with a tiny little shack in it and lots and lots of peaches! Doors are open; post your codes and come on over.

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Animal Crossing: Wild World

2319 9639 0376

I'm not online that much, due to there being no wireless routers around here right now. But I'll be there eventually.

I've added jaf and Wrestlevania.

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I've added jaf and Wrestlevania.

Likewise! :woohoo:

I bought Metroid Prime Hunters at the weekend and have added Kolzig to my friends roster. I've not actually taken the game online as yet (I was too busy watching Kill Bill (Vol. I) for the first time last night), so haven't been assigned my own Friend Code at this point, but I'll post it this evening.

Thinking out loud: I reckon Twitter would be damned useful in notifying other Thumbs when you want to play something...

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Okay Wrestlevania, I hope we can get some online gaming with Metroid and other games. I pretty much suck at Metroid, I haven't played it in a while.

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Hey, I'm trying to get back into AC, as it's been a while. Last night I spent some time eliminating months of weed build-up and now I'm trying to work out some nice landscaping. I'm also going to start adding the people from in here, therefor:



Name is, of course, Miffy. Town is named Stark. I couldn't think of anything better, so I just went with a TLJ reference. This was before Dreamfall was released and kinda disappointing. Oh well.

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By the way, don't expect me to be on too much, as my only free gaming time comes at odd hours of the day. 'Course, with a whole bunch of European thumbs, this may actually work out better. At any rate, hopefully I'll start bumping into people sooner or later.

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Hey, I'm trying to get back into AC, as it's been a while. Last night I spent some time eliminating months of weed build-up and now I'm trying to work out some nice landscaping. I'm also going to start adding the people from in here, therefor:



Name is, of course, Miffy. Town is named Stark. I couldn't think of anything better, so I just went with a TLJ reference. This was before Dreamfall was released and kinda disappointing. Oh well.

hah, yeah i hate when you turn it on for the first time in ages and its just weeds and letters from your mom and everyone saying wow where have you been! I'm currnetly having trouble disabling the security on my router but as soon as i do im putting up my code! add me im sick of oranges!

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ok animal crossing - 309336237325. ALL my other games are un-wiry. which is a pity. my farm in harvest moon deserves to be shown off. name - jo. town - cuteypie. gay gay gay!

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Mario Karto DS:



Is there some kind of sites that let friend exchange friend codes and see when they're online? Cuz that'd be pretty nice... (if not the thumbs should be the first to do it! :shifty:)

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Is there some kind of sites that let friend exchange friend codes and see when they're online? Cuz that'd be pretty nice... (if not the thumbs should be the first to do it! :shifty:)

If you'd like to make the arrangments with Nintendo Corporation of Japan, then sure. :blink:

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Guest great
Mario Karto DS:



Is there some kind of sites that let friend exchange friend codes and see when they're online? Cuz that'd be pretty nice... (if not the thumbs should be the first to do it! :shifty:)

Yes there is but I don't know his name I just heard from some friends that they have that program but I don't want to know his name. So keep looking.:grin:

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As I recall, Nintendo's website had some "Here's a list of all the users that are currently playing Animal Crossing/Mario Kart online!" thing when the service first launched. It may still exist, I just can't be arsed to check.

EDIT: I could be arsed.

It's not quite as awesome as I remembered it, it's just a random group of 20 people who've logged in in the last 15 minutes in your region. Still, better than nothing. Also, weird coincidence, the guy who's at the top of my 360 Guitar Hero leaderboard is playing AC:WW right now. So says Nintendo, anyway.

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So I finally got my USB Wifi thing and...

  • Mario Kart

    360857 303296

  • Final Fantasy III

    047346 222344

I've had FFIII for ages now but never had the Wifi working to unlock all the extra stuff so if anyone would be willing to send me messages a couple of times I would be very, very grateful

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Time to update a bit with Worms: Open Warfare 2.

Here's my Friend Codes that I have at the moment:

  • 42 All-Time Classics:
    0688 0739 3309
  • Mario Kart DS:
    1546 7964 2263
  • StarFox: Command:
    4120 7602 0503
  • Metroid Prime: Hunters:
    1976 4067 9309
  • Worms: Open Warfare 2:
    4897 4042 1946

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So, um, anybody pick up Advance Wars: Days of Ruin? I'm only a little bit into the campaign but would love to get some Idle Thumbs portable-strategizing going on.

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