
Twin Peaks Rewatch 39: The Return, Part 5

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Twin Peaks Rewatch 39:

Twin Peaks Rewatch 39

The Return, Part 5
With the premiere event behind us, it's time for the first truly weekly installment of Twin Peaks season three. We're thrown headfirst into Dougie Jones' work life, we're given the identity of the John Doe in South Dakota (or are we?), we get our first glimpse at the next generation of Twin Peaks' troubled teens. And crucially, we finally learn why Dr. Jacoby wanted all those shovels. It's an episode full of setup, new characters, and new places. Where we're going from here is almost impossible to predict, and it feels great to be along for the ride.


Original post: We're about ten hours away from episode 5, so here is a thread!


aby thoughts you have before, during, or after the episode, put them here!


(And as usual you can also write to twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net too.)

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I want to say I read somewhere Morleys are a common fake cigarette brand across movies due to the reuse of props across productions, but they became associated with the X-Files due to the frequent appearances of the Cigarette Smoking Man

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An interesting note about the bar scene that I didn't realize: the guy that takes the money is the jerk deputy that makes a snide comment about the Log Lady, and the guy giving him the money is listed in the credits as "Richard Horne".

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3 minutes ago, JustFlo said:

Was that new music by Badalamenti over the end credits?


Not sure. It might have also been from Johnny Jewel's (Chromatics) solo album that just came out which apparently has music in the new series as well.


EDIT: Yeah, it sounds like the song Windswept from his album of the same title was it.

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Thanks MechaTofuPirate. I love Angelo's music so much, been waiting for some new pieces 😊


Excellent episode again. Constantly twisting. Serisously, did ANYBODY guess the mystery of the spray painted shovels????


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21 minutes ago, LadyHawke said:

Weren't Morley's the X-Files fake brand?


I looked them up, they have a Wikipedia entry. They're a commonly used fake brand, dating back to the 60s. I think it's like that prop newspaper that's been circulated for decades, rented out by the same prop house over and over.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were specifically a nod to the X-Files, though, given Mark Frost's tastes.

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1 minute ago, JustFlo said:

Serisously, did ANYBODY guess the mystery of the spray painted shovels????


That was my reaction when I saw Jacoby's bit. "NOBODY guessed correctly, there's no way!"

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6 minutes ago, JustFlo said:

Thanks MechaTofuPirate. I love Angelo's music so much, been waiting for some new pieces 😊


Excellent episode again. Constantly twisting. Serisously, did ANYBODY guess the mystery of the spray painted shovels????



Didn't Chris and Jake speculate that it would end up being something meaningless? I think that's the closest anyone could reasonably get. Loved it.

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So looks like we finally have our answer on if the Missing Pieces are canon. The Bowie scenes from Missing Pieces where he was in that hotel before and after he is in the FBI office were in Buenos Aires, which we see in this episode where that little electronic box turns into a little stone after dopplecoop makes his phonecall.


Also calling it now, Amanda Seyfried's character is the new Laura Palmer. She's going to get murdered and that's what's going to bring the investigation to Twin Peaks.

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After the silent drape runners, it seems like a natural progression.


Btw, hello everyone, been listening to the podcast, finally decided to sign up 😊

Edited by JustFlo

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Jacoby scene is the new Invitation to Love. Makes total sense that the paranoid Youtube ravings of an aging baby boomer would become the new show everyone in town watches. Amazing.


I'm so on edge for real Cooper returning. It makes me actively nervous while watching the show, which is why I'm so glad they exploded that Chekov's car bomb sooner rather than later.

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So the corpse with the missing head and the military classification on the prints was Major Briggs, as most assumed. But he had Dougie's wedding band in his stomach? That's odd, has to be a deliberate plant. But was he possibly used to help create Dougie as well?

Cooper's scenes continue to be hilarious, and Bad Coop seems to be in much better shape this episode than I assumed he'd be after the state he was in last time. There's so much to unpack in this one despite not a lot moving forward on the whole. Need to watch it again.

Also, nice little nod to Don Davis by naming Ernie Hudson's character Colonel Davis.

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Dougie shedding a tear while empathizing with Sonny Jim almost made me shed a tear.

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Was he empathizing? I read that scene as a part of the real Cooper realizing what it means to have missed the past 25 years of his life. It was truly heartbreaking.

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That's how I read it too.


And I guess instead of an exploding car waiting for one of the Coopers, we now have Jim Belushi.


Also Mike is still hanging around Twin Peaks as just some kind of a business douche.

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5 minutes ago, Argobot said:

Was he empathizing? I read that scene as a part of the real Cooper realizing what it means to have missed the past 25 years of his life. It was truly heartbreaking.

Oh that's interesting. I took it as empathy - Sonny Jim looked so upset.

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Various thoughts/observations

  • This episode felt very dense. 
  • Was that Truman's sister or wife?
  • Random office guy slurping down a green tea latte cracked me up.
  • The RR diner scene with Norma and Shelley was terrific. Peggy Lipton and Mädchen Amick have aged impossibly well.
  • I have no idea what to make of the Major Briggs stuff ("I do standup on the weekends")

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1 hour ago, LadyHawke said:

Weren't Morley's the X-Files fake brand?

I came here to post this! A fun little bit of recursive referencing. The X-files featured many Twin Peaks cast members after Peaks wrapped up and The X-files began. And now we get this little nod. I love it.


When Jacoby started livestreaming the only thing that I could think of is Chris excitedly exclaiming "Outrageous!"

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Dougie/Cooper continues to be a delight to watch. I loved the elevator scene with him being with his back to the door and not moving, and right on cue EVERYBODY being annoyed. 


Also, maybe it's just me, but the music that played right when the female drug addict neighbor woke up and looked at the kid/her son  had me on edge - with seemingly nothing happening. Lynch is a genius with creating unease like that.

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-This episode was great, but maaannnn New Sheriff Truman's nagging caricature of a wife bummed me the fuck out. C'mon guys. We can do better than this.


-I loved the melancholy ending with Cooper standing helplessly by the statue over the end credits; I also loved the scene with that absolutely terrifying dude smoking in the bar. However, it really felt like the band in the background was meant to close out the episode but then for whatever reason that didn't work out. Some might chalk this up to Lynch deliberately messing with our expectations, but I think it's more likely just an awkward side effect of them finding all the episodes in editing. I'm starting to question whether or not the weekly one hour format actually makes much sense for this show, or if it would have made more sense carved up into different sized chunks. Sometimes it feels like the internal 'chapters' don't always line up with where the hour begins or ends


-Can we all take a moment to appreciate Jacoby's incredible mixture of a century's worth of audio visual technology? 


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