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About zerofiftyone

  • Rank
    Sore Thumb
  • Birthday 02/18/1991

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    Birmingham, UK

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  1. WIZARD JAM X - Welcome Thread

    Hmm I think you might be the first to mention it!
  2. WIZARD JAM X - Welcome Thread

    Honestly, being reminded that there's a sizeable bunch of people who have started making games as a result of wizard jam is the most satisfying thing to me. Thanks for making the last five years of doing these so memorable, folks. ❤
  3. WIZARD JAM X - Welcome Thread

  4. [Release] Shoehorned (renamed All Must Fall)

    This is incredibly exciting to watch develop
  5. [(Somewhat) Released] Build the Nublar Evolved

    Yeah same. In fact, I think I've moved twice since then.
  6. [(Somewhat) Released] Build the Nublar Evolved

    I was actually thinking of your Rich Uncle Cool Uncle game just the other day, and that's even older!
  7. [Dev Log] Mystery of the Ravens

    This is cool! Very nice to see this collab happen
  8. [dev log] A Wish Upon A Star

    Great stuff, it's starting to look like an actually satisfying puzzle!
  9. [Dev Log] To Me, To Me, To Me

    This is a really great idea for a unique control scheme.
  10. [(Somewhat) Released] Build the Nublar Evolved

    This style is so good! Also wow, was the original made during Wizard Jam 2?! That feels like so long ago now!
  11. [dev log] A Wish Upon A Star

    Love this. Currently reminds me a little of a game I played for IGF called No Place. Excited to see where you go with it
  12. WIZARD JAM 7 // Team Seeking

    Ahhh that sounds like a fun time