Sean Posted March 24, 2015 Dota Today 17: Aui_2000: Sean and James sit down with Aui_2000 fresh off of his Dota Asia Championship win! Game Discussed: Dota 2 Listen on the Episode Page Subscribe and rate us on iTunes Subscribe to the RSS Feed Subscribe on Soundcloud Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 24, 2015 SO EXCITED FOR THIS.My bf loves Dota 2 & I'm pretty ambivalent, but I find Aui to be an incredibly endearing figure, which is why I tweeted a while back to recommend him on the show. I don't know how much that actually influences guest picks, but I'm really glad this happened.. I think his youtube replay videos are fun to listen to even without a knowledge/understanding/passion for the game & makes me so happy. Aui_2cozy & his snuggie are the best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ewokskick Posted March 24, 2015 It's so good. Aui_2cozy is pretty great. It's interesting hearing about the intense atmosphere of C9 vs the more casual atmosphere of EG. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sclpls Posted March 24, 2015 I've noticed when pro support players stream they tend to random a lot more than pros who play carries or core heroes. Not sure what accounts for that, or if it is just a coincidence of the streamers I watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robotslave Posted March 24, 2015 I'm as irked as Sean with the preposterously long qualifiers for tournaments. It seems we're saddled with these because organizers have collectively jettisoned the round-robin format for early phases of tournaments. Presumably because they were too long, teams didn't care about a lot of the matches, and fans didn't tune in. So they replaced it with a process that takes even longer, teams don't bother to prepare for, and fans don't watch? And I'm double irked with the lack of good information about tournament schedules. This has always bothered me, but I guess Sean is experiencing more of it now that he's watching more games than he's playing. The issue, as far as I can make out, is that tournament organizers provide almost no scheduling information at all until the matches are entered into the client, and as Sean mentioned, the client knows nothing about brackets. Fine for the players, I suppose, but the rest of us would like to know, well in advance, at least what day a given bracket pairing is going to be held on. And then you have very silly things like The Summit 3 SEA final of the qualifiers finishing before the Chinese phase 1 competitors are even selected. It's going to be *two months* between Rave's qualifier win and their first game at the finals. Maybe that's OK for a competition held every four years, like the Olympics or the World Cup, but it seems like a crappy way to treat teams participating in a "casual" (scare-quoted for purse size) tourney. As far as I can tell, there's very little communication between news sites like Gosugamers on the one hand, and tournament organizers on the other. And tournament organizers don't seem to feel the need to update web sites with basic information about their tournaments, either. When they have a web site at all, we get a tournament announcement with start and end dates and an initial list of participants, then zilch until a match is listed in client (and on the news sites via API), often as not less than 24 hours before it begins. And that's poop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ewokskick Posted March 25, 2015 I agree about the qualifiers. I think Dreamhack has the best solution to this (after being the worst offender last season). They have 3 categories for teams. Those directly invited, those who are invited the qualifier finals, and an open qualifier. To me that makes the most sense because it gives new teams a chance still without making established teams play through a full open/semi-open qualifier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted March 25, 2015 It appears I am thankfully the dissenting opinion here, because I did not enjoy this episode at all. I'd usually not say anything when that happens, but I want to offer feedback so the show continues to be good. I am not sure of the right word, but your guest was very standoffish(?). Aloof, maybe? It felt like you guys were trying to feed answers to make them longer than a few words. He doesn't talk to his teammates, he doesn't talk to former teammates, he doesn't think pro-am leagues are good, he doesn't have a system for practice, he contradicted himself in back to back sentences... I didn't feel like I learned anything about his team, or anything in Dota or gaming at large except he wants all the lords to be deleted and the satellite tournaments are too long. It sounds like he is a high profile player coming off of a big tournament win, so I understand why he'd be a really big grab as a guest. Without him seeming willing to talk about anything at length I didn't get any interesting insights or fun stories of previous episodes. Unfortunately I feel like I'm being critical without being constructive. Having defined topics to discuss seems like it's pretty important? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sean Posted March 25, 2015 It appears I am thankfully the dissenting opinion here, because I did not enjoy this episode at all. I'd usually not say anything when that happens, but I want to offer feedback so the show continues to be good. I am not sure of the right word, but your guest was very standoffish(?). Aloof, maybe? It felt like you guys were trying to feed answers to make them longer than a few words. He doesn't talk to his teammates, he doesn't talk to former teammates, he doesn't think pro-am leagues are good, he doesn't have a system for practice, he contradicted himself in back to back sentences... I didn't feel like I learned anything about his team, or anything in Dota or gaming at large except he wants all the lords to be deleted and the satellite tournaments are too long. It sounds like he is a high profile player coming off of a big tournament win, so I understand why he'd be a really big grab as a guest. Without him seeming willing to talk about anything at length I didn't get any interesting insights or fun stories of previous episodes. Unfortunately I feel like I'm being critical without being constructive. Having defined topics to discuss seems like it's pretty important? Aui is/was a really tough interview. It seems like your actual argument is "you shouldn't have publishes this because I didn't like it." But assuming we don't have pre-defined topics, haven't done research, etc etc. is wrong. 99% of an interview is not the questions you ask -- making a list of good/hard questions is easy. An interview is about reading the tone of a conversation and getting someone to open up so it flows like a back and forth conversation between two people who trust each other. Our conversation with Blitz is a great example of that. The thing is, for a lot of "newly known people" (ie: Aui is a "name" but hasn't been for more than a few years) you have to straddle this line between knowing tons about them already (to do your job) but communicating that you don't in order to not make him or her feel uncomfortable. Striking that tone is really hard and Aui is a very guarded person. He may not have shared with you some magical insights but you did get an honest glimpse of who he is a person and how he perceives his own career and life. If you didn't like that, that's fine, but it's not quite right to assume our process or preparation because you didn't like the interview. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted March 25, 2015 Apologies. If I came off as implying that I thought you weren't prepared in some way then that is my fault, because I don't think that. And I am sincere saying that I'm glad all the feedback prior was positive. No, I did not like it and I am frustrated by that. Yes, I am happy you published. On reflection, my frustration is with Aui himself, who I knew nothing about coming in and still know nothing. I just didn't want to post a completely unredeemable pile, which means I probably shouldn't have posted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted March 25, 2015 I'm gonna counter Badfinger and just say this is my favorite episode since the 'cast came back with the new structure! I really enjoyed it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted March 26, 2015 It's not a competition dangit! I was trying to be constructive and I realize I've just come off as whiny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted March 26, 2015 Or is it?! Nah I was gonna say that anyway but then you were already here saying the opposite! Hah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ewokskick Posted March 26, 2015 It appears I am thankfully the dissenting opinion here, because I did not enjoy this episode at all. I'd usually not say anything when that happens, but I want to offer feedback so the show continues to be good. I am not sure of the right word, but your guest was very standoffish(?). Aloof, maybe? It felt like you guys were trying to feed answers to make them longer than a few words. He doesn't talk to his teammates, he doesn't talk to former teammates, he doesn't think pro-am leagues are good, he doesn't have a system for practice, he contradicted himself in back to back sentences... I didn't feel like I learned anything about his team, or anything in Dota or gaming at large except he wants all the lords to be deleted and the satellite tournaments are too long. It sounds like he is a high profile player coming off of a big tournament win, so I understand why he'd be a really big grab as a guest. Without him seeming willing to talk about anything at length I didn't get any interesting insights or fun stories of previous episodes. Unfortunately I feel like I'm being critical without being constructive. Having defined topics to discuss seems like it's pretty important? You should watch an AUI replay analysis. He basically loses his train of thought every other sentence. He's kind of a savant. He'll say brilliant stuff one moment and then stumble over his words the next. Overall, I think that part of aui came through. I think they got some honest insight from him. I do think the episode would have been a little better if it was released closer to the end of DAC when it was recorded. Either way, I think Aui said a lot of interesting stuff for people who follow competitive dota. Edit: I do think the blitz interview was a bit better, but Blitz just seems like the kind of guy who really wants to tell you all his amazing stories. He's probably an interviewer's dream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robotslave Posted March 26, 2015 Aui is/was a really tough interview. Can't argue that it sounded like a difficult interview, but it did seem like there were a few times where he might have opened up a bit if you hadn't cut in with a question, or if you'd just allowed him to interrupt you. In particular, there was one point early in the show where it seemed Aui wanted to say something about SumaiL's recovery in the last game of DAC, but you didn't let him say it because you weren't finished spooling out your question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
undermind9 Posted March 26, 2015 i am glad Dota Today got a release with that sweet sweet opening The content was a brief insight to a player who i suspect does not take a lot of interviews - or maybe not interviews with the kinds of insightful questions being asked. The usual esport interview may more closely inspect match specific situations and events (ex: why did you prioritize your Q over E and X item over Y in this ABC team comp) Additionally - based on the flow of conversation could it be the skype delay caused some interruption/cut-in issue. Coupled with his clear multi-tasking (presumably match prep) & personality the natural pauses and cadence of speech the interruption was exasperated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 26, 2015 i am glad Dota Today got a release with that sweet sweet opening The content was a brief insight to a player who i suspect does not take a lot of interviews - or maybe not interviews with the kinds of insightful questions being asked. The usual esport interview may more closely inspect match specific situations and events (ex: why did you prioritize your Q over E and X item over Y in this ABC team comp) Additionally - based on the flow of conversation could it be the skype delay caused some interruption/cut-in issue. Coupled with his clear multi-tasking (presumably match prep) & personality the natural pauses and cadence of speech the interruption was exasperated He said in the Dota 2 subreddit that he just clicks and highlights text as he's thinking as a habit, and that that's what that frantic clicking was. Here's the link to the interview he referred to. He's the most adorable human, and the image of him being a janitor at a preschool is so endearing to me. I'm sad that it didn't come across to more people in this Dota Today ep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sclpls Posted March 26, 2015 You should watch an AUI replay analysis. He basically loses his train of thought every other sentence. He's kind of a savant. He'll say brilliant stuff one moment and then stumble over his words the next. Overall, I think that part of aui came through. I think they got some honest insight from him. I do think the episode would have been a little better if it was released closer to the end of DAC when it was recorded. Either way, I think Aui said a lot of interesting stuff for people who follow competitive dota. Edit: I do think the blitz interview was a bit better, but Blitz just seems like the kind of guy who really wants to tell you all his amazing stories. He's probably an interviewer's dream. I agree with all of this. Aui is clearly not much of a public speaker, but lets be real, most of us aren't. Some people are naturally good at it, but most of us have to put some work into it. I've gotten pretty decent at giving a simple presentation to a group of 30 or so people, but it took me awhile to get there. In other contexts I'm still pretty lousy. I notice this playing DOTA for example. I'm so concentrated on my own play that when I'm trying to communicate with my teammates I frequently trail off and don't finish sentences. I'm sure it is annoying, and I need to work on it. I bet Blitz put in the time on his public speaking skills if his approach to DOTA and casting, and the anecdote about his sister offering up constructive criticism is anything to go by. Anyway, despite some awkwardness, I enjoyed the episode, and I would strongly recommend people check out Aui's replay analysis series. I started watching it after listening to the cast, and I definitely am learning a lot from it, and expect my DOTA game to improve as a result. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyturner Posted March 27, 2015 Aui_2000, good get! I love that you guys are consistently getting the mellow dudes of Dota. Do you guys have any connections to EU dota? Maybe Blitz? S4 seems rad.I guess I can see why some people here thought he was standoffish; he isn't really a voice of Dota and doesn't really have his banter down, but then he's not really that guy. I didn't really find him self-contradictory though. The closest he really got was waffling over the importance of MMR, but I thought he made himself pretty clear; all pros probably have a high MMR, but not all players with high MMR can make it as pros.How would you guys approach interviewing a Dota rogue like Sing Sing or EE or noted interview trolls like Puppey? Would you even want to?Well, you'd obviously would WANT to, but I imagine it would be daunting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sclpls Posted March 27, 2015 Hahaha a Puppey DOTA Today interview would be incredible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prawks Posted March 29, 2015 Really really enjoyed this episode, one of my favorites, I've gotta say. I wasn't too familiar with Aui as a person beforehand, but I feel like I got a good amount of insight into how he approaches the game. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about at all, but I was very impressed with his thoughts and insights about the scene, practice, and his future. The flow of the interview had a couple hiccups, but they didn't bother me much. I guess there might be some rough edges, but I really love the new format. You guys had some great questions, and I think it's very cool to see interviews with DOTA personalities in this kind of casual setting, focused so well on Aui the person. Keep doing what you're doing because it's great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robotslave Posted March 29, 2015 If you ever do get a chance to talk to Puppey, even if isn't for a full interview, then please, please ask him whether he is a seven foot giant, or if he just refuses to play with any teammate over 5'2". This question consumes me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sean Posted March 31, 2015 If you ever do get a chance to talk to Puppey, even if isn't for a full interview, then please, please ask him whether he is a seven foot giant, or if he just refuses to play with any teammate over 5'2". This question consumes me.I have talked to Puppey in real life and he is very tall. Dendi is also very tall. I am 5'11 and they are both a good three (Dendi) to five (Puppey) inches taller than me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted April 1, 2015 (If anyone continues to be interested in the beautiful romance between Aui_2000 & Universe, Universe posted another music video yesterday.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drakka Posted April 7, 2015 So cute. I love seeing players having fun just bringing joy to the community. I have talked to Puppey in real life and he is very tall. Dendi is also very tall. I am 5'11 and they are both a good three (Dendi) to five (Puppey) inches taller than me. Who cares, I guess, but he's a couple inches taller than me when standing next to him. So, Puppey is around 6'7"-6'8" (even taller looking with his puffy hair). Dendi looks shorter because he's so lanky, but he might be 6'2" or 6'3". It's tough to tell with his Vanaman posture. And Sheever is an amazon at like 6'4" or so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mawd Posted April 9, 2015 I really enjoyed getting back into Dota Today with this episode. I found it interesting hearing about his team/player dynamics and you guys talking about things like team re-shuffles and the like. As a competitive player and captain in a suuper niche game I still get how playing comp in any game can work to turn you into a dickbag if you're not careful as you work to establish (or bemoan the lack of) some kind of team synergy in a public game. Maybe I didn't learn a whole bunch about Dota 2 this episode but it did get me questioning about where I want to be as a player of competitive games after my current season and that form of discussion was what I found super interesting. p.s after listening to the Blitz and Aui 2000 interviews back to back I might've muddled up episode details here but both were super fun to listen to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites