
Online Tabletop Role-Playing Extravaganza

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So I realised I'd made a pre-existing commitment on the day I was going to run our first session. That'll mean I'll have to run it a little earlier than I wanted, and cut it a little short. I'm sorry for this.


I'll need to finish up at around 6:30 CST, and will want to start as early as we can manage. We'll do what we can in that time, and we'll have a full, proper session next fortnight. If we can't manage it, maybe we'll try and do character creation here so we can launch straight into it next time.


I can probably be free at 4:30pm CST on Fridays if I work from home.

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Yeah I've been meaning to update, but then there was some question about whether or not we had enough people for Reyturner's game, as well, plus some people said they'd be down for either and I didn't want to put their names in both if they could only commit to one, etc. I'll update now with pertinent information. A google doc might be best but I've no idea how to set that stuff up beyond just opening it up to everyone who needs to edit. D:


Merus: I just realized I misread your post and thought you were saying we'd start at 6:30. Well, my supplied time preference still applies! I did notice that originally you said 8, which would be perfect for me. Whatever works best for you, though, I'll try to work in. Can I get an exact date we're starting, as per cyrix's suggestion/request?


Reyturner: Do you think you'll have enough people, or would you just rather play Merus' game? I see a few "I'm up for either"s and "I'm up for both"s, but I don't want to speak for you. I'm leaving your game in the OP, for now, though.

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I was expecting to have Saturday afternoon free, which is what time it is for me, but I forgot I had agreed to attend an elaborate birthday party. Given the early start, if you can't make it, that's fine, and we'll do some preparatory stuff in the thread.


Edit: this is just for this first session, we'll normally start a lot later.

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Okay sounds good.


The only people who've not said anything now are SuperBiasedMan, Jutranjo, and Gwardinen, who are all Euro time and I suspect can't commit to something which I believe is smack-dab in the middle of the night for them. ):


Which means Reyturner's game has two people committed, and Merus' has four.


Korax did say he'd be willing to fill in an empty spot in Reyturner's if there was one, but I'm waiting for confirmation (?!) before doing that for him.


I also said the same thing, but I'm not actually sure that I want to commit to doing a thing every week.

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i'd love to play but theres no way i could commit to something on a consistent basis, especially with the holiday/winter season coming - work gets nuts & we host things on the weekend =/



also ive never played anything like this, so i'd be an uber noob on an inconsistent basis

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the whole reason we're doing this is because everyone's an uber noob (and a good GM delights in having a new player in their games because the noobs tend to have the most fun and they haven't seen the usual tricks yet)


I'm keeping the holiday season in mind.


I think it's also worth remembering that people will want to join mid-game, which is often a great opportunity, so you're welcome to join when you've got some stability.

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Okay sounds good.


The only people who've not said anything now are SuperBiasedMan, Jutranjo, and Gwardinen, who are all Euro time and I suspect can't commit to something which I believe is smack-dab in the middle of the night for them. ):


Which means Reyturner's game has two people committed, and Merus' has four.


Korax did say he'd be willing to fill in an empty spot in Reyturner's if there was one, but I'm waiting for confirmation (?!) before doing that for him.


I also said the same thing, but I'm not actually sure that I want to commit to doing a thing every week.


Yeah, I can't do american timezones, so just count me out for now.

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If there are three to four people who want to play D&D every two weeks starting on the 21st, then I will run that game at ~8pm pst

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I'm still good for D&D, if needed.


I haven't done much with Numenera, but from what I've read, a short first session seems like it would be enough to get character backgrounds and relationships hammered out, and then further creation completed later.

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All right then Reyturner's game has three players!

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I think it helps by a lot that you folks are gonna do an evening of RP, instead of a post-by-post thing.

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Well you guys should do it the right way now, cause there are some EURO THUMBS who can't play with the two games currently planned because time zones you jerks get your act together lu and toblix

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I'm fine with whatever, I suppose. There's also the Idle Thumbs Mumble server.


Also, I put in the OP that Reyturner's sessions begin Nov. 21, and Merus' Nov. 28. Is that correct?

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Oops that was originally a C, but I decided to go with P since it's more commonly used. (At least in my experience.) Anyway, fixed.

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I'd be interested in this. Friday and Saturday evenings Euro time or maybe Sunday afternoon. Twice a month at most.

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I'd be interested in this. Friday and Saturday evenings Euro time or maybe Sunday afternoon. Twice a month at most.


I would not mind participating in a late Saturday morning CST game with all of the EuroThumbs.


Also I just realized I will be out of the country for a bit in late december/early January so I may have to miss out on a few sessions which is a bummer but at least by then we should all be somewhat familiar with the game and universe so it shouldn't be too hard to get back into it. 

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Oh, if we start Nov. 28, that'll be great. This Saturday was going to be tricky for me, and I might be able to spend the time acquiring some gear for a costume party I was otherwise going to half-ass.


I'd like to do a tech test at some point, though.

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Oh I thought we were starting on that day, anyway. Well whatever. I don't work that day (day after Thanksgiving, a holiday that no one cares about but everyone gets work off anyway), so I'm definitely completely free.

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Welp, it has started to happen. Someone in my current Sunday game on Roll20 posted "is sunday set in stone for everyone?" which most likely spells the beginning of the end of this game 2 sessions in :P

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