
Idle Thumbs 169: On Blade

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Idle Thumbs 168:


On Blade

Things have really gone to hell. It's all a big cacophonous mess. Sean and Danielle gave up the podcasting for a life of dealing drugs aboard a cruise ship to a man who worships John Madden. Jake just plays the same old games every night, a worthless old man. Chris... well who can even tell anymore? Yeah I know. Very, very off blade.

Games Discussed: Velvet Sundown, The Last Of Us: Remastered

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To all of you unaware with what that is before listening to the pod, please, delight yourselves with these. 




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I may have missed it in the discussion, but did anyone on the cast realize that the Harry Potter movies totally do the Boyhood thing?

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I may have missed it in the discussion, but did anyone on the cast realize that the Harry Potter movies totally do the Boyhood thing?


No, but Boyhood has a few scenes where the kids does Harry Potter-related things over the years and all of them made me feel strange.

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Sean: origin of the term.



The original waifu meme was just people quoting an Engrish line from the 2002 anime Azumanga Daioh that somehow outlived the rest of the series' memetic status. In the original context, the joke was that nobody believed that Kimura (the lecherous, creepy-ass teacher) could possibly have such an attractive wife, and for a while it's left deliberately ambiguous as to whether or not she's really his wife or just some random woman he has a picture of.

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The actual point of Velvet Sundown is to convince everyone on the ship that the environmentalist's petition is actually about legalizing whale bestiality and not to sign it.

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For a moment, when Chris accidentally says that the thousand monkeys on typewriters are writing the complete works of Hitler, I experienced a moment of panic that it wouldn't be commented upon. I'm so glad I was wrong!


Also, dammit Tegan. Otaku etymology is my hobbyhorse!



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Majesco has had such a weird, bipolar history. Someone needs to map out the relationship chart that connects those Nickelodeon GBA videos, A Boy and His Blob, Psychonauts, and Go Play Lumberjacks.

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Okay, having listened to the whole thing now, I really agree with Chris that having a number on a review is sometimes important. This is a reversal of my usual position, but hearing Sean say that his gut reaction to a two-star review out of five (which Tom tells us just means "I didn't like it," in a spectrum of "I hated it," "I liked it," I really liked it," and "I loved it") was that the game should have "caught his PS4 on fire, burned down his house, and killed his dog" leaves me feeling that there's something visceral in the way humanity (or at least internet culture) reacts to numbers that makes them an important part of a particularly divisive review.


Of course, the downside are the hundreds of trolls who piled onto Tom's one-star Halo 4 review to claim that they hadn't played the game themselves yet, but common sense told them that it's impossible for the sequel to a five-star game to be less than five stars itself. Those people make me think that the only number that should be in a review is the date it was posted.

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While I'm not invested enough in Game of Thrones to care about it, and even if I were it'd be my own fault for being so far behind, I did think that spoiler was pretty pointless. But whatever, I might never even finish the second book.

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Games Discussed: The Last Of Us: Remastered
SWEET! haven't got that far in the cast yet, i hope some of you have had the chance to play through the left behind DLC. It was my 2013 DLCOTY

I'm never going back!



Lost "We have to go back" gags (used sparingly) are the fucking best! i don't even care :getmecoat

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I'm now imagining a re-release of Jaws: Unleashed as something similar to Goat Simulator.  

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As soon as Chris said the words "Halo 2" I knew it was going to be the Neil Diamond dance party.  I can't wait for Chris to retell this story with Destiny where you can actually dance.

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My waifu-like misuse of a word as a child story:


For my 9th birthday, I got a copy of Green Day's Dookie from an aunt who saw the cartoon artwork on the front and really didn't know better. I played that cassette to death, and quickly memorized all of the lyrics. In the song Basket Case, there's a verse: "I went to a shrink/To analyze my dreams/She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down/I went to a whore/She said my life's a bore/So quit my whining cause it's bringing her down." Being the logically minded child I was, I assumed based on this that whore was a synonym for psychologist.


I don't remember the details of the conversation with my friends later on where I used the word whore when I was talking about a psychologist, but they never let me live that one down.

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So.....Velvet Sundown = Space Station 13? but in 3D....




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I've been considering naming my Gardevoir in Pokémon X after some waifu joke, but I can't think of one.



(because Gardevoir's fanbase is pretty... well...)

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I'm surprised no mention was really made about Linklater's "Before" series when discussing Boyhood. If for no other reason than it brings into sharp relief that what's remarkable about boyhood as a concept, is not just the synchronisation of actor/character ageing but the combination of the starting age of the actors, and the fact it all takes place within one coherent sequence. With sequels being the mainstay of Holywood we actually see characters/actors growing old on screen quite a lot, we just don't see them growing up.


Harry Potter is a intresting one to consider because of how prominent it was in pop culture, but I feel perhaps that franchise's directors were often trying to conceal what Boyhood might be trying to capture. I'm not sure why, but I feel perhaps we saw the actors age more off screen, than we did on screen.

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I don't think I could ever play Velvet Sundown, because my brain would be blaring the Super Mario 2 music at all times while playing.






...This post was also going to contain Pony Thread simulator, but my better judgement got in the way.

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Those ADHD videos from Fox or whoever is paying for it are never to be trusted. The hedgehog rubbing feces on it's back is not entirely correct. Hedgehogs will typically do this for any foreign material but it doesn't have to be poop and usually tends to be foods they haven't eaten it's never their own crap, so there's not a ton to worry about if you have a lone hedgehog without foreign fecal matter in the tank. Plus they usually put the foreign material in one spot as if they are making a collection on their back, they don't splatter it all over them like the video. The bad animation just plays it up for laughs but is not really informative about the "self anointing practice."

So realistically, if you own a hedgehog, you will see them do this but you will probably see they end up with spots on their back from a new food you introduced, like purple from grapes, or orange from carrots. You can get a sort of color pallette going if they are usual pygmy albino and it's easy to see. There is no evidence for preference of poop as in the hedgehog brain it is just treated as yet another foreign substance.


Ugh, ADHD cartoons with their bad singing, reliance on reference humor, and ugly art. Ugh.

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...This post was also going to contain Pony Thread simulator, but my better judgement got in the way.


Don't listen to better judgment!  Better judgment hates fun.

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