Frenetic Pony

HOTS... no the other HOTS. The Lords Management one damn it!

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I have 4 hots keys for the EU battle net if anyone wants. Pm me. Moo.

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Downloading HOTS now.  I signed up for the beta ages ago, and was never notified that I got in.  Happened to click on the tab in today and saw that I could install.  Psyched to give it a whirl!!  Always really wanted to like playing DOTA2, but it never jived with my personality (also I have no real-life friends who play it, which makes the learning curve less enticing to surmount).

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I'm eRonin#6463. I added a few of you who put their battletag on here. Add me if you want to play some HotS! (Or maybe some SC2 as well maybe)

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I haven't played in a couple of weeks, but I'm a big fan. I've previously played DOTA 2 and enjoyed it despite being thoroughly mediocre. HotS is great because the rounds are so short, frankly. Very dad-friendly!

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I'm enjoying it thoroughly.  Got to the level where the daily challenge unlocks.  Love that I gain something even in losing!  I'm:




I'll be adding you all tonight.  :)

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If any of us ever reach level 40, we should totally get an Idle Thumbs Lords Management team going (I think teams can have a roster of 8 members). I'm still only level 26, so I have a long way to go.

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Still in closed beta, sorry! I haven't got any spare keys, but I know for a fact Blizz has been emailing people with multiple keys to give to others. Just gotta ask in the right places.


Edit: turns out I have a few keys! But I think they might be locked to SEA/ANZ region? I didn't realise this game was region-locked...

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Where are the keys? I'll bet I have some and I'm just too dumb to find them.

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Where are the keys? I'll bet I have some and I'm just too dumb to find them.


They should just be in whatever email account you use for I use a secondary email address for HotS so it took me a while to realise I had them.

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There seems to be a wave gone out in the EU recently. I have 4 still if anyone wants for this region.

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Just got an email for HOTS begging me to come back. Any 4 people interested in a US region beta key?


*edit: I have 4 keys. I had put one aside for a friend, but he just realized that he already had beta access.

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My GF got in as well, but she's experiencing tremendous lag. This is apparently a common problem in this game. I occasionally glitch out, but nothing detrimental. Anyone else experience this?

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My GF got in as well, but she's experiencing tremendous lag. This is apparently a common problem in this game. I occasionally glitch out, but nothing detrimental. Anyone else experience this?


Haven't played a TON of online matches, but the 10 or so I've completed have been fine lag-wise.  Maybe a hitch here or there, but nothing note-worthy.


Been sticking to offline play mostly since the matches are shorter and it's building my dexterity with the characters.  VERY happy that the daily challenges count AI matches towards their completion.  My goal is to save up enough coin to get the four basic types, then get into online play more.  Found myself a bit unmoored moment-to-moment decision-making-wise when I played online, and practicing is really showing me the strengths of the map types and AI camps.  I do wish they had a slightly tougher AI.  I imagine that'll come post-launch.


I love the free-to-play hooks.  Same with Hearthstone.  Gives me a wonderful focus for each day.  If this was a normal game, I'd play it for a bit, then drop it because I "got it".  Now I have a reason to play regularly, which also means that I'll become more skilled.  It's a win-win!

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Just got an email for HOTS begging me to come back. Any 4 people interested in a US region beta key?


*edit: I have 4 keys. I had put one aside for a friend, but he just realized that he already had beta access.


I'll take a key off your hands if you've still got a spare.

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Just got an email for HOTS begging me to come back. Any 4 people interested in a US region beta key?


*edit: I have 4 keys. I had put one aside for a friend, but he just realized that he already had beta access.

Yes, please.

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Ohh man I had the most fun game the other day where the enemy core was down to 4% health. I was playing Zeratul and while my friends went into a team fight, I rushed ahead while cloaked and started attacking the core. We won and my friends were all, huuuuh what happened??

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So I've played around 15 games of this and it seems really... easy? You just always go for the objectives and push, right? I don't see any real reason to not try and constantly push lanes except for when an objective is happening. There's no farming really. Everyone has so much health as to make attacks and abilities feel really inconsequential to use. I guess I'm not really surprised they took it so far in the other direction on the DotA-LoL scale, but it doesn't seem worth it when people still whine at you in games.


I want to keep coming back because of the unlocks happening all the damn time but that's a garbage reason to keep playing a game. Is there some level of strategy I'm just not seeing at all?

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What I get out of it is that it's basically all team fight. That and I haven't found a hero in any LMG that plays as well as Brightwing. As a healer/support at least.

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Yeah, the focus of HotS is more on team fighting and contesting objectives. There is some strategy about when you should get secondary objectives like mercenary camps but it's relatively straightforward. Early game it's hard to outright kill someone 1v1 but I would still say attacks and abilities still have an impact, forcing opponents to back before an objective pops up. 


What I like about the game is that it does cut out the farming of extended laning phases and most games don't last more than 20-30 minutes. But you're right that it's still the same basic formula as DotA and LoL and teammates will rage at mistakes (or perceived mistakes).

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