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I might actually be able to make that as well, granted I can get home from work in good time and that I calculated my local time correctly (5PM EST?)

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Ah shit, I did stupid daylight savings the wrong way. It's actually 3pm EST, not 5pm EST. Welp, definitely not going to make that. Have fun! :D


PS - thank god for Wolfram Alpha



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Damn it Sean has made me want to try this game and it just went on Halloween sale too. Do any non-Euro Thumbs still play this?

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Jason, SAM, Gormongous, myself, and Twig are all playing seemingly regularly?

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The screenshots from the last few sessions have all been from American Thumbs.  So yes, we are still playing.  Feel free to look for me, or check the Idle Thumbs Steam Group chat.  We sometimes use that as a meeting place.

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Okay neat. I'm trying to talk my brother into getting it and it sounds like it'll be more fun if we can find people other than the two of us to play. Eventually. When he builds a new PC.

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Jason, SAM, Gormongous, myself, and Twig are all playing seemingly regularly?

It's nice of you to include me even though I turned down last night's invitation (because TF2 bumper cars I'm sorry).


But yes.


Use #idlethumbs on quakenet that's where all the cool people hang out and talk about playing games together. ;_;

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It's nice of you to include me even though I turned down last night's invitation (because TF2 bumper cars I'm sorry).


But yes.


Use #idlethumbs on quakenet that's where all the cool people hang out and talk about playing games together. ;_;


You don't need to remind me about you turning down the invitation. I'll #neverforget it.

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Just bought this sucker based on that Thumbs Rec. I probably won't be able to play until the weekend (moving!) but I will be Hell Of Game to get some of this in to destress from unpacking.

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Playing this game on your own is an exercise in frustration. Too many things too handle that the AI are incapable of aiding you with.

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Playing this game on your own is an exercise in frustration. Too many things too handle that the AI are incapable of aiding you with.


The AI are capable of two things: shooting and reviving you.  And their ability to do even those things is questionable.  To accomplish anything beyond the basics, co-op is a requirement.

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Once you're leveled so much that normal and hard missions are trivial in terms of reward, you can reliably run them alone. But the solo component of this game is inarguably stealth. Every stealth mission can be completed solo, particularly the ubiquitous Harvest & Trustee Bank Heist variants, which I still grind whenever I'm just looking to play and no one's around.

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Since some new players are coming into the game, I thought it'd be best to attempt to assemble a blanket introductory post. There are a few opaque matters on Payday which can be initially off-putting, as well as just a few Tips 'n' Tricks™ you may not know.

1. First off, you'll want to join the game's official Steam group, which will get you some more weapons, masks, and - with the recent conclusion of Crimefest - a whole lot else including a couple more playable characters, a new heist, and a general sense of community and belonging.

2. I am not usually the type to recommend a bunch of mods to people, but there is a rather essential one, endorsed by the developers of the game, called HoxHud. It adds much more information to the in-game HUD, some anti-cheating functionality (which is a pretty big problem in the Payday player base), and bunch of miscellaneous fixes and fun things (ask me about rainbow headshots). To download it, you'll need to join and remain a member of its Steam group, which gives you access to the download forum. It also enters you into a devil's deal of perennially waiting for the next HoxHud hotfix (and the hotfix for that hotfix) after every single game update due to how much the mod manages, but I think it's worth it.

3. For complete newcomers, there are loads of specific YouTube videos offering tutorials for every heist. Much of the game's Twitch streams are also done either by people quite knowledgeable in solo stealthing and while the major Payday clans (TCN and T$E) which stream loud missions nearly twenty-four hours a day aren't meant to be educational, you can glean a lot from them when you're just starting. I'd like to draw attention to

in particular. It's unfinished and updated so slowly that I don't have faith that it ever will be, but I think it's the most easily digestible and informative collection of videos for the game I've found.

4. Now, if you really want to sink your teeth into the game, the master resource is The Long Guide. Impossible to get through in just one sitting, constantly updated (and invalidated by future game updates and so on), it's a fascinating insight into the specific mechanics of every individual system of stealthing, skills, and every heist. As imposing as it is, there is no better way to learn about the game, although obviously no one should expect you to take it all in.

5. I suppose, of final note, if you are interested in picking up any DLC while the game's still on sale for Halloween but it all looks like an arbitrary mess of weapons of which you have no way of knowing the value. My recommendations would as follows: The Gage Mod Courier DLC is number one, as it gives purpose to the little hidden packages you're seeing around missions and unlocks a ton of excellent weapon modifications upon their collection. Weapon modding is actually extremely crucial to offense in Payday, as well as stealth. I would say the Gage Sniper Pack would be next, as the sniper rifle functionality is not going to be found anywhere else in the game and is uniquely powerful. Third, I'd advise the Gage Weapon Pack #01, for the inclusion of grenades and the very valuable Single fire and Auto fire mods. I know it may be tempting to buy heist DLCs instead of weapon packs, but you can actually play the "premium" heists so long as the host owns them - so consider playing them first as a preview. Anyway, this is a very minor point, and I loathe being an advocate for nickel and dime business modeling; I genuinely think that Payday 2 has a very ethical balance between free and paid content support.

I hope this was helpful! I hope we play together! I hope the board doesn't realize I'm secretly a viral marketer for 505 Games!

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Do we have any eurothumbs up for some Payday?

I propose Tuesday the 4th November at 2000 GMT / 2100 CET.


Be there, be square. I'll turn up if i can be arsed, and if i in fact own the game.

Barring the very real possibility of my forgetting, I'll try to turn up for that.

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Hey all, haven't posted here in a while. I'll join in on any heisting tomorrow (my 20th birthday as well!). 20:00 GMT is 14:00 pst (2:00 pm) I believe.


I'm getting close to the last infamy tier and would enjoy showing people some interesting tactics. If we have more than four people we can split into two teams. Also, it would be cool if we could get a game with Sean going. I'm friends with some of you on Steam, if not add me here. Happy heisting.

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