
The Walking Dead

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I really couldn't get passed the fact that Clementine sounds like a grown woman doing a terrible impression of a child. Talk about awful casting!


I never had an emotional reaction to The Walking Dead. It all felt too contrived and manipulative. I guess the property just isn't for me as I disliked the comic, tv show and game.

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Sometimes it feels like people expect all games to give them everything without bothering to give anything back to the game. The Walking Dead, for me, was fantastic precisely because, even though I fairly quickly realized there wasn't as much choice as there was illusion of choice, at least in the grand scheme if things, I still ran straight and fast into the mindset of letting the game do what it wanted. Sure, I could've sat there analyzing every choice, pulled back from the game, purely as an observer, but that's not the kind of game this was. And it's fine if you're not into that, but it's hard to understand why someone who isn't would bother trying. If you're willing to give a little, games like this can be incredible, but if all you want to do is take, take, take, I think you're better off elsewhere.

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It seems to depend an awful lot on the game on whether or not that "my choices don't matter" thing end up kicking me out.  Like ME2/ME3 were disasters as far as the grand story went, for me.  The illusion of choice mattering for my game broke, and once broke, it was all kind of hollow (which, I still love all 3 games, but the whole choice thing ended up not important at all). 


Hmm, the illusion never broke for me in Mass Effect either. I thought 2's focus on small character moments was especially great. Garrus' sidequest is still one of the most intense gaming experiences I've had. Never played 3 though, so maybe that's why.

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It broke totally in 2 for me because it was presenting as if the whole world and main plot were impacted by my choices, but then 2 entirely undermined that due to the practical necessity of not having multiple starting points in the game.

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We interrupt this dormant thread to bring you an important commercial message:


If you enjoyed the t-shirt worn by the character *totally coincidentally* called 'Doug' in The Walking Dead Season One, you may want to check out which is a campaign by Telltale alum, Academy Award nominee, and around cool person Graham Annable, original draw-er of that art.

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We made a bunch for Telltale staff years and years ago - the Bearalope is from a web comic Graham Annable wrote and drew, that used to run on the TTG site.

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Yeah, many people who worked at Telltale in ~2008 have one. I actually have two, but they're both in very sad shape now so I'm ordering one of these new ones.

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I'm a few years late to this, but I just finished episode 3 (from season 1) and feel traumatized enough to be unable to sleep.


Good job Jake, Sean, and all. I feel awful. In a good way.


I'll hate you in the morning.

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