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Christmas Cards

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I just browsed through some old cards, and found a bunch of old Christmas cards from way back when I had annual Christmas card extravaganzas. I even found the card I got from Troika, which is the closest to game development I've ever been, I think. Anyway, I miss having stuff to do around Christmas, and want to resume that once great tradition.

It's easy: You'll have to give me your address and what (if anything) you want me to draw.

What you'll get: A beautiful Christmas card, hopefully in time for Christmas. Also, I'll give you my address, so as to maintain the balance of threat.

What you'll not get: Anthrax or someone coming into your home at night.

I know some of you have given me your addresses in the past and lived to tell about it, and everybody loves Christmas cards, right? PM me your address and request if you dare!

Edited by toblix

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I want you to send one to me and draw a humourous encounter that we have had (you will have millions to draw from coz I iz sooo hilarious, natch).

But, also, I want your address in return to murder/send you one in return.

I will PM you my address when you agree.


Dr General

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Oh, I forgot to mention that! Naturally I'll give my own address in return and I edited the post to clarify as much.

That's one.

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I have never sent out christmas cards! I will so be a part of this. Anyone who wants a christmas card from me also (I'll try to make something nice) PM me your adress details. Although I might send you Antrax.

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I have never sent out christmas cards! I will so be a part of this. Anyone who wants a christmas card from me also (I'll try to make something nice) PM me your adress details. Although I might send you Antrax.

I'm running out of Antrax actually. Can't power those toy trains much longer without it! (I slay me.)

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I currently do not have a mailing address, as I am moving apartments at the end of the month. If I find my new place in the next week or so, I will give my address to you and it will be the best Christmas ever.

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Maybe it would be a cool idea to have a Secret Santa of sorts? Maybe just cards, and have one person in charge of choosing who's buying for who?

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I have volunteered in several different WOW Gold Kaufens in several different cultures, and therefore have experienced many of Buy WOW Gold best and worst aspects of such endeavors. I have experienced the Aion Gold heartbreak of losing a child (not my own) for whom I tried my utmost to save; the extreme frustration of WOW Power Leveling told that I cannot help if I’m not with an “official organization". :tup:

Now this is good. Bot using :tup:

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I just browsed through some old cards, and found a bunch of old Christmas cards from way back when I had annual Christmas card extravaganzas. I even found the card I got from Troika, which is the closest to game development I've ever been, I think. Anyway, I miss having stuff to do around Christmas, and want to resume that once great tradition.

It's easy: You'll have to give me your address and what (if anything) you want me to draw.

What you'll get: A beautiful Christmas card, hopefully in time for Christmas. Also, I'll give you my address, so as to maintain the balance of threat.

What you'll not get: Anthrax or someone coming into your home at night.

I know some of you have given me your addresses in the past and lived to tell about it, and everybody loves Christmas cards, right? PM me your address and request if you dare!

My parents absolutely refuse to let me do this, so I am sadface. :violin:

Is there anway you could make the drawing anyway?

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My parents absolutely refuse to let me do this, so I am sadface. :violin:

Is there anway you could make the drawing anyway?

Of course! I'll just scan it for you!

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Of course! I'll just scan it for you!
Thank you! Much obliged.

How's this for a picture: try drawing a picture of me making music... without looking at a picture of me. I want to see what I look in the minds eye of someone else. :P

EDIT: I said "picture" three times in one paragraph. Grammar!

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Oh yes, indeed!

Snoogles, your parents should rest easy. I sent Toblix my address and all I got was some awesome games. Oh, and that pedophile. Nothing to worry about!

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I also gave him my address. A few weeks later, a copy of Animal Crossing DS was in my mailbox. 'blix is a rad dude, and nothing to be afraid of. In other news, I now officially have a home in 4 days, and have even moved most of my things in there. I'll be sending along the address to 'blix immediately so that he may delight the new home of my girlfriend and I with his Christmas card.

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I also gave him my address. A few weeks later, a copy of Animal Crossing DS was in my mailbox. 'blix is a rad dude, and nothing to be afraid of. In other news, I now officially have a home in 4 days, and have even moved most of my things in there. I'll be sending along the address to 'blix immediately so that he may delight the new home of my girlfriend and I with his Christmas card.

Good on ya mansir!

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+1 rad dude reference for Toblix. I sent him my address, and many months later he has still not flown over, chopped me up with an axe and buried the pieces.

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