Sombre Posted March 26, 2010 Hey friends! So, who's been playing Spelunky? Do you have any stories? Need any advice? I think you should ALL play this game, because quite frankly, it's absolutely outstanding. You can download it here: Please, please download it. I apologise for my lack of a real thread and content, I am exceptionally giddy as I have FINALLY beat Spelunky. I have never had a gaming achievement feel so good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeneth Posted March 26, 2010 Did we really not already have a spelunky thread?! I find that hard to believe... And yet I can't find it, so huzzah I suppose. This is one of my favorite games of all time, and it introduced me to the gameMaker software I'm currently trying to wrap my head around. I've played an obscene amount of Spelunky, and yet I have only completed it once. I love how challenging it is, in that way where every death feels like it's squarely my fault. The controls give me the power to run and jump and act just fast enough to feel powerful in a platforming sense, while being more than enough to get me into trouble over and over again... I can't count the number of times I've told myself to slow the hell down and be more careful, but the self-admonishment usually only lasts as long as my next attempt, if that. What a heady mix of empowerment and vulnerability the protagonist affords the player! It's amazingly deep, and there are still loads of things I have yet to discover the true purpose of. The graphical presentation awoke the gamer child in me, and the only sources of knowledge about the games systems I possess is gleaned from a combination of trial and error and conversations with a coworker who is similarly inclined. I wouldn't have it any other way. There's something primal about how "olde skool" games like this force me to learn organically through interaction... When it comes to more "hand-holdy" experiences, I don't tend to have problems with allowing the internet to just tell me how a thing works, I suppose because the game tended to do that anyway from the start. What's one more "tutorial" from an outside source, eh? I've dilligently stopped playing since learning that it's coming out for XBLA, though. I want to support Derek Yu and I look forward to new secrets and tweaks in addition to crazy achievements and such. I'm glad I already play Spelunky on a game pad! So, to work a little give-and-take into this textWall, has anyone else felt terrible about using the damsels as weapons? I felt a little better about doing it the first time one inadvertently got me killed by running around like a chicken with her head cut off, but it still bugs me at times. They're SO EFFECTIVE though, that I can't seem to stop using them as trap bait and anti snake/spider projectiles! They have so many more HP than I tend to have, dang it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garple Posted March 26, 2010 So, to work a little give-and-take into this textWall... Since you're fairly new, I want to address this. I don't know if you're using the term "textwall" with a negative connotation, but I just wanted to tell you not to feel self-conscious about making long posts. If you're going to have a good discussion you need to be able to write as long a post as necessary to say what you want to say. I personally like long posts because if someone is taking the time to write several paragraphs they pretty much always have something worthwhile to say...I think most other thumbs would agree with me on this. I'm sorry if I'm being weird, here, or reading too much into your use of "textwall." I just thought it was a good opportunity, since we've had a lot of new users coming in to make sure it's clear that although the Idle Thumbs forums are on the internet, we're not "THE INTERNET," as such. There are no flame wars here, and no use of terms like "TL;DR" People want to discuss things with you and they will always be friendly and civil. This is quite a special forum, really, especially compared to almost all other video game forums. Anyway...I'm going to close with a fart smilie so this post doesn't seem too touchy-feely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LOPcagney Posted March 26, 2010 I LOVE Spelunky. On an unrelated note, I find it amusing to look at screen shots of peoples desktops because my impression is people make conscious decisions what icons and tabs should be visible. Not universally true, but it's funny to think about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeneth Posted March 26, 2010 impression is people make conscious decisions what icons and tabs should be visible. Not universally true, but it's funny to think about. Totally agree! Lookit Sombre show off his SC2 beta shortcut... Visually talking up the classics with his SS2, and taking care not to cut off TOO much of the Diablo 2 logo with that game window- Just enough that it's recognizable, so cute! *snerk* Sorry, can't keep a straight face And thanks for the reassuring words about lengthy posts Groucho, I was indeed being rather self-conscious about that habit, as it's landed me in hot water on forums before. Good to hear this place is different, and in my recent efforts to lurk less and contribute more, everything I've seen backs you up on that. That said, I'm aware of the holes in my posting style, and I still want to strive to pack more content into smaller spaces. I also want to ask more questions in relation to the multiple statements and opinions I'm flinging every which way! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolzig Posted March 26, 2010 I have just played a little bit of Spelunky but not that much. My friends have played insane amounts of Spelunky. It's a very nice game and I've been excited about Spelunky, Knytt Stories and Cave Story quite a lot recently. It's like a comeback of old style games that still have a modern feeling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sombre Posted March 26, 2010 I LOVE Spelunky.On an unrelated note, I find it amusing to look at screen shots of peoples desktops because my impression is people make conscious decisions what icons and tabs should be visible. Not universally true, but it's funny to think about. Programs left side, Whelps right side... I mean games. I have like, ten desltop icons I'm trying to City of Gold run, but hell, it's hard! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LOPcagney Posted March 26, 2010 I've been playing for a while. Over 1000 times. Still haven't gotten past the 5th world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murdoc Posted March 26, 2010 Decided to try this when I got home because of the thread, I'll give it a second chance, but on my first try I couldn't get passed the tutorial. That is correct. ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted March 27, 2010 It took me three tries to get through the tutorial... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeneth Posted March 27, 2010 Decided to try this when I got home because of the thread, I'll give it a second chance, but on my first try I couldn't get passed the tutorial. It took me three tries to get through the tutorial... Holy cow, I didn't know you COULD die in the tutorial, short of leaping off a cliff twice or accidentally blowing yourself up once it gives you bombs. How did it take you guys down, sounds like amusing death stories... Actually, it's been so long and I've gone so deep that I barely remember what the tutorial held, so don't listen to me, perhaps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted July 9, 2013 PC version is out in August! edit: Also, can someone confirm that this game has absolutely no Rogue Legacy-like progress between attempts? Once you die, you're back to zero? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted July 9, 2013 PC version is out in August! edit: Also, can someone confirm that this game has absolutely no Rogue Legacy-like progress between attempts? Once you die, you're back to zero? Yeah, can confirm that the progress slate is cleaned after every death. Apart from any shortcuts you may have unlocked, they do persist (but in many ways it's actually harder to complete the game if you use them). Cannot wait for August to arrive. I can finally retire my Xbox 360, since this was the only game I owned for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murdoc Posted July 9, 2013 Only playing the previous version on flash, I'm really looking forward to the Hd version finally getting to the PC. Can't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted July 10, 2013 It seems like there are other types of persistent progress besides shortcuts; little art asset additions that make you feel like you have ran into some stuff in your many attempts. But as far as actually effecting gameplay, I don't know of anything besides shortcuts and your personal knowledge of how things work in that world. I love Spelunky. I never use the shortcuts, but I've never gotten past the third world. There is something to be said about game design that can make the first four levels fun and challenging everytime. Gotta get that cash and supplies for world 2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted July 10, 2013 It seems like there are other types of persistent progress besides shortcuts; little art asset additions that make you feel like you have ran into some stuff in your many attempts. Oh yeah, you're right about that. The same goes for the journal entries and unlockable characters (The characters are entirely cosmetic). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted July 10, 2013 I've been waiting so long for this dumb game to come back to PC. The other one I've been waiting for is N+, which is soon coming as N++. EXCITE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted July 19, 2013 So something happened (I don't know what), and my wife got interested in Spelunky HD. Not only is it horrendously fun to watch her play (pro-tip, say nothing unless asked a specific question), but we started playing the adventure-mode co-op. It's really fun. I especially like the strategic decisions of how to split up items from the shop. Things like "You get the cape because you have more rope to send up." Now that I think of it, I wonder if the person with the cape still floats when holding the other player. that's worth noting too; there are a few new interactions to learn when you have multiple players. They aren't explicitly mentioned, it's just that sometimes I do things that have worked well in single player and realize that having a second player on the screen can change the result. I don't want to mention any because it's fun to kill each other on accident in new and innovative ways. Worth checking out local multiplayer if possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted July 22, 2013 The Steam version is going to have daily challenge levels that are the same for everyone and you get one life. SWEET! I'm buying it for this feature. That sounds like a blast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted July 22, 2013 The Steam version is going to have daily challenge levels that are the same for everyone and you get one life. SWEET! I'm buying it for this feature. That sounds like a blast. Oh man, This is what I crave. Cannot wait. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted July 22, 2013 Okay THAT sounds interesting! If the game is relatively quick to load up, I might actually try that for a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarlett Posted July 22, 2013 I really like the original version. Is the HD remake that much better? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted July 23, 2013 I didn't play the O.G.This forum posts seems comprehensive: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nachimir Posted August 2, 2013 This run is brilliant: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted August 2, 2013 I'd never heard of this game until it got slammed in the latest Feminist Frequency Tropes video. Looks great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites