
Shadow Complex

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Wow. Amazing read about the development of Shadow Complex on Gamasutra:

Apparently they built the whole game on graph paper first, then built it with the Unreal engine with very basic brushes and the player was just a cylinder.

Once the cylinder was fun to play, then we were like, "Okay, we've got it. Now we can add a character." But the cylinder is fun. That's how we did it.

This seems like the right way to do this kind of game, and I guess it shows in the final product.

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I'd very much like to see that paper map. Planning out all that stuff from the ground up (or down, as it were) sounds awesome and fun.

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This seems like the right way to do this kind of game, and I guess it shows in the final product.

Definitely. If I was designing a game I'd make sure it was fun to play with crap graphics before I bothered improving anything.

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I've completed it 4 times now and still not level 50 :(

The first time I got about 70% (normal), second time 100% (hard), third time trying to do minimalist on Insane, but realized in the middle that I had picked up too much stuff, so spent some time getting more power-ups, probably 35%. Last time I did minimalist on normal.

I find the end game is actually pretty easy on any difficulty if

you have the helmet or shotgun. If you don't have the helmet, just get shot at a bit, only bother shooting the guys close to you and just run to the platforms and launch the nukes

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I think I'll try to do the Insurgent thing too, but maybe I should get to level 50 before? I'm currently 44.

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I've completed it 4 times now and still not level 50 :(

The first time I got about 70% (normal), second time 100% (hard), third time trying to do minimalist on Insane, but realized in the middle that I had picked up too much stuff, so spent some time getting more power-ups, probably 35%. Last time I did minimalist on normal.

I find the end game is actually pretty easy on any difficulty if

you have the helmet or shotgun. If you don't have the helmet, just get shot at a bit, only bother shooting the guys close to you and just run to the platforms and launch the nukes

I was playing on insane and going for 100% and I STILL didn't have enough XP to get to level 50.... You can either play again and again OR...

Grind! There is a certain spot I'm sure you've seen before where there is the only respawning miniboss in the game, I just punch the enemies next to him to reach him with a multiplier bonus and shoot him right under him to kill him quickly to get another bonus...

The game is pretty easy if you have all the upgrades, but... it's pretty challenging on insane until you get them!

If you're going for Insurgent I do suggest you reach level 50, unless you're playing on a very easy mode?

They have discovered how to get Insurgent by breaking the sequence, it's pretty sneaking, but there's a video out there of how to do it!:gaming:

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I used the internet wisdom to run through Insurgent on Casual at level 30. There's really only one hard part (and it's not the ending). I'm not sure it's "sequence breaking" though to use a secret door that chair put in for the express purpose of skipping portions of the game.

Still fun though.

i'm currently running through on insane looking for 100%. I noticed however that my powerup indicators (the question marks and dots) have disappeared on my map. Is this because I'm playing on insane or because i've completed it a few times already or because i'm an idiot and have them turned off somehow or because it's a bug? Anyone else having this issue?

Oh, the status update: single is also pretty simple to do (although I'm not sure how easy it is to do without already knowing about it... from the internet).

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I used the internet wisdom to run through Insurgent on Casual at level 30. There's really only one hard part (and it's not the ending). I'm not sure it's "sequence breaking" though to use a secret door that chair put in for the express purpose of skipping portions of the game.

Still fun though.

i'm currently running through on insane looking for 100%. I noticed however that my powerup indicators (the question marks and dots) have disappeared on my map. Is this because I'm playing on insane or because i've completed it a few times already or because i'm an idiot and have them turned off somehow or because it's a bug? Anyone else having this issue?

Oh, the status update: single is also pretty simple to do (although I'm not sure how easy it is to do without already knowing about it... from the internet).

Yeah, the map doesn't show secrets on Insane...

They say you have to do Single early in the game, but I managed to do it late enough to have armor on!:erm:

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I used the internet wisdom to run through Insurgent on Casual at level 30. There's really only one hard part (and it's not the ending).

I was hoping you meant the secret heat room by the hard part, wasn't expecting the horror of the exploding escape.

I tried to do Insurgent (watching the walkthroughs on iPhone while playing when I got stuck) but I screwed up near the end: the exploding escape seemed so hard that I went back and got a health pack. Then looked that I still had 3% (of 4% allowed) and went to get another one, expecting it to go to 4% now. Didn't look at the stats, stepped into a save room. Bam! I had 5% of items. So no Insurgent. Thankfully it should be doable in an hour or so once you know how to do it so I'll try again tomorrow.

BTW. the extra health didn't seem to help that much with the exploding escape. It seems more down to luck than how much health you have. I had made it to the elevator once with 200 health but screwed up the jumps.

What's more annoying is that if you have 200 health you pretty much have to watch that cut-scene every time, if you skip it, you take more damage from the explosion (so much that I couldn't even get out of that big room). I know those stupid lines by heart now.

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I was hoping you meant the secret heat room by the hard part, wasn't expecting the horror of the exploding escape.

I tried to do Insurgent (watching the walkthroughs on iPhone while playing when I got stuck) but I screwed up near the end: the exploding escape seemed so hard that I went back and got a health pack. Then looked that I still had 3% (of 4% allowed) and went to get another one, expecting it to go to 4% now. Didn't look at the stats, stepped into a save room. Bam! I had 5% of items. So no Insurgent. Thankfully it should be doable in an hour or so once you know how to do it so I'll try again tomorrow.

BTW. the extra health didn't seem to help that much with the exploding escape. It seems more down to luck than how much health you have. I had made it to the elevator once with 200 health but screwed up the jumps.

What's more annoying is that if you have 200 health you pretty much have to watch that cut-scene every time, if you skip it, you take more damage from the explosion (so much that I couldn't even get out of that big room). I know those stupid lines by heart now.

yeah that part was frustratingly annoying. I don't know why the first two screens seems to have a time limit before taking health off but the elevator shaft has a time limit before killing you instantly. And watching the cutscene over and over really drives home how bad the "story" is... but at least it taught me that holding X makes you go up ladders faster.

After that though, the end battle seems like a breeze.

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I did the Insurgent (on casual, got through the exploding escape on first try!). Took about 50 minutes. Now my next goal is to get level 50 (currently 45) and become first in all the leaderboards :)

Not gonna go for the 100% time limited completions, I'm not that OC. Anyway, I've spent surprisingly lot of time playing this relatively short game. Definitely a candidate for my personal GOTY, although I hope Brütal Legend will take that place.

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I was trying to explain to a co-worker why this game is so awesome. I told him about all the equipment you discover and how much it compounds your badassedness, but he said, "that just sounds like every game nowadays". He's not really wrong, but I couldn't do much better. I told him that unlike in a lot of games, where you get weapons upgrades and the like by completing missions or leveling up, in Shadow Complex, those items just exist in the game's environment at all times and you get them because you find them. There's no sequence set in stone and no prerequisites. I don't know though...for some reason...the appeal of that game seems hard to describe. Maybe it's something you can't understand until you get the power armor and start punching guys with so much heft to your movements it feels like you're a fucking gorilla, and then watching them fly across the room FROM YOUR's quite nice.

So what do you guys think? How would you explain why this game is really cool to someone who knew nothing about it?

Just curious.

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So what do you guys think? How would you explain why this game is really cool to someone who knew nothing about it?

Just curious.

For me, I would just say that I really felt like I was exploring the environment rather than letting myself be led on a path to each subsequent objective. I'd say that I felt empowered; I started off as a guy with some climbing gear and a pistol, could take on a handful of guys with a solid machine gun about halfway through the game, and finished up feeling like the Terminator. I'd say that I was impressed by some of the weapons and equipment, like the foam gun and the combination of the hookshot and jetpack.

That's just about it, for me. Exploration, empowerment, equipment.

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Anyone know of any concrete mentions of a sequel to this? I suddenly got the craving for its simple and addictive gameplay, and googled around but didn't find anything. A sequel is inevitable, right? Right?

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Chair are hiring and till working with Epic. One can only assume that a sequel is due. I'd expect that it's announcement is a much lesser priority than Gears 3 and Bulletstorm.

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Weren't we boycotting this game because of the homophobic right-wing fruitloop writer? Or was that something else?

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Weren't we boycotting this game because of the homophobic right-wing fruitloop writer? Or was that something else?

Yes. We totally hate this shit.

Also, will there be a PC port? Did it happen and I missed it?

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Chair are [..] till working with Epic.

Well, that's a no-brainer considering Epic owns their ass.

I hope they're working on a PS3 or PC port.

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Toblix, would a 6 player castlevania game do?


It is out at the beginning of August and looks like a possible 'Idlevania: Harmony of Thumbs' multiplayer jaunt.

You had me at "Toblix." I've heard about this game, and it sounds pretty neat, but ever since playing a Castlevania game on the DS I have ignored any mention of it because it was so unforgiving. I really liked how Shadow Complex saved your progress all the time, keeping my stress level comfortably low. Would this castlevania game be a high-tension stressfest or awesome fun, or is this unknown?

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