
Video games sales chart

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Does anyone know of some site that has trustworthy data on weekly, monthly, yearly, video game sales? Something that may tell me how Psychonauts is selling relative to Driv3r, or something like that. I know that Gamespot has that little thing they do at the bottom of their news page, but I want some sort of a better breakdown, if at all possible, with total unites sold and whatnot. Somebody ought to be keeping track of this shit.

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Why do they all lament the fall of Psychonauts? It was barely out for a month when they started singing it eulogies? Is 12912 units for the xbox version alone too little in the given time?

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Why do they all lament the fall of Psychonauts? It was barely out for a month when they started singing it eulogies? Is 12912 units for the xbox version alone too little in the given time?

nah, I don't think so. That's only 1 week's worth of sales at the end of april, I think.

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Also, it's the kind of title that should have legs and build word of mouth as more people play it, rather than a super-hyped title that's going to start big and steadily decline. There seem to be lots of people who don't know who Tim is but think that the game looks really cool, so hopefully sales will grow.

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Well, at least it's outsold RTX Red Rock...

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Maybe they'll print that on top of the explosion sticker they add to the box.

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Psychonauts has had a sadly very rocky release, with the PC version being delayed for many people, and the European versions not even out yet. I wouldn't expect it to have groundbreaking initial sales, though it's likely to pick up a lot of interest as people take note of the positive reviews, and the general reputation that it's already managed to build up (very positive, for those who don't visit many non-Mojo/AG/Thumb forums).

That said, seeing the May sales figures for it would be interesting, now we're nearing the end of the month.

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Also, Psychonauts is still not avaiable in all stores in middle america (where I live, yeeeeeeeeeee-haaaawwww) like Jade Empire and other lesser impressive games that have mo' money. Except for Wal-Mart.

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i STILL can't get psychonauts unfortunately ... ive been ready with my cash for a while, but my local ebgames keeps on having delays on their stock. last week they told me it'd be available on the 30th ... if they dont have it then, i'm gonna have a good argument with the store owner.


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Also, it's the kind of title that should have legs and build word of mouth as more people play it, rather than a super-hyped title that's going to start big and steadily decline. There seem to be lots of people who don't know who Tim is but think that the game looks really cool, so hopefully sales will grow.

My little nephew, my little cousin, their little friend, my ~40 year old uncle... they all like it but don't know who the fuck it is. They'll learn.

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I somehow convinced a guy I know from Germany to buy it, unless he got it illegally that is... ;(

At least he loves it...

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Why do they all lament the fall of Psychonauts? It was barely out for a month when they started singing it eulogies? Is 12912 units for the xbox version alone too little in the given time?

I hate that kind of behavior, and it's frequent human behavior which is the real sad part. 12,912 in eleven days or so days isn't such a horrid number it's not a good number by any means but it's not terrible. I especially hate when people complain about a game that sold quite well, Eternal Darkness is a prime example, the game sold well over 500,000 unites in let's say a year for a console (a great console) that at the time was around ten million unites sold, is that a bad number a game that's owned by five percent of its audience? Even the game's director Dennis Dyack was convinced that it didn't do all that well, so what if it's a Nintendo game? Does that automatically mean it'll sell millions? The worse is when a gamer is convinced: "a game that doesn't sell over a million copies is a failure", it's a common opinion, I want to punch those people in the throat for being such nitwits.

I'm also trying to push Psychonauts in people's faces, in hope that they'll take an interest. I've started a thread in the other forum that I visit: (I'm The S.S. Saturn) Zig, BuzzJive, and Git are pretty much my favorite people in that site, I doubt that I influenced their purchase, which shows: good people like good games regardless of hype.

I just want Double Fine to do well and have their creative freedom.

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It was a rocky release, but they planned it that way.

My guess is they wanted to release pre E3 in the US, when the air was free of hype. An then use the momentum generated from the initial US sales to float their PS2 and Eurposean releases, some months later.

And they have had lots of support, from game sites, and I see that Entertainment Weekly has got behind their hometown boy.

But sales aren't so good.

Personally I think people will look back at Psychonauts and go "what was with all that green?". I don't know. I guess it was the result of being so closely tied to Xbox for so long, they began to dream in green. Green in most of the levels, green in lots of the banner ads, and a good cover art illustration lost in a big swirl of green.

For the PS2 release, they should lose the green on the cover - I'm sure ps2 owners are subsonsciously predisposed to hating green. Or atleast simplify the background so that the character stands out. That raz character has one of the most striking silhouettes of any game - they should use it!

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I doubt that they planned the PC version falling behind 1-3 weeks with most retailers though, nor did they plan for some retailers to still not have it. I assume it was just a stocking problem, but hopefully they'll be able to do it more smoothly here in Europe.

I dunno what you're trying to say with the green though. Green wasn't that predominant in the levels. Sure, it was on the cover art and ads, but the latter were most probably just copying the former. I think the milkman conspiracy may by leaking into your perception of colour. ;)

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I was yesterday at Fry's buying Still Life, and I saw 1 copy of Psychonauts for the PC. It was hidden in the adventure games section, behind some other games, barely visible. So I took it out from the back and put it in front of all the games on the shelf. If Majesco is not going to do it, Someone should. :shifty:

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Ideally anything (DVDs, CDs, movie tickets etc) should sell the most amount in the first month/week of it's release. This helps the product's profile tremendously as people who have never heard of it will become aware of it. It's a shame it sounds like Majesco botched the game's release(?). I'd still like to know how it sells on the X-Box charts, though! When should we see them?

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