
Games everyone likes (but really suck)

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Well if you choose to think I'm stupid, that's your call, honestly I could possibly care less for some fucks opinion. fact is to me that almost all RTS only acquire some level of difficulty by having you optimize your building strategy and THAT'S it. To me there still has to be a single RTS where the AI doesn't suck. Also I find them repeatitive and not challenging in a creative way, since usually one strategy works for all... and yeah, there are those "great" scripted missions, but all those do is make you memorize the whole sequence.

In general I already do too much thinking in RL, I don't see why I have to do it in a game, where I just want to enjoy myself.

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This is the most retarded thread ever. Every single game that you people have complained about you don't like because it isn't exactly the kind of game that you like. Some people like games with an on-a-rail feeling. Some people like leveling up. Some people even like cut-scenes molded into a game. A game can't please everybody all of the time, so they do one thing very well most of the time and people end up liking it. It's not that the game's fans are idiots, it's just a different taste.

Edit: Crap, of all the words to mispell!

Golden Eye is shit though...

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GoldenEye - what a piece of crap!!!

Half Life - Interactivity, my ass! Plot, my ass! Repetitive and boring shooter more like (some good bits, but mostly... YAWN!).

The Dig - Don't know if everyone liked this or not, but I thought it was B-o-r-i-n-g!

I'm sure there's plenty of other games that I'd love to have liked!

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This is the most retarded thread ever. Every single game that you people have complained about you don't like because it isn't exactly the kind of game that you like.

Nonsense! Sometimes games just don't work for YOU on some weird personal level and the for the life of you you can't figure out why everyone keeps telling you how great it is.

The only retarded thing about this thread is the retards who think they need to tell people how good a game is... WE KNOW ALREADY!

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Let's see...


-Doom 3

-Far Cry

-Final Fantasy whatever

-Discworld Noir

-Gabriel Knight 3

-Tony Hawk something

That's all I can think of for now...


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Nope, Tony wak games (1-3 as those are the only ones I've played) are absolutely brilliant. Not having that.

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Nope, Tony wak games (1-3 as those are the only ones I've played) are absolutely brilliant. Not having that.

Agreed. They're the only sports games (other than a weird obsession I had as a child with Tegen's wonderfully clumsy RBI Baseball for NES) that really have a pull on me.

As for Sam and Max, I actually didn't play it very much before quitting, but later I came back to it and enjoyed the fantastical versions of scuzzy tourist traps and the Americana. It's definitely not the best adventure games, though.

Anyway, I'd say that the largest hype versus quality differential goes to Golden Eye. One-player mode was boring as well as awful and the four-player mode I was suckered into at parties was awkward and disorienting.

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I have to say I thoroughly(sp?) enjoyed every tony hawk game I played (that's 2 3 4 and underground 2)

The soundtracks were interesting aswell they introduced me to motorhead and del the funky homosapien

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Ooh, Erwin mentioning StarLancer in the other thread reminds me:

Freespace 1 and 2.

Nothing beats the Wing Commander series. :oldman:


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ANY American football or baseball game.... any of them.. all of them in fact.

Do any non-Americans like these sports (much less the video games based on them)? It's an acquired taste I suppose, although I agree that most of the games are terrible.

My personal choice for a game everyone seems to like but I don't is Morrowind. It's just so repetitive.

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HALO!!! Goddamn, I usually love shooters, but the Halos are just so f*cking boring. Same hallway, random monster appearance, repeat. Ditto for Doom 3.

I've tried a lot of RPGs, but can never get into them. It's not so much the gameplay as the setting. I love the KOTORs and Fallouts, but anytime an elf comes up to me and says "Welcome ye travelers to the precipice of mount seamus's wang" or whatever, I throw up a little bit in my mouth. I just don't like fantasy. (On that note, movies that were totally overrated IMHO = the LOTR series. Please don't kill me, fanboys)

Other than that, I'm sorry, but I just found Deus Ex very cumbersome. I can appreciate the influence its had, and looked into the story later and quite enjoyed what I saw, but the interface and AI really got on my nerves.

Oh! One more thing. I didn't like Prince of Persia either. Fun for about 3 minutes, then you've seen pretty much all the variety you're gonna get.

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Grand Theft Auto 3. Just never did it for me in the same way that GTA1 did. Got bored after a week. It would've been better if I could've actually progressed in the game, and gotten new parts of city, by destroying stuff, like in the first one. But no, the only way to progress in GTA3 was to do the unbelievably boring missions, with equally lame story. Non-linear, my ass.

Finally another person who thinks the same as I do!

I hated the control system on that game as well, the PC version remedied this somewhat, but the flimsy missions (the one that immediatley springs to mind is Vice City's remote control biplane boat bombing piece of crap) the awful pacing just made it a free roaming game with a bunch of pathetic party games stapled onto it.

I also despise Worms, but that is because I suck at it, so it doesn't count.

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I thought Halo was a complete snorefest. Had it been released in 2000, it would have been all kinds of impressive, but for a 2003 game it was completely underwhelming.

Also, Need for Speed Underground. I think it speaks volumes about the handling of a racing game, arguably it's most important feature, when the most popular game mode is the one that involves going in a straight line. What a piece of crap.

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