
City of heroes EU beta accounts *Giveaway*

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Ive got 3 spare accounts for the City of Heroes European beta to give away (Europeans only tho - fear not US guys a US only contest is coming soon)

First come first served. BUT! In order to get them you must design a super hero below, Name and powers, and then finish your post with the phrase


Thanks to Nick and Bob for 2 of the keys :)

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I give you plutiona:

she is the result of the nuclear fallout of a secret russian experiment in an attempt to create undead supersoldiers. She is bulletproof, super stealthy, has the ability to look as far as the horizon (and sometimes even beyond!) and can survive direct bullet impacts. Her only weakness is her rather nasty hayfever. So no hay or cats around our plutiona!

In her double life as a normal, law abiding citizen, she's is Grace Truman, mother of 3 and happily married to her (unsuspecting?) husband Will Truman.

She fights for justice and peace around the world and tries to put a stop to secret government projects in particular.


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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's The SWEATY JOURNALIST!!!

With special powers 'Procrastinate' and 'IM Chat', The SWEATY JOURNALIST!!! is capable of dodging all projectiles, but this power results in a loss of money and a dexterity reduction as the character piles on the pounds. The 'Press Pass' skill, meanwhile, grants The SWEATY JOURNALIST!!! access to restricted areas, in return for a -3 to charisma when talking in bars.

And now The SWEATY JOURNALIST!!! must return to his secret hideout to write a review. But listen to those words...'IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE I DEMAND THE COH BETA KEY!!!'

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experimenting with quantum technologies, dr robert eisenhower accidentally acquires the ability to split himself into multiple instances. he uses this power to battle everyday stress and marrital obligations. BUT he can't stay in this state for a long time and each of the instances has certain quirks which make them reluctant to merge with him. so everytime he does something incredible he has to argue with himself over extended periods of time.

Oh and he has bad body odor and a family... wicked!


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Where do you get all this crap? I want free stuff! How do I become a powerful magnet for freebies?

Ive got 3 spare accounts for the City of Heroes European beta to give away (Europeans only tho - fear not US guys a US only contest is coming soon)

First come first served. BUT! In order to get them you must design a super hero below, Name and powers, and then finish your post with the phrase


Thanks to Nick and Bob for 2 of the keys :)

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Professor Oblivio - the villain of our story, is a mild-mannered lecturer of philosophy - Claude Surmin - by day, but secretly plots to draw a veil of obscurity and confusion over humanity by planting contradictory subliminal messages in tv ads, newspapers, and whatever else he can think of. his power is the ability to confuse - think jedi mind trick.

His arch nemesis - Observator (pronounce with the emphasis on TOR, as in torque) - was a student of Prof. Oblivio, named Dent Withnail, who dropped out after his first year of college to pursue an interest in freelance astronomy. His father, Luke Withnail, is an optician in the small town of Talaham, and an old (estranged) friend of Surmin. Dent develops his astute nature - a remarkable ability to know if someone is lying - when he encounters Prof. Oblivio's 'Confucaster' machine in the hills near the observatory he frequents.

The machine is powered by art. Throw books, paintings, sculpture, into it and it grows more powerful. Dent breaks into the place, knowing something is terribly wrong, and when confronted by Surmin, he slips into some poolofgunk/generator/thing that controls the flow of truth into confusion in the machine, which unlocks his power to know about things before they happen or far away. Thus is borne Observator, seer of doom. He obviously has glasses in both incarnations, but i don't have other ideas on how he looks at the moment.


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Name? Electra Bigbreasts. Power? Feminine wile. She travels to Terrorist Countries such as the ones where Muslims live, and fights terror, using the power of the male imagination. Simply by looking at her fully clothed body, Muslim Terrorists imagine her naked, and are distracted while she shoots them in the head with a sawn off shotgun. She also frequents the USA, where she organizes raids on terrorist housing estates and detects Terrorist Babies by checking for things such as guns or knives on their person, and deports them to islands off the West Coast of Ireland.

Although I cannot win since I do not play that game. So I shall not include the phrase.

she's is Grace Truman, mother of 3 and happily married to her (unsuspecting?) husband Will Truman.

Will & Grace Truman, eh?

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You guys are forgetting the all-caps yelling part, negating your entries. Come on.

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The EU beta ends this monday... I feel like I won a free, no expenses paid, foottrip to Rome

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The EU beta ends this monday... I feel like I won a free, no expenses paid, foottrip to Rome

True, but I *had* to enter - I have to keep up my record of winning every Thumb giveaway :D...

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all gone...

well by tthe time you download it it wil be over?

heh, actually its only 1gb and its really fast dl so u should get it quick.

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no it was in fact an alt tab quick message, leaving behind me the wonderful world of wow (¬) to perform civic duties and get these ppl their keys.. it was painful but i managed to alt tab back to wow just in time.... ;)

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Wow... if it wasn't for the fact that I'll be getting WoW in a matter of weeks, I'd fucking have to kill you all for your insensitive flaundering.

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