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BigJKO's Thread of 3D Shit

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Hey! I decided to just make my own little thread for posting my 3D experiments, instead of clogging up the Plug your shit thread constantly.


Here are some of the latest experiments.



And my latest attempt at cartoon face rigging:



And this thing, whatever it is:



Anyway, STAY TUNED! for further attempts at 3D shit.


For fun, here's my first ever 3D art ever posted online, back in 2002.

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And now I have another topic to follow religiously. Your loopy 3D works rock [as if you didn't know already].

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1) that's awesome! :tup:


2) what's that Beastie Boys song in vid #2?

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Thanks you two!


It's Now Get Busy which was released under non-commercial Creative Commons license for a Wired magazine CD. :tup:

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Thaaanks root!


Been doin' some Blender sculpting practice! Here's good ol' Hellboy!


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Thanks everyone! I spent the evenings this weekend on some hand-rigging practice. Was a lot of fun. Always wanted to figure out how to properly rig some cartoony, but sharp, fingers ala Wreck-It Ralph. Plenty of stuff to figure out still, but I'm happy with it so far.



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I haven’t posted here in a while!


Last week we got a Rokoko mocap suit at work. So get ready for a lot of mocap videos from me. Here’s my first:



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On 9/9/2019 at 1:21 AM, BigJKO said:

I haven’t posted here in a while!


Last week we got a Rokoko mocap suit at work. So get ready for a lot of mocap videos from me. Here’s my first:



That is 3D??? Sorry, at the expense of sounding like a caveman, the background looks stunningly real. Great work!

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