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I also just don't really know what the usage of "tech" is.


It is, actually "technique." It's often used when referring to a new technique to confront a portion of the game, often with a glitch, or a skip. As in "I'm using some new tech here" generally means, "I'm attempting a newly developed method by which I am going to make this portion of the game faster." 

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Just watched the MK64 run! Never watched speedruns before. I saw my first the other day (Ocarina blindfolded child dungeons) which was actually from AGDQ earlier in the year. Pretty incredible. Somewhere in my N64 cardboard box there's a memory 'pak' with my ghost on Mario Raceway where I managed to do the mushroom jump shortcut on every lap. Felt like a right boss. This reminded me of when I used to read N64 Mag and looked at the VHS timetrial tables of this and Diddy King Racing and didn't believe they could be real! All the tricks are amazing but this runner's driving is absolutely spot on. Just watching Sherbet Land (about 22 mins in) you see him pulling off slide boosts and angles I could only get right 1 in 10 times. And he's just doing it without fault, all the time. Top drawer.

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If anyone's interested, here is a full take on what happened during the Crash Bandicoot 2 run, which has apparently been omitted from history and resulted in the runner being banned from future GDQs and Twitch itself. Also includes the ninnying of commenters blaming the whole controversy on oversensitve SJWs.

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If anyone's interested, here is a full take on what happened during the Crash Bandicoot 2 run, which has apparently been omitted from history and resulted in the runner being banned from future GDQs and Twitch itself.


I could only stand to swim through Reddit drama for so long, but it looks like his channel got auto-banned because it met a threshold of people reporting it (presumably due to his cringe-inducing SGDQ performance), and the only word from SGDQ staff was on July 27th:


I assure you we were very upset as well. We have taken care of it and removed the runner from the event.

he made a mistake and was reprimanded for it, we're not cops, all we can control is what goes on at the event.


I couldn't find anything about him being banned from future stuff, did I miss something?

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Hey when you guys are signing off because the character model in RE4 is disgustingly repulsive, are you talking about the lady in white pants?

I've really felt like I'm not brittle enough for this community recently.

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Um I believe it was the comments people made during the run. I haven't watched it, but that's what I thought people were talking about...

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I noticed the self congratulatory air that permeates the GDQs as well. I wonder if that doesn't stem from the event gaining momentum, itself. It's the same as having your donation comment being read that says "Hype!" and having the donation reader annoyingly yell it and then having the audience annoyingly yell it back in the nerdiest call and response possible. It's as if the comments are a form letter. Other people say hype, and mention how cool and good SDGQ is. I don't know what to write, but I know this is acceptable to write, so I will write this.


A weird trend I also noticed was people writing things along the lines of "Iwata would have loved the way you're breaking games" and I all I could think was hey dog, this is like the 11th GDQ. Iwata was alive for all of them but this. If he loved them, he already knew.

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Yeah a certain amount of talking it up is fine since it gets people pumped to donate, but some of the 'GDQ is great gamers are great games are great don't let anyone say different it's all great' definitely crosses a line sometimes into kind of jingoism. I think the peak example of this was during the last AGDQ, while the GamerGate shitshow was still fresh on everyone's minds, TotalBiscuit donated with a message saying something like "don't let anyone say gamers aren't inclusive".

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There is definitely a degree of self-congratulation towards gaming in general going on, but I can't say that I blame anyone for wanting to take pride in something that is actually positive.  Also a lot of that is aimed toward the runners and GDQ staff, most of whom are not getting compensated in any way and are mostly doing this out of the goodness of their own hearts.  I imagine there are probably some donations with truly shitty comments that got filtered out by the staff, but I'd like to think they're few and far between.

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I must be a really callous, cynical person because all the "I'm in the hospital dying and this is my only solace" donation messages (or stuff like that, you get the idea) got really old really fast. I just don't think that many people were watching from the hospital.

The Iwata thing got creepy, too. Naming someone in Earthbound after him makes sense, it's a sweet gesture, he worked on it, it's fine. But naming a character who dies and gets revived was in poor taste, and making enough noise about a character NOT being named after Iwata that the organizers feel compelled to address it on their Twitter is definitely a bridge too far.

But like any sufficiently large thing, it has its highs and lows. I still enjoyed it overall.

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I don't think anyone really thought through the implications of naming Crono 'Iwata': It ended up being kind of awkward, but there was sort of a weird ritual catharsis to it which I thought was really interesting (which is why I wrote about it). I hadn't heard about the noise about not naming a character Iwata, that's kinda fucked.

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I don't think that naming Crono Iwata was done knowing the character would die. It didn't occur to me until the run was underway and I contributed toward that name. I don't really find it in bad taste unless people were contributing specifically BECAUSE he dies. I saw it as touching, the idea that people were literally raising money for charity in his name.

Besides, I'll gladly take Iwata over something like Goku or Jesus (the former was the third place name and the latter strikes me as actually being in bad taste) both of which were possible names people submitted donations for.

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If anyone's still looking for a list of highlights, I have a

going that I've been adding runs I think were good either because of the gameplay or the runner.  Right now the list is


Tetris: The Grand Master by TGM crew - Amazing tetris gameplay.  My favorite moment was during Sakura mode when the runner messed up the sequence only to get back on route later because he knew the order so well.


Hotline Miami 2 by Duke_bilgewater - I don't particularly like the Hotline Miami games but I had fun watching this run


Half-Minute Hero by Essentia - Lots of explanation of the game because each segment is so short.  Also one of the few female runners.


Kirby: Tilt N Tumble by danray2352 - An amusing run because in order to stream the game, they had to use a Gamecube with a gameboy player, resulting in the runner playing the game by holding and tilting the entire Gamecube.  They had a hand cam to show him playing it.


Kirby Superstar by usedpizza - Another Kirby game with a hand cam.  At times he has to enter so many inputs in such a short time that his hand becomes a blur.


Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 by PJ - An absolutely hilarious run by PJ in which he makes the main character in the game constantly scream like a maniac


I Wanna be the Boshy by Witwix - While not as entertaining as his AGDQ run, still a pretty fun watch.  It also featured Ray Narvaez Jr., formerly of Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter fame, sitting on the couch.


Luigi's Mansion 3-way race by Boohead86, Firedragon764, and Veman300 - A good race with a hilarious ending


Pokemon Puzzle League by CardsoftheHeart and FFRPro21 - Memorizing gameplay


Super Mario 64 any% race by 360Chrism and GamerDomey - Short but super impressive


Super Mario 64 100% 3-way race by cheese05, puncayshun, and Simply - Pretty good run with good commentary.  One notable thing is this is the run where the $1 million mark was passed.


Chrono Trigger by Puwexil and Essentia - The closing run of the marathon.  Ridiculously long but a good watch if you can make it through. 

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