tegan Posted February 12, 2015 Nope! I've only nicknamed a few of my Pokémon ever, even though I ended up liking them more because of it (Goemon the Greninja in X, Brand the Arcanine in Black 2, and J Allard the Granbull in Y). It's just a weird thing for me. I probably should try to nickname a few of them though. Addendum: I forgot about El Pajaro the Hawlucha from X. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N1njaSquirrel Posted February 12, 2015 YES PLEASE. I shall do my best! You'll have to wait till saturday, if that's ok? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted February 13, 2015 Works for me. I just hope the codes work in this region. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted February 13, 2015 Hey fellow Pokemon buffs, I think I need some help this weekend filling out my National Pokedex, specifically the non-event legendaries from the past couple generations. I have a list at home of stuff I need help with, but if anybody is available on Sunday to help me out I'd really appreciate it. It's just taking so long to get someone to send me something super valuable in exchange for a Mareep. (Understandable.) Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted February 13, 2015 I'll probably be around on Sunday. Just shoot me a PM or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N1njaSquirrel Posted February 15, 2015 Works for me. I just hope the codes work in this region. Can a person activate 2 codes for the same prize? because failing that, I could just get 2 and trade you one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted February 15, 2015 I think it's one per game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted February 16, 2015 Thanks for offering to help Tegan. I managed to get the last of the legendaries I was missing from GTS on Friday. Now if I could get a great international Ditto... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 1, 2015 Hey, if you haven't gotten one through Streetpass yet (or if you're like me and you stupidly reset your game after receiving one through Streetpass), the Eon Ticket is available as a Mystery Gift until Monday. You just need to enter a code: "2015LATIOSLATIAS" if you're in North America or "“POKEMON380381″" if you're in Europe. The Eon Ticket allows you access to the Southern Island, where you can catch Latias in Omega Ruby or Latios in Alpha Sapphire. They're confirmed to NOT be shiny locked like their sibling in the story mode, so you can soft-reset for a shiny one if you're some kind of masochist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korax Posted March 1, 2015 ...you can soft-reset for a shiny one if you're some kind of masochist. I assume that's what you'll be doing, then? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 1, 2015 I'm still soft-resetting for Regirock at the moment but yeah, why not. (I actually haven't been playing much of the game at all in the last few weeks because I wanted to take a break from shiny hatching and work on other things. I'll go back to it eventually) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 2, 2015 I hatched my first bred shiny Pokemon this weekend! I'm still livin' in the past by playing my copy of X. It was a shiny Mareep, and what he lacks in statistical superiority he makes up for in cuteness. (I also managed to hatch 2 statistically inferior shiny Eevees as well. It can be hard to see the subtle shift to the silver fur. I'm excited to turn them into super cool looking Umbreons and Espeons. Maybe I'll hatch a couple more and get a Sylveon & Jolteon too.) All three of them are 31 IVs in only Attack and Special Defense because RNG is a cruel cruel mistress. Here are Douglas & Ronald, not pictured: Randall (Randall is the second Eevee. I felt that was unnecessary to take a picture of him.) : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 2, 2015 Congrats! The pictures aren't showing up though. Also, how are you only getting 2 perfect IVs? Aren't you using the Destiny Knot and switching the parents around? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 2, 2015 I am using the Destiny Knot! My Mareep & Eevee parents have been 5 IVs. I've been hamstrung by the fact that I don't have a ton of quality non-USA dads to match up with my 5 IV moms & the best Ditto I have only has 3 IVs. (Fixed the pictures. OneDrive was a little too good at protecting my privacy.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 3, 2015 Oh, right. I thought you were using two Mareeps/two Eevees, but I guess it's more efficient to use the Masuda Method if you're not picky about stats. ...I am eternally grateful for my 6IV Japanese Ditto. (shiny Eevee is rad. I've been thinking about doing one. I really like Sylveon and Umbreon's shiny forms) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 3, 2015 For sure! The Sylveon & Umbreon are what convinced me to try for a shiny Eevee. I have tried to not get too hung up on the stats since I don't have a good Ditto yet and because I am not super into being very competitive with the battles. So I try to focus on the cool palette swaps. I really like the blue Sylveon and the green Espeon. I continue to put all my old Mareeps on GTS in hopes that someone will give me a Ditto that has even one more IV, but it has been fruitless thus far. Luckily I have like 15 boxes full of Mareeps to trade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 3, 2015 Wonder Trade some of them too. I've gotten some really good stuff in exchange for rejects (best was a near-perfect shiny Carvanha). Do either of your Eevees have their hidden ability? Because Magic Bounce Espeon is super rad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 3, 2015 I got wonder traded a shiny Walrein & a (normal) Entei on wonder trade, so I will definitely drop some of them in there too. Because Mareeps are kind of a pain to catch normally, I have had great success with GTS with them. Unfortunately both Eevees have Run Away. You're right though, Magic Bounce Espeon would be super dope! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulpes Absurda Posted March 3, 2015 I actually have a bunch of Eevee's with perfect IV's and the hidden ability that I can breed if anyone wants one, but it'll take a while to breed them so if you'd like one let me know what IV's you need and I'll try to have them ready by Sunday for trading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 3, 2015 Do you have X or Y? I haven't yet made the jump to OR/AS. If you do have X or Y, yes please! I'm not picky on which IVs, as I'll be using it as a parent for further breeding, especially since you're in the US and I won't benefit from the Masuda method. A 4 or 5 IV Eevee with the HA would be great. If not, it's no big deal. I am the one livin' in the past after all. (Which reminds me, tegan do you happen to have a 4 or 5 IV Ditto that you caught in your game? It's probably a long shot, but since you're in Canada, it would help me out. I understand if you mostly focused on getting a good Ditto some other way. I barely caught any myself.) This would go for anyone on here that has a pretty good Ditto who isn't from the US. I could give you one of like 300 Mareeps I have. Pretty much any disposition & IV combo you can think of! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulpes Absurda Posted March 3, 2015 I have X and AS, though I haven't gotten very far in AS, so X & Y works better for me anyways. And I'd be more then happy to trade for a Mareep with IV's in Special Attack, Special defense, defense, speed and with whatever nature decreases attack and increases special attack. I'm also more then happy to trade a few Eevee's to anyone in another country in exchange for breeding some Eevee's to be traded to us here in the US. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 3, 2015 (Which reminds me, tegan do you happen to have a 4 or 5 IV Ditto that you caught in your game? It's probably a long shot, but since you're in Canada, it would help me out. I understand if you mostly focused on getting a good Ditto some other way. I barely caught any myself.) This would go for anyone on here that has a pretty good Ditto who isn't from the US. I don't, sorry. North American all counts as the same region anyway. whatever nature decreases attack and increases special attack. Modest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 4, 2015 Thanks Tegan! Everything I've read has been relatively vague on what does and doesn't count as "international" for that shiny bump, but it's good to know that our great northern neighbor does not count. I'll dig through my pokemon bank and find a 4-5 IV modest Mareep with those specific stats. Edit: Found one! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulpes Absurda Posted March 4, 2015 Perfect! I've added you to my friends list and I'll try to have the Eevee ready by Saturday, Sunday at the latest. Any nature you'd prefer or do you have that covered? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted March 4, 2015 I'm not terribly worried about the natures. I'm trying to take everything in layers. There's just so much going on in the way of IVs, Shinies, EVs, Natures, Abilities, Move Sets, etc. that I've tried to take things on one at a time trying to comprehend all of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites