bkbroiler Posted March 27, 2014 Yeah, I can't think of any spots where it breaks. Pretty nifty. That's a fun concept. And the cutscenes look really well directed, in that the single takes don't look laborious - it looks natural that the take just keeps going. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architecture Posted March 27, 2014 I think there are a couple of well-hidden loads between some segments; regardless, it's definitely pre-rendered in a few spots (there's no way the framerate would be stable in the last-gen versions during the final sequence). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyturner Posted March 27, 2014 You actually have the ability to zoom the camera during all of them. Can't move it though, so it could be faked it guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architecture Posted March 27, 2014 The stuff during the evac with Miller is running in-engine? On PS3? I would believe you if you said it ran in real time on PS4 or XBO, but 360 & PS3? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted March 28, 2014 I posted about the other stuff in the Feminism thread... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted May 3, 2014 The game part of this game is super goooooooood. So tight. Phantom pain is now one of my must anticipated games, I'm glad this thing exists as a kinda tutorial thing so I'm fully comfortable with the controls when the main game comes out. Which was one of my biggest complaints about MGS4, I never felt fully in control of snake and when shit hit the fan I'd end up fumbling the controls. My other big complaint of MGS4 is that it's bad I highly recommended people giving ground zeroes a go Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architecture Posted May 3, 2014 I'm waiting for a PC version. I could Redbox the PS3 version, but after seeing it in person, I wasn't moved enough to turn it on when my roommate wasn't playing it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted May 3, 2014 I wasn't particularly interested when I watched the 10min gameplay preview trailer, but, controlling it is a joy. Refined. It's the ultimate Remo stealth experience, I'd love to hear him talk about it on the cast, he won't because he's a bum face Anyway, what is all this "playing games with FRIENDS"? video games are to be consumed hunched over, alone, shunned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted May 5, 2014 Someone over on neogaf made this using sharefactor. (SPOILER WARNING, the end of this video shows an Easter egg which is the single greatest thing in the game) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkbroiler Posted May 5, 2014 Someone over on neogaf made this using sharefactor. (SPOILER WARNING, the end of this video shows an Easter egg which is the single greatest thing in the game) That's so awesome. I fucked around in the Tanker level of MGS2 for so long, just holding up guards and knocking on walls and doing pull ups and shooting bottles and stuff. This reminds me a ton of that, only you can do way more things. One day I will play this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architecture Posted May 8, 2014 That's so awesome. I fucked around in the Tanker level of MGS2 for so long, just holding up guards and knocking on walls and doing pull ups and shooting bottles and stuff. This reminds me a ton of that, only you can do way more things. One day I will play this game. See, this instills a fear in me that the actual game will be a horrible bait & switch like Sons of Liberty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuart Posted May 8, 2014 See, this instills a fear in me that the actual game will be a horrible bait & switch like Sons of Liberty. But that was the best part though! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architecture Posted May 8, 2014 You'll get no opposition from me on that front. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonCole Posted May 21, 2014 Quiet Cosplay (source) - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted June 9, 2014 New trailer up http://www.vg247.com/2014/06/09/metal-gear-solid-5-the-phantom-pain-e3-2014-trailer-released/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bjorn Posted June 16, 2014 So I played through Ground Zeroes this weekend. It was, something I never thought I'd say about a Metal Gear game, completely underwhelming. The voice acting is minimal, and mostly forgettable (I didn't listen to all the cassettes, but most of them just seemed to drone on). The plot is even more impenetrable than previous Metal Gears, and I say that as a relatively knowledgeable fan. The sound design was surprisingly muted. Not saying it was bad, but MGS4 is a sonic treat, at the time I'd argue it was one of the best sounding games ever made. It may be that this is a very quiet experience, which is true, but I'm still disappointed that the sound didn't really leave any impression on me at all, other than the storm being really nice. Of course, I already had the story completely spoiled for me, so nothing it in came as a surprise. But it was mostly just, to use this word again, disappointing to watch it play out. Mechanically, this is as good as an MG game has ever been, but then the base design didn't particularly make me feel like I needed to use any of those mechanics very much. Firing an unsuppressed gun would immediately alert everyone, so there wasn't much of a difference between sniping or opening up on a group. And almost every guard could be eliminated one at a time, particularly once you figured out how to lure people out of a pair or a group. There were just a couple of moments when I felt like there was some true authorship going on in design, mostly in the final escape. MG is known for its epic cutscenes, which have never particularly bothered me, and in fact I actually liked most of them in 4. But when a huge, exciting and fun looking gunfight breaks out, and I just have to watch for a couple of minutes, fuck that. There's literally nothing going on in that scene that the player couldn't do. So yeah, it achieved the opposite of its goal for me. Phantom Pain has a hill to climb for me to regain a ton of interest in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyturner Posted September 18, 2014 Also, the screen cap is "perfect" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted September 19, 2014 This gameplay looks absolutely excellent. I'm also really loving the fact that we're getting to take Big Boss back to the jungle, a la my favourite Metal Gear Solid game to date (MGS3). I just can't wait to be let loose with the gameplay mechanics in such a huge world, although because I'm only watching snippets of this video it remains a mystery to me how the traditionally linear narratives of MGS games will work with this kind of environment. Here's a cutscene: I think I'm going to go on a media blackout for this now because I'm sufficiently sold. I also saw a rumour that there might be a late-2014 release coming on this, although that seems potentially far-fetched. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuart Posted September 19, 2014 Here's a cutscene: And here I thought Kojima couldn't be more insultingly male gaze-y and sexist in his cinematography and framing. And har har, we're ogling at this nearly naked woman in this demo cuz boobs and marketing, am I right? Gross. Can't wait for gamer nerds calling out justification for her objectification as "BUT SHE HAS CAMO HE NEEDS TO BE NEARLY NAKED IN A VERY OBJECTIFYING WAY CUZ CAMO AND-" Fuuuuuck thaaaat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bjorn Posted September 19, 2014 And here I thought Kojima couldn't be more insultingly male gaze-y and sexist in his cinematography and framing. And har har, we're ogling at this nearly naked woman in this demo cuz boobs and marketing, am I right? Gross. Can't wait for gamer nerds calling out justification for her objectification as "BUT SHE HAS CAMO HE NEEDS TO BE NEARLY NAKED IN A VERY OBJECTIFYING WAY CUZ CAMO AND-" Fuuuuuck thaaaat. Yep, nothing so far has much changed my opinion from June when I played Ground Zeroes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted September 19, 2014 And here I thought Kojima couldn't be more insultingly male gaze-y and sexist in his cinematography and framing. And har har, we're ogling at this nearly naked woman in this demo cuz boobs and marketing, am I right? Gross. Can't wait for gamer nerds calling out justification for her objectification as "BUT SHE HAS CAMO HE NEEDS TO BE NEARLY NAKED IN A VERY OBJECTIFYING WAY CUZ CAMO AND-" Fuuuuuck thaaaat. Isn't it more that Kojima is just generally a bit of a perv rather than him being sexist? We are talking about a series where you played for a portion of the game like this: Also, did anyone notice that the woman in the trailer is essentially wearing Vamp's gear from MGS2? He too is a character who has consistently been depicted in quite a provocatively sexual way, incidentally. It probably wasn't wise to do something this prominent, especially during a few years where tolerance for titillation and female flesh in games is at an all-time low. It's kind of set up a situation where unless the game really lives up to what Kojima said below and creates a worthwhile narrative around her appearance (not just some in-universe technological reason but an actual story thread), there's going to be a lot of avoidable criticism. Kojima stated, "I know there's people concerning about 'Quiet' but don't worry. I created her character as an antithesis to the women characters appeared in the past fighting game who are excessively exposed. 'Quiet' who doesn't have a word will be teased in the story as well. But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds. The response of 'Quiet' disclosure few days ago incited by the net is exactly what 'MGSV' itself is." I read a suggestion somewhere that her character was caught up in a fire (possibly the same one we saw Snake in during an earlier trailer which left him looking like a mess), resulting in her being horrendously scarred and mutilated including the destruction of her vocal cords — and her appearance is itself a result of the shape-shifting camouflage. Or maybe Kojima just wanted some hot cleavage. We'll find out soon enough I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted September 19, 2014 Entertaining article about Snake's climbing technique in MGS5: http://kotaku.com/why-snake-is-the-best-climber-in-video-game-history-1636633722 I do enjoy the level of detail put into these games. Great memories of being told endless facts about jungle fauna in MGS3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_smell Posted September 19, 2014 Wow that climbing animation is actually very cool, I love when he took his hand off and shook it around. I haven't played a big triple-A game for a while. Also I loved hearing all the jungle trivia from the codec too, I think that stuff is part of what makes this series really special. Kojima defending this new character's costume is quite funny. I bet she has camouflage that's actually making her skin look sexy when really it's all burned. Pretty weird that they had that in a game set in the past- but hey whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites