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This is one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. If you like to have a good time, buy it since it's only ten dollars. It's over ten years old now, so naturally it looks dated, and it has a couple of lame parts, but the best parts are totally awesome. This post sucks, but I feel I have to mention this awesome game nevertheless.

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I bought this for $5 based on a similar recommendation written very much like this from a department story back in 2003.

After the first two "levels" which ranged from good to okay, this game goes atrociously downhill and the the design loosens up to nearly unplayable with long pointless dialogue sequences, bad art, a plethora of objects you can pick up that have absolutely no function, terrible voice acting, and a insanely hack story. There's this overly dramatic part where your character discovers

a chamber full of fetuses in jars

that I couldn't help but laugh out loud at because of how embarrassing it came off.

Personally, I'd say save the 10 bucks or download it ilegally and try it out first.

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I remember playing the demo over and over that I got in a pc magazine when it came out. It was a pretty neat premise, but never did pick it up. cool atmosphere from what a remember and I was amazed the guy had a slot loading cd player in his car at the time.

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I remember playing the demo over and over that I got in a pc magazine when it came out. It was a pretty neat premise, but never did pick it up. cool atmosphere from what a remember and I was amazed the guy had a slot loading cd player in his car at the time.

My experience with the game is pretty much this.

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Oh yeah, did I mention the game starts with the character waking up with amnesia?

Does the demo take place inside the insane asylum or in that town of little deformed children? I thought if the game had stayed that good the whole time, I probably wouldn't have dropped it off at Half Priced Books.

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The demo was basically a cut scene of you in a car, crashing, and waking up in the asylum. I remember talking to a few people, but don't remember much else.

From that era of demos, I basically remember that, some Sierra top/down strategy game with castles(lords of something? castles of something?) and Meat Puppets....

I'll say it again, Meat Puppets. I'm not sure if it was any good, the fact its lost to the ages probably means it was not. I just remember it having different art, violent combat that reminded me of Fallout, good music?(What did I know back then, but I remember it being cool) and a title that just stuck with me.

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I'm willing to give any horror game that I've yet to play a fair chance. I can't get enough of that shit. GOG is pretty great too, so I guess it's worth the $10.

Gog. Gog-o-riffic.

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I remember playing a ripped version of this. I never actually bought it (obv.) but I didn't download it either, it just happened to be on a CD compilation that my dad brought home from work. It's much more of a mindfuck when you don't have the cut-scenes (etc) but I was so entranced by it's menacing atmosphere. Until I got to a puzzle I couldn't complete and had to give up on it.

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Yeah, it's not like story of the year or anything, but I still remember the great atmosphere of the sanitarium levels. Of course, I've always had a thing for mental asylums.

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SANITARIUM! That's my Personal Quest game! I played it illegally in 1998, loved it to bits, and then started the quest (or actually, couple years later) to find a legal version. BUt it was nowhere! Should I download this one? Especially since it may work better on newer computers than an old version, right? I know there was a rerelease a couple years back, but that was only in the US.

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Oh crap, this is one of the hundred or so games that I bought years ago and never have played.

I always was really interested in the setting of the game and I remember reading some old Finnish games magazine 10 years ago about the game and they gave it thumbs up and everything.

Propably never will play it because there's just no time these days damnit. Work, wife, dog, sports and Wii are eating all my time.

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Propably never will play it because there's just no time these days damnit. Work, wife, dog, sports and Wii are eating all my time.


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Oh I would take out the work because that takes the most time, but in order to do that I would need to win some lottery or something like that... :shifty:

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I bought this game as soon as I saw your recommendation, 'blix. It's a game I've seen occasional reference to and always wanted to play it. Then everybody was like "Fuck that game." I didn't bother to download it, because the GOG downloader was not working properly. But now I've got it at 60 %. I'm hoping and expecting to disagree with the detractors. I also want to mention The Longing Ribbon it's an overhead 2D JRPG/Horror made in Germany with the RPG Maker engine and it's free. It has the goofiness of JRPGs but it's really atmospheric and engrossing. I mention it because I have a feeling it has certain things in common with sanitarium. I only played it for like 2 hours, and I'm not sure I can explain why I liked it or why anyone else might...but, damn.

Edit: Sometimes my posts are full of rambling bullshit, like this one. I apologize for that.

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I bought this game as soon as I saw your recommendation, 'blix.

You have made a foolish mistake.

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Well if there's anything good I can say about Sanitarium, is that it's finishable and makes sense.

Dreamforge's previous adventure game to Sanitarium was an absolute trainwreck. It's called Chronomaster, and for some reason there is a small audience who thinks it's brilliant. The only adventure game I've played even close to that bad in design, graphics, and logic is Down in the Dumps. There's probably worse than those two, but I can think of any right now.

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Even Ripper?

Well Ripper has Christopher Walken acting terribly in it, so it's unintentionally amazing.

I've never actually played Ripper, but I want to because of the whole "it's so bad it's good" thing which never happens with games because shitty games aren't fun. But since FMV games don't have much gameplay anyway, it doesn't matter.

And it's ok Toblix, I liked Sanitarium a lot too.

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