
La Celle Splintereux: Conviçion

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Batman With Guns.

That's how I feel about Conviction after 3 levels of the campaign.

I'm not entirely sure what you're running into that mauls into a huge firefight, Toblix. The only time I run into a gun battle, an excessive one at least, is when I screw up.

I've never been particularly awesome at SC single-player. Co-op was more my fashion. But I'm able to sneak-thief things pretty easily. . .until I miss a manual headshot, or don't realize the depths of the next pool of shadows because of the greyscale.

Either way, enjoying it immensely so far. It's nice to see Sam being as vicious as I was about things in CT.

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Credits are rolling now, and yeah, this game was an enormous letdown. The most level most true to Splinter Cell was probably the Something Box level, which allowed for quite a bit of sneaking and taking guys out one by one, but mostly -- and towards the end, completely -- it's just pouring in squads of people who can see you in the dark. The engine was sweet, with some nice mechanics like the "where they think you are" ghost Fisher, and they could've made a terrific SC game with it if they wanted to. It's not even like they tried, though, they just made a game about shooting lots of soldiers and called it Splinter Cell.

Anyway, at least I got some gamer points, and I'm ready for Red Dead Redemption tomorrow.

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Batman With Guns.

It's sad that you just made me want this game a little bit by saying that.

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So I have enough moolah to buy one game post exams. Should it be Splinter cell or Just cause 2?

Just cause 2 is better value for the money, particularly with the upcoming multiplayer mod

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SC if you want a strong, engaging single player experience.

Just Cause 2 if you want to blow shit up.

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Just Cause 2. Favorite game so far this year, aside from the new Sam and Max stuff.

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As much as I love Conviction (I still play through a Deniable Op or two a day at this point, and at least one MP Vs match)

Get Just Cause 2. It'll last you a lot longer, and if you're already a SC fan, you won't be wracked with disappointment and fear/anger at the new direction of the series. (Which, honestly, as much as I enjoy it, I am a bit as well.)

I have to agree with Toblix after playing through the campaign in its entirety. It just funnels you into these gunfights. Though I could usually do things like popping lights in certain places and getting takedowns and executions enough to make a gunfight not so. . .fighty, it was still a bit actiony for my taste.

But still, Batman with Guns.

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So I'm a year late to this particular party but hopefully there's still a handful of crisps and tiny sausages on sticks knocking around.

Having never played any of the previous Splinter Cell games, and no expectations as a result, I'm finding it enormous fun. Basically the game lets me play in the exact same way that I did as a child:

Crawl behind the sofa and peak out but only for a split second. There's three guys blocking my way. Lean out and in the blink of an eye: pew pew. OK that's two down, now for the third. I'll have to sneak around the back of the television and get him from behind ...

So yeah, it's awesome :grin:

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You should really play the previous Splinter Cells. The thing about them was that not only could you do that, but you could also do entire levels doing nothing but knocking folks out and going on your way. In Splinter Cell 3 I went through the entire game and didn't kill a single person that the story of the game didn't force me to. It was goddamned glorious. I had so much fun sneaking around people, dropping them silently, and moving on with the knowledge that I didn't end another digital life. I tried playing Conviction that way. It doesn't work at all. That's my main sticking point with the game. It's a fine action game, but it isn't what I want out of Splinter Cell, and it made me really sad that they took it in that direction.

At any rate, glad you're enjoying it! :tup:

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Yeah, just got stuck into the campaign, it is interesting to read some of the fans opinions as I was very much thinking: 'I like this, but it isn't what Splinter Cell was about at all'

The mark system is very enjoyable, and the set pieces feel pretty tight. The Co-Op is an absolute blast in split screen and led to some really nice, taut encounters. However, it has become a bit of a manshooter now, hasn't it?

In that regards it feels a little like Fallout 3 versus original Fallout.

Splinter Cell: Conviction good game in its own right (despite the brevity of all of the different parts) but not really, fully in keeping with the original's vision.

Didn't there used to be a person on the forums (intrepid homunclus or something) who was obsessed with Sam Fisher (both the game and the character)? Haven't seen them on here in awhile.

I would interested in their take on this game.

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From the last I heard, there was a lot of talk to split the series. The conviction team is making another conviction splinter cell in Toronto right now, but I think ubi montreal is going to eventually do a classic splinter cell game.

I like idea of splitting the series to get more variety and two different, awesome games.

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Didn't there used to be a person on the forums (intrepid homunclus or something) who was obsessed with Sam Fisher (both the game and the character)? Haven't seen them on here in awhile.

I would interested in their take on this game.

Yeah, that was Intrepid Homoludens, good old Beiddie. He hasn't been around here for a few years now I think.

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