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Updated the spoiler tag.

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To help bring us into the 21st century, the

tag now allows you to write spoilers inline. So you can

hide sensitive information

in the middle of a sentence, and then click on it to reveal its contents.

That's all.

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But once you've clicked it, you can't un-click it!





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Fortunately the classic "highlight to read" technique still works if you are scared.

Adding the ability to un-see it once it's been clicked would require actual knowledge of how javascript works (which I don't have), and probably more code than can be reasonably snuck into a BB tag.

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But once you've clicked it, you can't un-click it!





Adding the ability to un-see it once it's been clicked would require actual knowledge of how javascript works (which I don't have), and probably more code than can be reasonably snuck into a BB tag.

Dan, just think of it as an old Sierra hint book where once you used the magic marker to reveal the solution, it was revealed forever.

It's all in the spirit of video games.

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it doesn't work with :shifty::shifty: !

On the MBN I use:

<small><b>Spoiler:</b></small><br />
<div style="border: 1px dashed; padding: 2px;"><div><button type="button" class="button" onclick="var visb = this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1].style.display == '';  this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1].style.display = visb?'none':'';" title="Click to show\hide the spoiler.">toggle spoiler</button></div><div style="display: none;">{param}</div></div>

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Seriously, what are you going to spoil with those?

ok, how about

this header_banter_logo.jpg way of spoiling

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I was going to suggest knocking together a simple function for it, but the ternary operator is pretty cool and I advocate using it whenever possible, even if it's not necessary, because I'm stupid like that. Anyway, it's a nice solution elmuerte, and I'm a little annoyed that I didn't think of it. To be honest, I didn't even know Javascript had the ternary operator.

Incidentally, highlighting doesn't seem to reveal anything in Google Chrome. I don't use it a great deal, but I thought it was worth a mention.

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Incidentally, highlighting doesn't seem to reveal anything in Google Chrome. I don't use it a great deal, but I thought it was worth a mention.

Works for me. Odd.

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One day, when civilization has collapsed and begun to rebuild itself again, people will refuse to believe that we had this spoiler tag technology, no matter what the hieroglyphics show on the tomb walls.

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One day, when civilization has collapsed and begun to rebuild itself again, people will refuse to believe that we had this spoiler tag technology, no matter what the hieroglyphics show on the tomb walls.

And in fifty years, they'll ask themselves how could we live without the spoiler tag...

Awesome Jork

(it's a new word compression from Jake and Work, I'll try to use it more.)

My question is, is there a button I don't see in the message menubar ?

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Works for me. Odd.

Oh, it does for me too, now. I think I was posting from a different computer, though. WHAT IS GOING ON?

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This is like the Ferrari of spoiler tags. In fact, you should make it red. :tup:

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Idle Thumbs' spoilers have always been black. :confused:

They looked pretty much the same as they do now, except without the click functionality and they couldn't be used inline — they'd have to rest on a new line.

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Actually, they were white before.

Awesome work though, Jake!

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So if you add the on top of one another, one click reveals all the spoilers in one place

In the example below, clicking in the middle of the line reveals the entire sentence (on safari) but clicking from the outside towards the middle you can reveal things one by one

Case 1: click in the middle




make super secret spoilers ?



them up*

Case 2: same sentence, click from outside in




make super secret spoilers ?



them up*

another example:

Here is a very long sentence that is hidden, inside the outside

spoiler tags

are little enclosures that contain hidden messages revealed

one by one

by clicking on them individually so if i tell you that

Jake Rodkin

dies in the end of the game and tha

Chris Remo

survives you can still read some of the spoiler without revealing the whole story. Of course, if by accident you were to click on a

double blacked

area you would reveal the general sentence AND this area, but there would still be some secret words :).

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I love that term, it reminds me of the days when knowing tables was the height of HTML.

Oh I see what you were trying to do. Make parts that were not revealed on first click?

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Oh I see what you were trying to do. Make parts that were not revealed on first click?

No, at first I tried to make a super secret area that you'd have to click a dozen time to make visible :D

But it shows through all the black area under your cursor at one point

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