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So many falling blocks...

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Just got Meteos...

*tap tap tap*

haven't posted for a while as a result...

*tap tap tap*

can't... look... away!

*tap tap FAIL*

Damn! Oh well, this provides me with the momentary respite from the constantly falling blocks to tell you all how fucking AMAZING this game is. If you have a DS and do not have Meteos, buy it now, or I will be forced to bill you for airfare from Calgary to where-ever you live so that I may personally slap you. This game had more variety than any other puzzler I've ever seen. Not only does each planet have a different skin for the elements, but it has it's own gravity and atmospheric conditions as well. Frequency of different meteos is changed depending on the environment of said planet as well. There are 32 planets. Each one plays differently. If you get bored of the game, all you need to do is switch your homeworld and you'll be right back to the awesome.

Gameplay itself revolves around stringing together groups of 3 rocks (meteos) that fall from the sky individually and at random. You can slide the blocks to anywhere in their vertical columns, but never horizontally. The groups of three, however, can be horizontal or vertical. It gets challenging and mind-boggling quite fast. A typical round for me lasts between 2:50 and 3:10. Always. I think maybe twice I've made it over three and a half minutes, but that was really hard. Of course, this is on the "deluge" mode, where you can't set your difficulty. On "simple" you can set the game to easy mode. This usually lasts me around 10 minutes, but isn't as fun for some reason.

Now, the music. To be honest, half of the time that I've played this, I've been in public (the bus, slow shift at work [shhh! don't tell the boss!], or other) and have had the DS muted, but I always play at full volume when I'm on my own. Each world comes with its very own looping beat in the background. The rest of the music is generated based on how you play. Stack up a vertical column of meteos? Well, you get a certain little audio response. Horizontal? Different response. Re-boost in mid-air? Yet another sound. I'd say there are about 6 of these responses per planet, and each one mixes seamlessly with the background beat to provide you with a completely different song every time you play. When you get into some speedy play and stuff really starts going fast, you feel almost like a DJ.

The story isn't really worth mentioning except for the fact that Q? actually managed to work ANY kind of story into a puzzle game. The evil planet Meteo (natch) is lauching the meteos at every other planet in the galaxy in order to wipe them out. You must take control of a group of aliens and travel from planet to planet lauching the meteos at Meteo until you finally work your way to Meteo itself and defeat it. This takes about 10 minutes. Then again, you're not playing this game for its compelling narrative, are you?

The final thing I have to mention is the unlock system. See, the game automatically logs EVERY SINGLE METEO that you've launched into space. there are 12 kinds of meteo (2 of which, Soul and Time, are EXTREMELY rare) and as you amass these rocks, you can fuse them together to create weapons, the rare soul and time meteos, the beat loops and music from various planets, and ENTIRE BLOODY PLANETS. You only have one planet at the beginning of the game, but the more you play the more meteos you have. With these, the options will start appearing to build the planet of your choice. Meteo itself can be built, but that takes one hell of a lot of rocks. Still, in the category of unlockables, Q? gets a lot of points for innovation and style.

I really hope you haven't read this whole thing. I really just need a place to rant about the awesome that is Meteos. If you live in North America and have a DS, for the love of Atheism, just buy this game. If you don't, well, I guess I have to taunt you until you import.

*poke* Have you imported yet?

*poke* Have you imported yet?

*poke* Have you imported yet?

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I hope not. I was merely trying to express my joy at Meteos and post a type of mini-review. Sorry if it irritates you, but you really didn't have to read the whole thing.

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I don't live in North America, but fortunately there's this thing called importing. And fortunately, the DS will have none of that "regions" BULLSHIT. So, yeah =D

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I've moved this to the "Post Your Reviews" forum. And yeah, Meteos is great.

I hope not. I was merely trying to express my joy at Meteos and post a type of mini-review. Sorry if it irritates you, but you really didn't have to read the whole thing.

Whenever anyone posts that enthusiastically about anything that isn't Psychonauts, our forum members seem to cry "spam!" :shifty:

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Yeah, apparently someone has slipped some retard into the water supply for the forums.

In other news, I must buy Meteos (and a DS).

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In other news, I must buy Meteos (and a DS).

You and me both, Jake.

I was very close to ordering the NDS&SM64DS bundle from Canada two days ago, but then the price went a little bit too high...

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Well, SM64 DS was worth it for me, simply because I was too young/inexperienced with gaming to care when it came out on the N64, so the DS was my first time playing it. Took about a month to get everything (all 150 stars, every rabbit, etc) but now it just kind of sits on my shelf. Still, the DS is available over there, right? I know Meteos isn't yet, but I was under the impression that the system was available pretty much everywhere by now. Oh well. Good luck to ya.

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Sorry... I didn't have time to read it, but the outline seemed spammish.

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It's a nice review, miffy. But I'm biased since I automatically like you because you seem nice and are a Nintendo fan.

Though I doubt that I'l ever buy Meteos (budget issues and such) I do like your review.

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Thanks. In my 20-ish posts, I try to do what I can.

Efficiency all the way.

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I played it at E3.

I didn't like it very much.

Maybe I should try it again.

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I did not play it at E3.

I do like it very much.

In fact, I think I will go unlock some planets now.

It is a better frantic puzzle game than Lumines, and a far better quick play game, but less of a zen like experience. Each has its merits.

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