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Take 2 tells EA to TAKE THAT !!!

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I'm sorry if this was mentioned be4.

I read today in gameinformer that Take 2 got exclusive third party rights to the MLB franchise and its players. What does that mean? It means that Take 2 is the only third party that can use the player names etc.. in their games, but first party companies like Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony can still use them. This is a direct blow to EA who with Sega are the main third party titles.


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Is that like Cricket?

And wasn't the MLB season just cancelled?

I think somebody should buy exclusive third party rights to Gene Wilder. Hey, d'ya suppose that can be done? And then what if I wanted to make a game with a character in it called Jerome Silberman? Do they own ALL of his names? Is it like a 'buy one, get one free' deal with actors? Buy Gene Wilder now, and recieve his REAL name for free! Plus a free DVD for the first ten bidders. And the DVD is a remastered version of Willy Wonka. Where is your Whimsy, EA? Where is your whimsy?

I can't remember if it's 'I before E except after C' or 'I before E except before C', and I also can't remember the exceptions to this rule.


"Take this, EA games! We have the rights to BASEBALL!"


"Baseball? Is that like Cricket?"


"Hi! I'm George."

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No, the National Hockey games are the ones not playing.

It IS true that no one gives a damn about baseball though. I read the sales in USA Today, and Football is where the gaming is at money wise. Base Ball might not even be worth the $ they had to invest given that they only got 3rd party rights.

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