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TFT monitors

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I have this (fucking small 15") TFT monitor at work and as I've had to do a lot of reading PDF's here I one day decided to see if I could rotate it 90 degrees from landscape to portrait mode so the text would fit the screen better. To my surprise it worked!

However, there's a pretty noticable shadow when the screen is in this position. If I turn it back, without making the video driver also rotate, the shadow disappears. So I'm coming to the conclusion that these monitors are somehow built with the idea that humans have two eyes and they'll look at it from a certain direction. Am I right?

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I can never see anything on those goddamn screens unless I'm sitting right in front of it. I've never tried rotating it 90 degrees, I'll try it at work over the weekend.

I would still get a CRT if I was buying a new PC. It's crazy that you can pay so much less for something of such better quality, but there you have it.

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I would still get a CRT if I was buying a new PC. It's crazy that you can pay so much less for something of such better quality, but there you have it.

Well, it's older technology and presumably cheaper to produce.

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Because that never occured to me at all, Chris. Man, I amn't that dumb. I know why they're cheaper. My point is, it's a nice change to be able to get a better product cheaper than a lesser product.

I can't find any information on Google about that viewy-ness of TFT screens, because I'm using completely the wrong search terms, such as 'viewy-ness'. But if you can think of the right terms to use, Google is probably a good idea.

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My point is, it's a nice change to be able to get a better product cheaper than a lesser product.

The reason for that is that CRT technology has been around longer and is less expensive to manufacture.

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I fucking know that, right?! I hate you so fucking goddamn much.

No matter what the reason is, it's nice, in a world where good things are more expensive than shit things, for it to be the other way around.

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I'd prefer a TFT if I could afford one right now. I have very little room and this thing is taking up half my desk. Ok, less but still nothing besides the keyboard fits in front of it and I can't have a keyboard drawer etc.

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well there's a point, from a certain size onwards tfts are really the only viable option! if you want to have a screen with more than 19''+ you have to get either a tft or a new desk! and even for smaller screens tfts do have their advantages, though price is certainly not one of them.

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I also find that using TFTs for extended periods of time hurts my eyes and gives me a headache. Does anybody else find this? It's not a problem I get with CRTs. Although I guess better quality, more expensive TFTs probably aren't as bad.

Erkki, I had that same problem with my 21'' CRT. I got a desk for about E50, that has a keyboard drawer, and a place for the base unit underneath, and the printer and whatnot. The only fear I ever have is that it'll one day collapse under the weight of the CRT, which probably weighs more than I do. It's very compact and it also slides out easily enough to get to wires at the back and stuff. I think I got mine from... Aldi, of all places. Man, I almost feel ashamed just saying that.

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But I have this big heavy antique (somewhat) desk and I like it.

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god! there's aldi in ireland!?

I love Aldi. They have really awesome cheese. But I feel really dumb buying computer desks there. Just like some people must feel dumb when they buy computers there. Idiots. They also have very nice American Soda and toothbrushes.

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haha, i think i had your desk, yuf! i mean exactly the same one... also from aldi, but we decided to get rid of it(the previous inhabitants of our flat left it), since it is so goddamn ugly! hehe, at the moment i think the pcs they sell at aldi would make my current machine look like an abacus ;) well not really, but you get the idea, i think ;)

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Yeah, alright, so it doesn't look fantastic. But the cheese is good.

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I built my own desk, so I made enough room for a whole lot of shit. I currently have one 21" monitor and a 19" one. These things are quite heavy indeed, and I was a little scared of putting them on my desk. Especially when it started to make scary noises under the massive weight. ;(


Oh, and we've got Aldi's too. And their cheese *is* good. Their :buyme: is pure sewage water, though. ;(


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"Aldi bier"



"What is the similarity between Heineken and having sex in a boat?"


"It's both fucking close to water."

I prefer this one myself:


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Aldi isn't your average supermarket. Aldi is the European version of WALMART. Super-cheap, and conquering the world. (And they're known to treat their staff bad)


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didn't know about that staff thing! and i like them, because they're very different from walmart in a lot of very important ways!

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I don't know if they're treating their staff bad in other countries, mind you. I was talking about the Netherlands, where several cases have been reported in the media. One resulting in a big strike at Aldi's all over the country.


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Their peanut butter is awesome.

And they treat their slaves staff real bad in all countries they have stores in. They are notorious for not talking to the press in any way. No one really knows what goes on in their company. If someone of their personel talks to the press they usually get fired.

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I don't know if they're treating their staff bad in other countries, mind you. I was talking about the Netherlands, where several cases have been reported in the media. One resulting in a big strike at Aldi's all over the country.


And therein lies the difference. Walmarters are not allowed to strike. They screen their applicants so that they could weed out the "troublemakers" and form an army of drones averse to protest and trusting of authority to a sick level.

This made me sick when I first read it. Then I remembered that I have no sympathy for people who are that conformist and uninteresting so I ceased caring. Still a disgusting article on business practices.

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This made me sick when I first read it. Then I remembered that I have no sympathy for people who are that conformist and uninteresting so I ceased caring. Still a disgusting article on business practices.

Not that you have any way of declaring that all Wal-Mart employees are conformist and uninteresting...

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And therein lies the difference. Walmarters are not allowed to strike. They screen their applicants so that they could weed out the "troublemakers" and form an army of drones averse to protest and trusting of authority to a sick level.

This made me sick when I first read it. Then I remembered that I have no sympathy for people who are that conformist and uninteresting so I ceased caring. Still a disgusting article on business practices.

They're allowed to do that? Don't they have laws to protect employees in the US of A?

I heard the first WalMart is soon going to open here in the Netherlands as well. I've always wondered why WalMart can grow so fast despite that so many people detest it. I mean, aren't there enough anti-WalMart people to support the little shops in town? Or are all these complainers a bunch hypocrites? Seriously, if you don't like it -don't shop there. And if you like their low prices; shut your mouth.


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