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Intrepid Homoludens

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - latest screenshots

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I still have to say that Oblivion looks absolutely dismal in terms of design. I don't care how much bloom they fling at their world, I wish they first just got them some good designers. Honestly. Of course it's becoming tradition for the Elder Scroll series; token bad visual design. Like some sort of art movement. But that's why I just don't care.

Certainly with Morrowind it was still blocky enough to squint your eyes and trick yourself that they actually did have a designy thing going on. Now that the graphics are so much rounder you actually see how awful it really is.

Ah well, fortunately the games themselves KICK ASS :clap: And then I don't care HOW it looks. Not entirely true but I'd rather have it this way than the other way around.

:shifty: I have NO idea what your standards of aesthetics are, but I just watched the trailer and was pleased by the restraint and subtlety of the art direction. The look and feel reminded me a lot more of actual historical medieval times, down to the armour (I studied this era briefly for art history class back in art school). The scale and intricacies are more naturalistic, not flambuoyant and exaggerated. Too many times I've seen these kinds of RPGs go overboard with moronically overdesigned worlds. Oblivion looks refreshing because it's NOT trying to be overdone and overimaginative.

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The look and feel reminded me a lot more of actual historical medieval times, down to the armour (I studied this era briefly for art history class back in art school).

Visors would be nice. All the helmets we have seen so far seem to be open-faced. I assume (hope) this is just because they want to show off the facial art improvements.

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yeah well... the animations were stilted and there was no natural "flow" to the world. as far as the mediaeval look is concerned, I don't think the colors are right for that. they were too bright. I think going with a more "earthen" tone would make it feel more authentic.

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yeah well... the animations were stilted and there was no natural "flow" to the world. as far as the mediaeval look is concerned, I don't think the colors are right for that. they were too bright. I think going with a more "earthen" tone would make it feel more authentic.

I wonder what the basis for your perception of medieval colouration patterns is?

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:shifty: I have NO idea what your standards of aesthetics are, but I just watched the trailer and was pleased by the restraint and subtlety of the art direction. The look and feel reminded me a lot more of actual historical medieval times, down to the armour (I studied this era briefly for art history class back in art school). The scale and intricacies are more naturalistic, not flambuoyant and exaggerated. Too many times I've seen these kinds of RPGs go overboard with moronically overdesigned worlds. Oblivion looks refreshing because it's NOT trying to be overdone and overimaginative.

Maybe it's a matter of taste, but also the monsters look really bland, in both Morrowind and the screenshots of Oblivion. As for the armour; overdesigning is one thing, but exaggerating a little goes a long way towards making it seem real. Realer than digitally trying to recreate the real world, what with the uncanny valley and all. Still, could just be a taste thing. I just don't praticularly like the way the Elder Scrolls world looks. But I like how it feels :grin:

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I wonder what the basis for your perception of medieval colouration patterns is?

actual colours from those times. Sure there were some really great colours back then, but most people wore undied cloth. I know this, because I used to be interested in stuff and then I started playing video games... :shifty:

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actual colours from those times. Sure there were some really great colours back then, but most people wore undied cloth. I know this, because I used to be interested in stuff and then I started playing video games... :shifty:

Did we get a lot of "townspeople" shots in the trailer? I figured the colourful clothing on Uriel Septim was because... well... he's the emperor. Clothing colours tend to be based on the availability of dyes, and if dyes are plentiful in the Empire then perhaps a more "brilliant" set of colours is justified?

Boy, am I investing too much tihought in this aren't I? :grin:

Anyway, I sure hope that spellcasting is as fast as it seems to be from the trailer. :gaming:

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Did we get a lot of "townspeople" shots in the trailer? I figured the colourful clothing on Uriel Septim was because... well... he's the emperor. Clothing colours tend to be based on the availability of dyes, and if dyes are plentiful in the Empire then perhaps a more "brilliant" set of colours is justified?

Dyes were very rare back then (medievel times) to the point where mostly only royalty and the church used them. Laws were actually upheld and enforced. For example because the colour purple (the dye for which was produced from snails) was decreed for kings alone (and I think other royalties), and anyone else caught wearing it was sentenced to death.

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Why are you talking about medieval times? It's a completely different universe, and not obliged to follow our own historic details.

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I always kinda feared the Elders Scroll games because they were so huge. Let me explain : I'm a gamer who doesn't want to miss a thing in a game and in these games were like the ultimate nightmare,I couldn't really go forward in the main plot, there were too many distracting things![location,side quests, etc...] and in the end , I felt lost. But I really enjoyed watch someone playing Morrowind because the art was wonderful and the universe felt alive.

The first screens were appealing in terms of technique but the video has removed any inclination of buying it, the art seems casual.

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Dyes were very rare back then (medievel times) to the point where mostly only royalty and the church used them. Laws were actually upheld and enforced. For example because the colour purple (the dye for which was produced from snails) was decreed for kings alone (and I think other royalties), and anyone else caught wearing it was sentenced to death.

Yes. This is true. We are also talking about Tamriel not Eurasia. It is possible with their different varieties of plants and, you know, magic, that the inhabitants of Tamriel might have access to dyes more easily.

This aside: the only guy we saw in clothes was the Emperor, so even if dyes were as scarce in Tamriel as they were in our history I hardly think that saying "it's too colourful" based on the Emperor's outfit is reasonable.

We need more shots of filthy peasants and townsfolk in order to get a good sense of that.

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Why are you talking about medieval times? It's a completely different universe, and not obliged to follow our own historic details.


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okay screw the stuff about the clothes... It's just too colourful and it doesn't feel right.


I'm curious to see what the place looks like at night-time, myself. I really enjoyed the "dawn" and "twilight" parts of the day in Morrowind and hope that they have the same impact in Oblivion.

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I think we can expect all the different weather-scenarios of Morrowind and more.

Clothing: In Morrowind many citizens wore dirty, colourless rags. That's how you knew they were poor. The more expensive ('exquisite') clothing was more colourful, but never gaudy. It was more a way to distinguish between the various classes of the game.

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My problem with the graphics is... take a look at this. While the forrest scenes and other exteriors I've seen so far look beautiful, the interior screens like this one just don't:

compare to:

It seems like a totally different level of technology is being used and they just look violently different. But these graphics are probably not final so I don't care yet.

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Well, I think the fact that the newest Speedtree is used on those forests, it makes them look a lot better than the interior screenshots.

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