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Star Wars Episode 9

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I think Kylo is going to help the rebellion and Reylo is training in the desert.

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I'm pessimistic about Abrams making a good movie, but I don't think it'll be terrible for the same reason TFA wasn't terrible: if you have lots of great characters played by lots of fantastic actors, plus John Williams doing the score, things can't get too bad. I'm mostly just happy this trilogy delivered The Last Jedi, which is a masterpiece, and at this point I just don't really have any expectations for the third movie. If it sticks the landing I'll be delighted, but I won't exactly lose sleep if it's a dud.

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It'll be fine. I'm incredibly surprised people are genuinely still upset about The Last Jedi. I'm at the same time very happy that they're taking a break for a while, but I bet it won't be long and there'll be another deluge of Star Wars content before long. Are we getting nostalic yet for the time when it took 20 years of waiting for another movie to come out?

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My thoughts on ROS (for context, I've never been a huge SW fan. I really enjoy New Hope, the rest of the franchise I more admire than out-and-out love):


(hidden for full spoilers and for people who get upset reading negative opinions of stuff they love)



I didn't come out infuriated like I did with TLJ, rather a weird mix of overwhelmed and bored. The film makes some of the big mistakes the other ST movies did - far too complicated story-wise (too many moving parts, too many characters); too much telling-not-showing; I don't really care about most of the characters in it; the same old destroy-the-planet-killer-climax.
Yet again, I found myself wishing they'd focused on Ben and Rey primarily, with a handful of other characters tied into them (so, Palpatine and Leia would be the big hitters in this movie, you could really get rid of all the others and not lose anything). The whole thing with Richard E Grant is utterly pointless, Poe's love interest and Finn's new ex-Stormtrooper friend are so crammed in it feels like they're backdoor piloting new tv shows.

There was a lot of stuff that would have been much cooler if it had time to breathe (and, for some of them, if they had been planned for/introduced in the previous two). Two examples:
- the 'light-jump-skip' sequence. This is a really cool idea but it came right in the middle of an incredibly rushed montage of a million different set-ups. Would have been great if this had some more time to have them jump into a quiet bit of space, for the TIE fighters to need a few seconds to calculate the trajectory and follow them, maybe even being a little more cautious about where they pop out so you get the beats of the Falcon arriving at a new location, reacting, then the TIEs arriving and making their way back to the Falcon etc. Done better, this could have been the climactic action scene - better that than another (surprisingly badly directed) space battle between the same old ships.
- Palpatine. His return is revealed in the opening crawl, we never get to hear his message, in that same bewildering opening montage Ren tracks him down, he's revealed, his previous plans are explained, his new plan is set-up. It's all so fast and there's no craft to it, no drama. Then he doesn't do much through the movie, then Rey gets to him and he does more explaining then his plan changes and he explains his NEW new new plan. If your character is having to describe things happening as they happen, you've fucked up.

Overall, I wish Kathleen Kennedy had a) planned some stuff through a bit more, and sunglasses) had the mantra "simplify, slow down, show don't tell" drilled into everyone's heads. I think in ten years time,  out of the PT OT & ST, the ST is going to be the trilogy I least want to re-watch. It's kind of embarrassing that the PT avoided some of the big mistakes that the ST made over and over.



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Quite mediocre, but I went in with such low expectations that I didn't mind. Honestly it does almost everything wrong, it moves twice as fast and three times as many things happen as should happen, and like TFA it's petrified with the fear at the thought of being even remotely as interesting as TLJ. On the other hand, Babu Fuck is a legend and all the acting was great, as usual with the new trilogy, so I guess I had enough fun to say the movie just barely "good," which might sound like faint praise but really it means I think it's a good movie! If you ask me, was it bad or good, I'd say it's good.

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