Emotion Magnet

*****-***** ... wants you!!

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Hello all, some of you might know me from, adventuregamers...


i will be running a website that will be at


this is going to be much like penny-arcade.com

with comics and all, but much more of an emphasis on game reviews, now im looking for video game reviewers..

any systems, any games.. what ever!

im also looking for some editors if your interested....

soooo...do you think you have what it takes...

please send writing examples to

[email protected]

forums got underway about a day ago.. and they are coming along great


this is not something thats.. mediocore, we plan to have trips to E3 in the future so i am looking for someone good.. and someone good has to have confidence, you dont think you have what it takes you probably dont.. haha

i prefer some humor in the reviews btw.. but its all up to you .. thanks


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Or you could just ask to put your comics on this site and combine forces into one big mecha-goose with a drawing pencil.

Just a idea.

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I am so gonna leave this place and emigrate to Tasty Bacon. Just like the indexpage has indoctrinated me into doing.

(unfortunately the site won't open)

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Tasty Bacon tastes like bacony broken links.... :broken:

(I've wanted to use that smiley forever, and now I have an excuse!)

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Harvesting the idlethumb's forums for talent?! Thats madness!

Besides that comic bit has been overdone, what you really need is pr0n.

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haha, guys the site is not up yet.. im paying alot of money to have it made, work on it starts on friday (alot of money is 50 bux through my professional web designer friend) first sample of the website will be available to see on Monday. It will be worked on beginning friday (tomarrow).. the forums do work for the moment however...

I am currently looking for




*News Updaters

and anything else :-P

I am looking for reviewers for any type of game, for any system.. Im going to have a HL2 blow-out .. with 3 reviews for HL2. I am looking for people to review retro games as well... and the retro systems. Right now.. at this moment I am currently in negotiations with 2 Inventory Reviewers from "justadventure" and they are most likely going to review stuff for us. I do have an editor-in-chief for temporary. Also looking for people to review adventure games, including ones of the ole times..

Im just saying all this to get into more depth, trips to e3.. will happen, and im going to work on getting press releases of games so we can have the reviews by the time the game comes out, or shortly there-after..

I do believe tabacco put Tasty Bacon on the front site of idlethumbs, haha <3, awesome, i luuuuuv you.. and marek.. i will kill you on source.. :-D

I bought Gold ... haha im such a sucker.. screw Vinvedi.. support valve \m/




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Well, I guess it's time for me to quit Idle Thumbs and move on. Cheers guys, it was fun!

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Well, I guess it's time for me to quit Idle Thumbs and move on. Cheers guys, it was fun!

Marek, I swear! You even think of abandoning the Thumb and I'll personally pay her to come to your house and annoy you for the rest of your insignificant life:


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Marek, I swear! You even think of abandoning the Thumb and I'll personally pay her to come to your house and annoy you for the rest of your insignificant life:



WHYYYYYY did you put that in the SEXY tasty bacon thread


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I'd wish you the best of luck, Randle, if I weren't insulted to the bone by this fucking thread.

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.. at this moment I am currently in negotiations with 2 Inventory Reviewers from "justadventure" and they are most likely going to review stuff for us.


thats a joke right?

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To whom? I am the Man, man!

I'm known to consort with the God all mighty, so I would be careful if I was you

Warning: Lightning may strike


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The end is NIGH!

Oh fess up, you whore! You WISH you were Divine!

I'm known to consort with the God all mighty, so I would be careful if I was you

Just make sure you put the Kingz back in his padded cell wearing his straitjacket before consulting with the Almighty.

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Despite the anti-dope propaganda that circulates in the US, most people are thankfully well aware that no great social disaster has befallen the Netherlands, where cannabis has been sold openly in coffee shops for years. It would take a perverse mind to twist the data from Amsterdam into a argument for continued prohibition. [...] Campaigners and pressure groups can be forgiven for trading propaganda, but we should expect world famous scientific organisations like the US National Institute on Drug Abuse to evaluate honestly the research that has been done.

EDIT: Wrong thread.

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