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About Wormsie

  • Rank
    Psycho worm
  • Birthday 07/17/1985

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  • MSN


  • Location
    Kaliningrad, South Africa
  1. Psychonauts on CrossOver Games Mac

    The fight is over: Psychonauts for Mac has been released.
  2. Psychonauts on CrossOver Games Mac

    Oh, and true, this is probably not the best place, but I haven't had good experiences of posting to official boards.(Though CrossOver isn't an issue anymore.) And the guy who posted to Double Fine forum didn't get any real help either, and as far as I know Majesco is bankrupt or something.
  3. Psychonauts on CrossOver Games Mac

    I just read one long long thread I happened to find by searching for the word "Psychonauts", and would like to point out to everyone that there is a difference between a "principal" and a "principle". To the point: I finally managed to reconfigure my Windows XP -machine, but apparently certain ATI cards hate Psychonauts, or vice versa. I googlesearched for "psychonauts voices play but screen black" (well, not really, but that should tell you what the problem is) and didn't find anything; though lots of ATI users had had problems, they had either given up, or the problems had mysteriously disappeared. So I turn to you, though I'm not too hopeful. Oh, I do remember having played the game in my old machine before, so downgrading my drivers might work (upgrading didn't help), but doing that might be tricky...
  4. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    I just had to say that I disagree - I prefer the third game to all the others in the series. FMV with the incredibly talented actors was enough to make #2 unenjoyable.Ooh, and Andrew Bird roxors.
  5. Nifty browser games (inc. Flash)

    Idle Thumbs did a review back in the day of this website that was full of flash games, and now I can't find the review or the site. I remember most of the games had fluffy animals and stuff, one of them had little piggies that you could drop on one another to form a totem-kinda-thing and one had newly hatched birds and one had a bicycle... Does this ring a bell? EDIT: Found it. After I found old.idlethumbs.net.
  6. Psychonauts on CrossOver Games Mac

    Thus shall Finnish gibberish disappear from your Facebook page forever.
  7. Psychonauts on CrossOver Games Mac

    Hey guys As for Facebook, I think I just have way too much procrastinating to do and haven't found a better outlet, since Psychonauts isn't running and all that. Kingz, you are currently on my Facebook list called "Gay Sauna". The members of that list get to read all the gory details of my life. If you like, I can move you to the list called "B-list" which will bestow upon you a blissful silence from my direction. 90% of updates I see on my Twitter page are by Trep.
  8. Psychonauts on CrossOver Games Mac

    Haven't found such a setting anywhere yet. Tried using a crack, which didn't run. I curse Apple for taking away the BootCamp download for Tiger! Can't find it anywhere else...
  9. After installing Psychonauts on CrossOver Games for Mac and trying to run the Psychonauts app, I get the error message "Psychonauts EU CD 1 not inserted". Needless to say, the CD is inserted. Any way to make CrossOver games recognize my CD? Pan me for being a n00b.
  10. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I didn't mean my post as a reply to yours directly, just as a sarcastic comment about how MP3s are slightly easier to destroy than CDs.
  11. Blantant heterosexuality, the horror! Castrate them all!
  12. The Sam & Max games are so great

    I got Season one and haven't played it past the demo point at all. Go figure.
  13. Hollywood is a state of mind. I should have used a lower-case letter there.
  14. The first movie, at least, was quite bland. Didn't watch the others because of that. By not making them at all. Or with less Hollywood.I thus end my almost worthless contribution to the thread.
  15. Ooh, the sex-thong thread! :innocent: :chaste: