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Dota 2 - SEA Major - Pinoy Doto: Best Doto?

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Wow, all these player shuffles. EG's losing 2 (maybe 4?) people, Secret's replacing W33 and Misery with Universe and RTZ.


Maybe this is a good kick for Valve to figure out a better system than this lockout garbage.

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Yeah I feel super bad for W33 and Misery. I don't think my heart is into rooting for this new Secret lineup.


And yeah, Valve has turned the Majors and TI into a joke with the way the current system works it is potentially possible to lock out a top-tier player from competing.

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Ever since the post TI aui kick, I've said that I think Valve fucked up by doing 4 events a year instead of 3. You either kick someone from the team before the confetti has even been cleaned up (EG w/ Aui) and look like a dick for that (even though I know that it was done in large part to give Aui time to find another team.) or you wait and give your kicked players no time to find a new team (secret w/ w33 & misery) and look like a dick that way.  The roster locks happen way too fast after events and is honestly only punishing players who are good enough to be on invite caliber rosters, but who can't afford to be picky about where they go if they want to play at all.

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If they had a player's union, they could have things like contracts which could mandate steps that would need to be taken before a player is cut loose. Right now it seems like the captain can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and remove someone. 


Multiply this problem by 1000 when everyone involved is a child and there are millions of dollars at stake. 

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Oh god, ppd's jabs at Arteezy, too good.


Second, I'd like to apologize to the players and managment who were negatively affected by this sudden change. It is unfortunate that our scene hasn't progressed past the point where one player's decision can destroy everything you are working for.

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Oh the irony of being surprised Arteezy is a bad person.

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I said pretty vocally & repeatedly at the time that I was surprised that given the reasons all parties gave after RTZ's initial departure that anyone thought any of that would change, and I guess I was right.

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It is unfortunate that our scene hasn't progressed past the point where one player's decision can destroy everything you are working for.

On a lighter note, I'd like to welcome both Aui_2000 and BuLba to Evil Geniuses. I know this is a bit shocking for most of you, but there never really was much bad blood between Aui and myself after The International 5.


Aui listening to PPD offering him a place on EG and then answering.



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This Starladder tournament has been interesting to watch to see how teams play after the big shuffles.


LGD apparently were doing horribly prior to this tournament, but they've played convincingly so far, and made drafts work really well that I didn't expect to work.


Na'Vi also looking incredibly strong, which is not a statement I expected to make in 2016.


Disappointed MVP flamed out of this tournament, I was ready to join that hype train.


OG and Alliance looking pretty uninspired to me.

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Gonna be really interesting watching the qualifiers with teams having to figure out a brand new patch. Must be stressful I imagine!

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Anyone else watching the Moscow Epicenter matches? They've been starting around the same time I go to bed, but I've caught a couple of the later matches in the morning. Amazing to see Secret eliminated so quickly, I'm curious how people think they stack up to Team DK, the last superstar team that failed to impress.


I'm still not sure what to make of OG. Obviously a talented team, but it seems like they rely on an awful lot of cheese so I always feel like they are never far away from a team figuring them out and dismantling them.


If it weren't for the fact that Liquid seem to always kind of choke in the grand finals I would consider them favorites to win. They seem scary good. Very similar to how Newbee is playing where they have a distinct style that they always stick to, but with plenty of flexibility in terms of what heroes they run.


And it seems like I've seen a lot of commentary about how bad EG are, but I'm not writing them off yet either.

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Thus starts the main stage games! I think the smart money is on Team Liquid winning the whole thing (the smart money, as well as my heart,) but there's always the possibility for an upset!

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I picked Liquid in my Compendium predictions, but I started feeling less confident about them after those group stages. Then MVP took some extraordinary games off of them. So I think I might be leaning towards Newbee at this point?


That being said, despite Liquid dropping to the lower bracket I could definitely see them working their way through to the grand finals for sure. Maybe I'm projecting, but I feel like they aren't playing super confident at the moment so they need to overcome whatever nerves and pressure they are facing.

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Yeah, that was a harsh match to watch as a Liquid fan. I had to turn off the stream for the night. I have faith, but Kuro needs to get Matu to get his act together. Game 2 was eminently winnable.


As for who the favorite is now, I would (to my displeasure) say it's MVP. Not many teams could have come back from that two-rax disadvantage with quite as much dominance, though I suspect a rematch between them and TL would turn out a bit differently. QO's Slardar in particular might be worth banning out in Phase 1 or 2.

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Just checking my compendium predictions, not having heard much about any of the games, and one hero got 45 assists in one game? What?

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I believe that was Febby on Bounty Hunter? There have been some monstrous games this tournament.

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I'm actually looking forward to Liquid vs. Navi (tonight) more than I have to most of the ones in the tournament. Navi isn't exactly back to peak performance relative to the other teams, but they're far better than they were a few months ago, and I think they can go a lot further if they beat Liquid. On the other hand, Liquid's coming back from those day 1 games, but beating CoL isn't necessarily enough to prove that their form is significantly better. It'll be a good test for both teams.

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For someone who bet on Liquid to win it all, there games yesterday were reassuring to watch.

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Talk about Liquid being on a tear through the lower bracket. Haven't dropped a game down there yet.

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