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CK2 Succession Game

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Let me write up my last installment and I'll share it with you via dropbox, if that's alright?


I'll try and get it done this evening.

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Wnjoy. I'm sad to say that the other branch of the family have regained control. Stupid electoral system.

Your paterfamilias is very disappointed in you all. Pull yourselves together.

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(Feel free to touch htis post up however you want for the blog)


May 1120

Finally a chance to rule. I want nothing more than to show my military skill to the emperor, perhaps he will make me his Marshall.



19th June

My wifes failure to produce a son is a continuing source of  shame for me and my family. I knew the electors wouldn't support my daughter as heir forever.



2nd November

A son! I have a son!


29th April 1121

Finally a war! I can lead my troops to battle in the name of the Emperor.



10th September

I will take Paris on my own if I have to.



22nd May 1122

The war ends without even a thank you from the boy Emperor.



26th November

I have the pox, probably due to those mongrel Frenchmen we fought in the dirty streets of Paris.



10th December

My thirteen year old daughter has become uncontrollable. Nothing is going as planned.



18th August 1123

Still no recognition from the Emperor, my family is beyond my power to control and no wars to be fought.



29th August

Perhaps this will take my mind off my troubles.



26th May 1124

After almost a year of preperation and travel we have arrived at Kent and laid seige!


9th August 1125

News has reached us in the seige camp of the fall of Constantinople and the utter collapse of the Greek Empire, god preserve us in these troubled times.


28th August

Not even a soldierly death for me.



Here is the next save:


And a zip of all the screenshots I took, not a lot happened in my five year reign:

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We are dropping like flies here. At this rate no-one will reign long enough to ditch electoral succession.


I got half way there ;) I was also trying to generate a claim on Majorca, but died before that bore fruit either.

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I guess he's not.


Anybody else want a shot, or shall we start cycling around the list again?


Looks like Anym was last active April 6, and last posted January 21 in this very thread. That seems somewhat damning. Who's next on the list, me? Jeez. Yeah, I can do it, if we agree that it's the right step. I'd be just as willing to give it to SBM or Cordeos again, since both of them had single-digit reigns.

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Oh hi, I'm late to the party. I haven't played CK2 in ages so I'm sure to do a bunch of awful things, but if you want to entrust me with that terrible power I won't turn it down.

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Oh hi, I'm late to the party. I haven't played CK2 in ages so I'm sure to do a bunch of awful things, but if you want to entrust me with that terrible power I won't turn it down.

Don't worry our Dynasty has terrible longevity so you will die before having the chance to ruin anything :)

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Don't worry our Dynasty has terrible longevity so you will die before having the chance to ruin anything :)



Sounds good to me :) Do we have the latest save?

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Don't worry our Dynasty has terrible longevity so you will die before having the chance to ruin anything :)


I had incredible longevity! I ruled some thirty-odd years, but I guess maybe my wife had a low health score that she passed to my children? Video game genetics is confusing.

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I feel like so far I'm making similar plays to Cordeos. I think this will be good although the war exhaustion factor might come back to bite me.

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Just a quick update that my ruler is getting pretty old, so I should be wrapped up soon. Taking a bit longer just because Broken Age came out, and I've been playing that with my wife. So apologies for the delay but I should have the next file up by this weekend at the latest.

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Just a quick update that my ruler is getting pretty old, so I should be wrapped up soon. Taking a bit longer just because Broken Age came out, and I've been playing that with my wife. So apologies for the delay but I should have the next file up by this weekend at the latest.


No need to apologise... as long as things don't stagnate for months, any speed is fine.



Do we have a player lined up to carry on the legacy?

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Well that's very kind of you to say. I always stress out when I'm responsible for holding up asynchronous games. Like I forgot to submit my turns for Chaos Reborn yesterday and I have been feeling guilty this whole morning...

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Here is the story of Duke Gilbert of Provence:


He learned how to stay alive for longer than 5 years.


He went to many feasts in the Holy Roman Empire.


He went in for a little bit of hedonism (but not too much).


He successfully helped lead a Crusade into Greece.


And he also got into some less successful scraps as well.


And in the end he died of natural causes at the age of 64.


He is succeeded by Duke Adalbert.

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Hi. I stumbled across this, no one had done the next move. So, i thought, Adalbert should be OK.


Will he survive his family's sordid history of death and dismay?


Opening his reign, Adalbert looked around the duchy. He had 3 pressing concerns:

1) Succession laws in the Duchy of Provence

2) He was stressed.

3) A son with Zero (0!) Stewardship


He had 3 positives:

1) His provinces were extremely well built up

2) He had ridiculous amounts of money!

3) He had no local rivals. Well, except for his cousin the duke, but nothing could be done about that with the Strong Emperor.


We discovered 2 ladies had been 26 & 48 years a prisoner. 2 lives utterly destroyed. How rude, they weren't even powerful. Feeling kind, the Duke let them go!


Adalbert required just 1 more province to create the Kingdom of Burgundy, and 1 more duchy title. THIS would be his life's ambition.


With nothing better to do with that much gold, Adalbert constructed 2 castles, one on the cheap.


The HRE had launched a successful crusade during the reign of the previous duke. The Emperor favoured Adalbert with three vassals in the Greek territories. Unfortunately, they unbalanced the Provencal Electoral System. It meant there was a new problem. The wise, old man, the most revered in the duchy, the count of Vienne, had the majority votes of the electors. Hell, I wouldn't vote for my zero stewardship son. But, he was my heir, so wants were subsumed by needs. Even my +100 point brother was against me. B*(&^d. But, surely the old bugger would die before me. He was over 70 years old!!


In a weak attempt to expand in Burgundy, with the county of Valais, we tried to murder the Duke of Savoy. After 3 failed attempts, we were caught and gave up.


In our attempts to weaken the emperor, I somehow became the faction leader. It was a bit futile; at only 82%, and I'd spent the mercenary army money on frivolous castles to decorate my demesne. Oops. The emperor asked me to back down, which I did magnanimously due to my diplomacy skill.


I had a spare for my heir, which i named after myself. How delightful.


Across the border, France has split in three, with a rebellion and Aquitane rising from the ashes.


The Emperor declared a new war, and the stressed Duke Adalbert fell ill leading troops. "Oh boy" he muttered out loud, and decided on a fast and furious transition to "family values".


In Vain. Adalbert ruled just 7 years, dreams were shattered, he hadnt even ruled long enough to change to primogeniture. The Duchy was lost to the Count of Vienne. Long Live Count Walther, Zero Stewardship, female heir, with a maximum Demesne size of 1. 1!


In the family crypts, ghosts flipped tables.


Save and pics to come. Simon

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