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Wanted: Game Girl

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Hawt Girl to play video games with me.

The game in question? Rez... With the 'rez vibrator'. Haha just kidding, that's a metaphor for my playing style.. But seriously, I've got it.

Spare dry panties necessary, but not provided.

P.s I'm very good at it ¬¬

P.p.s Emma - you like Trance right? My favourite music reaches 600 BPM, How fast do you go?

P.p.p.s - May be joined by my gaming consigliore... And an eye toy ¬ ¬

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I have no idea what this thread is about, but I am afraid of it and will try to stay far, far away from it at all costs....


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Hawt Girl to play video games with me.

The game in question? Rez... With the 'rez vibrator'. Haha just kidding, that's a metaphor for my playing style.. But seriously, I've got it.


that was good.

If anyones seen the film Dodgeball then they should find at least that part funny.

Anyway, if there are any gurlz :sombrero: out there interested, I'm better at the game than Ben.

And I can create music at a much higher bpm ¬¬

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I thought regular game controlers embraced this... erm... vibrator feature a while ago....

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Yeah, but like the article says, traditional game controllers just aren't shaped right.

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You know, every girl gamer I know has a boyfriend. But no guy gamer I know has a girlfriend.

What could it all mean?

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I am a girl but I have a boyfriend. SORRY!

But my bum is on the internet.

I believe a private message is in order..

there's no need for us to be shackled by staffer reader etiquette, unless of course you're into that type of thing, in which case i have some shackles right here. HAHA, just kidding with you, but seriously... i have 'em.

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