
How many games do you own that you have never actually played?

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I keep a stack of in-progress games nearby to kind of torment me into finishing them.

You know, right? So that when i actually have time to play something, i don't end up just forgetting about the thing i've barely touched and end up just sitting around feeling bored and wasting time on the internet.

My Steam comment though, the one everybody was mocking.

Isn't it a thing? The particular case of Steam is that it has made a lot of giant, ambitious projects completely disposable in the general mindset of the people who are the intended audience.

I mean, i guess it's the devaluing games argument. Or maybe not, but still something along those lines.

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I've got exactly 58 games on my Steam list that I haven't played enough. I vouched not to buy any 'crazy-sale' game or bundles until I've gone through all (most?) of them.

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Around 50. *sigh*

EDIT: Oh wait, that was the number of games I haven't finished. I think it's closer to 10.

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I mean, i guess it's the devaluing games argument. Or maybe not, but still something along those lines.

You know, I was thinking about this and at first I thought the difference is that spending 60 bucks on a game comes from a different mindset than spending 5 bucks and with it being a more conscious and thought through decision would lead to more incentive to actually play the damn thing. However when I look at the games that fall into that category for me, I have to say that there's basically no chance I'd have bought them for full price. And the number of games I actually did play for an hour or so before figuring out that I simply don't enjoy them kind of backs that up for me, since they come from the same place: games on sale I thought I was supposed to play for some weird reason. Now all the games I was actually genuinely interested in before they went on sale for about 3.50? Totally different story. Still, I don't think it is necessarily depressing, to me it just means I can try out more games that may or may not be my taste for significantly less money.

So basically for me it's Crysis 2 and Time Gentlemen Please. Got them together with their respective predecessors, played those for an hour and never came back, so chances are I am not going to play the sequels. It's not even that I think Crysis or Ben There, Dan That are bad games, it's just that I don't like shooters and adventure games. Which I was fully aware of, but both were in a place where word of mouth wanted me to at least try them out. If anything I feel good about them sitting in my library, barely played if at all. Means I took a chance on something which could have been completely my cup of tea. Just doesn't always work out.

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Full retail games? Around 10 that are still sealed. Working at a game store kind of does that to you though.

Steam counts? Too many to talk about and be allowed in public again. Besides Indie bundles the Steam sale does not help ever.

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About 50. For a year I got hooked on Steam Sales. "It's only $3, how could I pass that up???"

I was like a crack whore who just wanted to collect as much crack as possible, regardless of whether I actually smoked any.

So now I never buy a game unless I would play it right then and there.

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I bought a ton of games during Steam sales last Christmas and over the summer. Plus I'm a huge sucker for Humble Bundles since most of those games run well on Linux. So I have a huge backlog. I'm starting to cool my jets a lot, though, and trying to be pickier about what I'm buying.

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I think I have about 100 games to finish including digital and physical copies. I tend to buy games used for older ones I missed still in box copies instead of running to abandonware sites or GOG. I guess that kind of creates a sense of urgency as the older a game is physical wise, the price goes up. Better buy now. New games, I never buy until I know I have the time and even then I wait until an Amazon sale (funny enough most games have a $10 discount at some point on Amazon if I wait around and check for a couple of months while sniping something I want to play).

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The problem i have is when i want a indie game that goes on sale with 3 others in a bundle, which is normaly cheaper than buying it on its own. So i have a bunch of games that i dont actualy want to play filling out my steam list.

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I can't estimate a number, but I'm sure I still have sealed games from older consoles. I have a bunch of discs for PC games which have never entered a computer.

As for "digital" collections like Steam and GoG? Quite a few.

I make dumb choices. I also pre-order stuff at the drop of a hat and then forget I did so. By the time the item arrives I may no longer be interested. I've more or less stopped doing this, I guess.

If the question was "how many games do you own that you've played once and never looked at again?" the answer would be hundreds for sure.

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A lot. I have no idea how many. Once a game has dropped below the $20 threshold (and they all do, eventually) I'll buy it if I have even the remotest interest in playing it. It's a bad habit.

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I have too many that I'm depressed to even think about it. Not just Steam and GoG games, but physical copies of games also.

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