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It's high time there was a internet comics thread, post your favorite internet comic for the good of us all.

I don't really read many myself, but Hipster Hitler is amazing.

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In no particular order;

Schlock Mercenary(I would thoroughly recommend the four/five day trip through the archives.)

Dr McNinja

Least I Could Do

Penny Arcade

Questionable Content

Looking For Group

And occasionally CAD if I get bored.

All of these are daily/tri-weekly reading for me.

I'll pop hyperlinks in there when I wake up, as I am balls to the walls exhausted. (I'm not really sure what that means, honestly.)

Edited by Orvidos

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# Dilbert

# Penny Arcade!


# Virtual Shackles

# Geek And Poke

# Evert Kwok

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Questionable Content, Penny Arcade, Dr. McNinja, Dinosaur Comics and XKCD are the obvious ones I read.

Two lesser known gems:

Hark! A Vagrant is where Kate Beaton has fun with history and literature. Even if I don't always get the historic reference, her facial expressions and written timing always makes me laugh.

Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. The setting is basically a temp agency for buff guys, mostly from video games:


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In addition to a few already stated (Schlock Mercenary, Kate Beaton), I've enjoyed these over the years.

Links go to the first comic, if available.

Currently Running:

The Abominable Charles Christopher - Just read it

Captain August - sci-fi comedy by Idle Thumber Rodi

College Roomies from Hell - jumped the shark of late, but good character-based comedy/drama

Dresden Codak - lengthy comics about philosophy, technology, and transhumanism

Romantically Apocalyptic - postapocalyptic humor

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - geeky gag-a-day strips

Shortpacked - geeks in a toy store

Something Positive - about Boston misanthropes

Subnormality - Best text dumps ever

Three Panel Soul - gag-a-day, loosely geek-related


1/0 - A cartoonist moralizes over how to treat his comic creations

A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage Is Irreversible - philosophical musings by the artist behind Braid

Copper - adorable sci-fi about a boy and his dog

Hitmen for Destiny - weird, NSFW, and crudely drawn, but oddly compelling world-building

The Japanese Beetle - political satire via Superman parody

One Swoop Fell - Adorable comic about a bear trying to get a bird back home

Tip Me Over Pour Me Out - Hilarious autobiographical comic

Triangle and Robert - A triangle and a rhombus suffer existential angst at the hands of an inept cartoonist


Fleep - science-themed amnesia mystery

Nothing Is Forgotten - wordless coming of age story in the vein of My Neighbor Totoro

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Ooh, Jason Shiga :tup:

Oglaf started as a porn comic, but the writer couldn't take it seriously and made it into comedy. It's sometimes very funny.

I was mildly concerned about posting Oglaf, but I guess we're all adults here. Or at least not idiots.

Though I also partially go for the snippets at the top of the page.

"The mustard burns slightly, but it accentuates my resemblance to ham."

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The only comic I check with any frequency is Cyanide and Happiness. I also enjoy Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Dinosaur Comics, and XKCD when it's not being annoying and awful. I've also been entertained by a few other things, but I forget what they are. Perry Bible Fellowship was great, and White Ninja seemed pretty good. The start of Problem Sleuth at MS Paint Adventures was wonderful, although it lost its way a bit as it went on, I felt. I'm not really into ongoing story stuff that much, although I did try to get into Achewood, which seemed good, but I couldn't handle the huge archive.

Oh, and I might have had the most posts at the Spamusement forums for quite some time.

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I'd second a few up that have already been mentioned, such as Kate Beaton. I read quite a few webcomics, but here's one I'll recommend:

My Cardboard Life - The art style might look like a gimmick at first, but the very distinctive sense of humour (a mixture of dry wit, groan-inducing puns, silliness and passive-aggression) is what brings me back. Plus, there are some great ideas, such as this recent strip, where one of the characters attempted to escape from the comic.

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I'd second a few up that have already been mentioned, such as Kate Beaton. I read quite a few webcomics, but here's one I'll recommend:

My Cardboard Life - The art style might look like a gimmick at first, but the very distinctive sense of humour (a mixture of dry wit, groan-inducing puns, silliness and passive-aggression) is what brings me back. Plus, there are some great ideas, such as this recent strip, where one of the characters attempted to escape from the comic.

Wow, that comic is GENIUS. Following the bear all over the internet was the best thing, just for that I will start reading that comic.

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Tip to everyone: If you really want people to discover your sweet comics, please make links in your post. I can't speak for everyone, but web laziness prevents me from googling what I'm sure are awesome web comics.

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Tip to everyone: If you really want people to discover your sweet comics, please make links in your post. I can't speak for everyone, but web laziness prevents me from googling what I'm sure are awesome web comics.

I also suffer from web laziness :tup:

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My Cardboard Life - The art style might look like a gimmick at first, but the very distinctive sense of humour (a mixture of dry wit, groan-inducing puns, silliness and passive-aggression) is what brings me back.

This is wonderful! Reminds me a lot of Peanuts :tup:

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Hey, that guy looks a bit like Rex the Runt.

I generally hate webcomics (except I guess I'll have to check out the new TenNapel one), but I want to say any references to Rex the Runt ever in anything are amazing.

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I met the author of My Cardboard Life at a now defunct UK convention, she had a diorama with all the characters! It was awesome! X3

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[...] I want to say any references to Rex the Runt ever in anything are amazing.

I remember little about it other than I really liked it and was frustrated when I couldn't find more. And the voice-overs were pleasingly understated, if I remember correctly.

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Gunnerkrigg court. It's incredible. It;s heartwarming, funny, well-drawn, and mysteriously awesome. I have no worlds for how great it is. http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/index2.php

Read it.

It's also where I got my former avatar from. Information!

Edited by Snooglebum

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