Wesley Thomas

Metro 2033?

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Woo! I can finally play this. My old computer couldn't handle it at all, but now I'm running with maxed settings. Granted, my monitor only goes up to 1280x1024.

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This is better than I expected from what little I played earlier. When I was first left alone outside it felt scary, because so far I had been lead and now I was in this new place, exposed compared to the tunnels and not knowing exactly how to achieve my goal. There's a nice balance of wanting to scrounge ammo and stuff and wanting to just run to the next safe place before more monsters come or the gas filters expire.

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I love the atmosphere so far, I love the story so far, but once the fighting starts.... I lose interest, I'm not just in the mood for shooters. ;(

Would it be that bad to try to cheat or simply watch a longplay? I really want to view more of the world.

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I stopped playing it probably because it seemed quite demanding. It was really good, but like Amnesia it felt like you have to plan and prepare for playing. Make sure you're in a dark room with headphones etc. Should get back to it.

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I really dug this game, and yeah, it is very demanding of the player.

I thought all the convoluted manipulation of your inventory gear made it incredibly immersive, like the freakin` wind-up battery for your light amp goggles.

A sequel was just announced, should be cool.

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This thread getting bumped made me go and play some more. Really enjoyed one level where there was a fight between

commies and nazis

, even though it was really long and tough and made me replay some parts more than 10 times.

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Agh, I might finally play this game now! Bought it in December in anticipation of having a computer to run it in January, but after that I just played a lot of Chronicles of Riddick and Mass Effect 2. Space, and all that.

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Just finished. Man, this game should be either:

a) shorter

B) less punishing

Some of the levels near the end are somewhat crappy.

Especially the beginning of the Biomass level and the one sequence just before. The best way FOR YOU to defeat them would be to RUN to the end, else you die quite easily. But the AI insisted on "moving carefully", which made him die and me fail.

Otherwise, really cool game. Does very well in taking STALKER's atmosphere to a more straight shooter / horror setting. I personally still prefer Stalker by far though.

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After seeing the trailer for the second game (which I think looks really good), I decided to try and play this game first. So far I really am enjoying it, much more than I enjoyed other, shooting horror games like Dead Space.

I studied Russian and even lived there for a year, so I thought it'd be fun to play this game in Russian. Having the game language in Russian definitely adds to the atmosphere -- I'm more excepting of that fact that you're in the remnants of the Moscow metro system, for instance -- and even adds more the horror element, because every command or warning takes me a few seconds longer to process. It's a hard game -- harder, I think, than Dead Space -- but I think I'll stick with it for a while.

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