
Grand Thumb Auto XXX2: State of the Union

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Go throwback to horrible action movie sequel! Anyway, I'm in for Tuesday at the usual 2100GMT. Who's playing this week?

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Me, but it's 2000 GMT / 2100 BST / 2009-06-30T20:00:00 UTC / 2009-06-30T21:00:00 UTC+1! Pedantry is sweet!

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Currently doing some transcribing, but I'll try to get it done and get on it.

So, probably will be showing myself at about 9pm UHT.

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I'm in too.

How does this whole thing work, anyway?

You turn on your Xbox 360, load up GTA IV and make sure you've added at least one of the people who've said they'll show up as friends. The rest should take care of itself.

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You turn on your Xbox 360, load up GTA IV and make sure you've added at least one of the people who've said they'll show up as friends. The rest should take care of itself.

Ha ha, alright, I think I can handle that!

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WTF happened at the end there, suddenly you all disconnect at the same time. That's just rude and uncalled for.

Other than that, it was awesome. Especially Officer James' flying car arrest maneuver.

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November? Wha?

Also, on our end, everyone but Wrestle and myself dropped at once, then James came back into the group. We played one last round of Hangman's NOOSE and called it a night.

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Cousin Roman called me and told about wonderful life in Sydney. He has women cars and big mansion!

I go on boat next week to travel. he will pick Me up at docks and he will give me large sum of money.

i plan get entangled with australian mafia and commit murders (love of my life will get shot on church steps!!!!!)

after grand finale i will return home and shoot you all in face again

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Other than that, it was awesome. Especially Officer James' flying car arrest maneuver.

I'm so incredibly pleased with that, and so incredibly disappointed that I didn't record it. I considered setting up the camera, but couldn't be bothered, reasoning that nothing truly spectacular was likely to happen. WHAT A FOOL I AM.

Wrestle is right: the 360 version is sorely in need if the PC's replay-record feature.

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I'm starting to get slightly paranoid with Grand Thumb Auto at the moment. Every time we play Cops 'n' Crooks, I take a speeding police car to the head... :shifty:

But let's also not forget Miffy's sterling effort in the opening race, too. Having barrelled over the final hump in the road myself and flown through the last checkpoint to win, Mr 495 decides to try and one-up my showmanship by going even faster.

However, at point of take off, toblix warped back into the game right at that spot, just in time for Miffy to glide barely a foot over his head and across the finish line. :eek:

I swear, if that pickup you were driving had anything jutting out from the bottom of it, you'd have taken 'blix's head clean off.

The final helicopter race was just cruel though, you evil, sadistic bastards. :(

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I cut your tail off with my rotor blades!

You know, in case you forgot. I couldn't let that happen.

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How could I forget, along with 3 of you vicious basts mobbing my helpless chopper in your blimmin' gunships?

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Speaking of pc replay function, how many of you happen to have the Pc version of gta4 as well?

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I've thought several times of getting the PC version, but I missed the boat on the Rockstar pack deal front, and that kind of puts me off. Also, I don't know how well it would run. I suspect it would be at least passable, but plenty of horror stories were going around at release.

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I got it when it was cheap a few months back, but haven't played it that much. I uninstalled it recently, as it's something like 12 goddamn gigs, but could always reinstall sometime.

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Hey, I ain't leaving Grand Thumb Auto anytime soon. With my theater job wanting me to work every Tuesday night for the next two months, it means I'll be home every Tuesday afternoon. This also means that I'm in for all games except August 4th, when I'll be out of town with the girl celebrating our anniversary. Possibly the 18th as well. I may be camping in BC that week. Digression aside, no abandoning the XBL games for me.

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