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Quakecon 2005

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So is anybody from the Thumbs forum attending this years Quakecon at Gaylord Texan resort in Grapevine, Texas?

I only know that Chris is there.

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So if Chris is there, does that mean that Idlethumbs is going to cover quakecon? Or is he there for shacknews?

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it looks... like quake

i want it.

and also ET Quake Wars

give them to me

Just saw the Quake4 video ... looks amazing! Good ol' fast-paced multiplayer deathmatch action! :clap:

Also, that commentator woman was pretty good, and looked kinda cute :) ... wish we saw a bit more of her than fatality or whoever!


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yeah, i dont know what it is about that screenie, but it looks horrible!

the ones nick posted, though, are ace!


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I can't understand how people can be enthusiastic over the announcement another Quake.

And about the quality, one can guess it's pretty low because Quake IV is multi-platform oriented and Microsoft made the 720p an obligation for every game developed on XBOX 360... and so, the high resolution is paid with less effects and so on to keep the Frame rate correct.

And, on a related note, I don't think God exists because if so, it wouldn't have let the art director and character designers at ID kept jobs after Quake II, Quake III, Doom III and now Quake IV... I mean, the art sucks, right ?

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yeah, i dont know what it is about that screenie, but it looks horrible!

the ones nick posted, though, are ace!


Actually, I posted that horrible screenshots for two reasons.

1) It looks like crap, technically, as you've all noticed.

and 2) It looks like their concept artist is 9 years old. It just looks so... awful. Even those nick posted. A veiny mass of flesh with a huge gun for an arm, hovering around? Is this it? Have I finally gotten old? :/

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I can't understand how people can be enthusiastic over the announcement another Quake.

And about the quality, one can guess it's pretty low because Quake IV is multi-platform oriented and Microsoft made the 720p an obligation for every game developed on XBOX 360... and so, the high resolution is paid with less effects and so on to keep the Frame rate correct.

And, on a related note, I don't think God exists because if so, it wouldn't have let the art director and character designers at ID kept jobs after Quake II, Quake III, Doom III and now Quake IV... I mean, the art sucks, right ?

Yeah okay okay, we all understand what you're getting at, but the only conclusion I can draw from all of it is that you don't actually get why people like the Quake games, and it doesn't seem likely that you will anytime soon, so you'd probably be better off just not wasting your brain thinking about it because you're not really contributing anything with that kind of post.

and 2) It looks like their concept artist is 9 years old. It just looks so... awful. Even those nick posted. A veiny mass of flesh with a huge gun for an arm, hovering around? Is this it? Have I finally gotten old? :/

This sort of observation is wholly valid and is really true - the visual design in Quake 4 is pretty uninspired and uninspiring. I feel let down in that department when I look at screenshots. But, does that mean I won't have a huge ton of fun playing rounds of well polished fast-paced DM with this game? Of course not.

People love to whine that id games are "nothing but a pretty tech demo to show off id's new game engine with no gameplay to speak of," but if you actually go and watch the people who are really into the Quake multiplayer, the first thing you'll notice is how they've in fact turned all the art off - they only play these games for the gameplay.

If these games aren't your cup of tea, that's totally fine, but if you sit there whining about something that - to the games intended audience - is totally irrellevent (and make no mistake - Quake 4 is aimed squarely at existing Quake fans), you're just blowing smoke.

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get why people like the Quake games, and it doesn't seem likely that you will anytime soon, so you'd probably be better off just not wasting your brain thinking about it because you're not really contributing anything with that kind of post.

Yeah, so next I 'll go "AAAAHHHHHH SUPPERRRBBBB". Or not. :shifty:

I played Quake III a lot when it was released and it was cool, I really liked the gameplay even if I wasn't what you can call a good player...

The thing is : I don't understand how can people wait for another Quake... emphasis on another : you're saying it yourself - and I get that - the gameplay hasn't changed a lot from Quake II and that's why people keep on going back to those games... then, why if, as you say, gamers like the gameplay so much they are turning the art off, why do they wait for the next installment ?

Because grenades and rocket are affected by bumpers ? Because the game will feature better graphics which , if I get your point, won't be seen by the real gamers ?

Isn't there a gazillion mod that inserted more intelligent gameplay ideas since the release of the third opus ?

So don't go saying that, because I'm not welcoming this announcement with unleashed enthusiast, I don't have grounds for my opinion.

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yeah basically.. single player quake.. art direction.... veiny monsters

who gives a fuck?

at e3 they only showed the single player.. we paid it no attention

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Quake Wars is going kick Q4 MP's ass.

That's just my opinion.

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At being a team based strategy online fps game it will yeah, but not at being a fast paced deathmatch frag-o-rama quake style game...

both will be awesome. :):tup::tup::tup::tup:

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I'm not particularly excited about QWars, but Quake IV I am.

I don't care for team based games. I like to kill everything that moves. And some things that don't.

My only issue with Quake IV is that it's a direct sequel to Quake II, which is my least favorite in the series. The gameplay is more UT than Quake II from my brief time with the game, so that's a plus.

Oh and the Remo stayed in my room at the Gaylord. He snores like you wouldn't believe.

(Kidding, kidding. It was a two room suite, so I wouldn't have heard him even if he did)

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