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"Sega Fantasy VI"

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Scenes from Final Fantasy VI being reenacted by video game consoles. As in the actual consoles, you know, the PSP, and the Dreamcast, and the Wonder Swan. Featuring a hefty "final confrontation" dialogue between the PSP and a bunch of old consoles about why the PSP will destroy them all due to being above a "games only system," and lots of turn based fighting with special moves like "Xbox Live." Watching the MegaDrive dock with the SegaCD and 32X as it powers up before a fight is pretty gold.

Care of GTxA.

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I watched it and was pretty amused. It was a lot more poignant than I thought it would be, heh.

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That was funny and educating yet historically false, Playstation ruined the Saturn yet in this movie they seem some what infatuated with each other. And what about that poor Virtual Boy, three people actually bought that thing yet it dies an heroic death. I do think that Saturn and Dreamcast make a cute couple, and that the N64 Gamecube brotherhood was an inspiration to us all.

Damn that PSP, it's the new Hitler I say.

Mr. T: What the hell is a PSP? fool! :mrt:

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An old friend of mine has a Virtual Boy! Last I recall, he was using it as a coat hanger or something. Seriously.

I remember trying to play it.....once. :bomb: Ouch.

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I thought that was great! Not only did it make me want to play a good rpg but it also made me want to go and buy a load of old consoles. :)

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