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I'm posting this using a command line vBulletin interface. Can you believe it?

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That was actually something I threw together in about 1,5 hours. Except for the part that communicates with vBulletin. I came up with the idea of programming a bot that uses the internet somehow. I have more or less completed the part that provides an interface for logging in & out, read the forums, threads, messages and post new threads or replies in vBulletin forums.

Only I don't have any good ideas about what it should actually do so for amusement I wrote that little program.

So if anyone has any ideas what a forum bot should do (not spamming mind you), post them here.

I have only come up with some boring and evil functions (which I'm not going to implement):

1) point out people's spelling mistakes (by sending private messages)

2) resurrect random old threads

3) gather some sort of statistics (like poll votes)

4) gather some sort of evil statistics

5) post a message when the Homeland security level changes.

6) post threads about Psychonauts


1000000) Pass the turing test (deadline: 2045)

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Graft the ELIZA engine on to it and watch the hilarity that ensues.



Even better is if it randomly starts talking trash.


<gametitle> is gonna SUCK.


man that <designer name> is a complete idiot. who does he think he is?


Hahah. <game company> does it again. What a bunch of morons they are. Can't they see how wrong they are?

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If you can make it run old text adventures that can be played as a team by forum denizens I would consider setting up a forum for it :)

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If you can make it run old text adventures that can be played as a team by forum denizens I would consider setting up a forum for it :)

Those of us who have those Infocom games memorized would spoil that for everyone else. :)

Of course, if you were to use a less well known game (like...IF Quake :buyme:) that would be awesome.

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Maybe if it translated everything into Esperanto: The International Language first for added challenge?

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If you can make it run old text adventures that can be played as a team by forum denizens I would consider setting up a forum for it :)

That sounds good. I'll keep you posted.

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2) resurrect random old threads

It's nice of you that you want to take some work off my shoulders, but I actually LIKE resurrecting random threads myself.

- :mock::gaming::mock::gaming::mock::gaming::mock:

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