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General Fuzzy McBitty

Holiday cash=Console for me.

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I've been giving more thought to buying new.

Has anyone heard anything one way or the other on the slim PS2?

Ok here's my take on the PS2, XBOX and Gamecube. First let's talk PS2. There is really no difference between the slim one and fat one except two things:

1- the Slim PS2 looks much slicker.

2- The fat PS2 can hold a hard drive. I know only of one version of final fantasy that supports the HD so it's pretty useless. I'd go with a slim PS2 unless the fat one is cheaper.

In terms of gameplay, PS2 and XBOX are my personal favorites, but there are a hoarde of people I know who swear by the cube. PS2 has the most RPG's including Shadow hearts covenant (an excellent game), star ocean, Baulder's gate 1 &2, and the FF serires. But I think XBOX shines in the RPG domain because they have Sudeki, Fable, and KOTOR 1 and 2. And let's not forget the upcoming Jade Empire.

The cube has some RPG's as well, like the new upcoming Zelda, Tales of Symphonia and Paper Mario. My favorite platform is the PS2 coz of the volume of titles they have out.

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Fable would be interesting, but I can play KOTOR on PC.

Ok here's my take on the PS2, XBOX and Gamecube. First let's talk PS2. There is really no difference between the slim one and fat one except two things:

1- the Slim PS2 looks much slicker.

2- The fat PS2 can hold a hard drive. I know only of one version of final fantasy that supports the HD so it's pretty useless. I'd go with a slim PS2 unless the fat one is cheaper.

In terms of gameplay, PS2 and XBOX are my personal favorites, but there are a hoarde of people I know who swear by the cube. PS2 has the most RPG's including Shadow hearts covenant (an excellent game), star ocean, Baulder's gate 1 &2, and the FF serires. But I think XBOX shines in the RPG domain because they have Sudeki, Fable, and KOTOR 1 and 2. And let's not forget the upcoming Jade Empire.

The cube has some RPG's as well, like the new upcoming Zelda, Tales of Symphonia and Paper Mario. My favorite platform is the PS2 coz of the volume of titles they have out.

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Fable would be interesting, but I can play KOTOR on PC.

Trust me, you're not missing anything with Fable. Wait for the sequel, when they can finally do all the stuff they said they would in the first game.

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Fable was a really good game. Just because it didn't do all the things that had ever been projected it would doesn't mean it wasn't satisfying and enjoyable in its own right.

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Agreed :yep: I'm playing it on my gf's XBOX and enjoying it Immensely. The only problem I have with it is that everyone is calling me the chicken chaser, and it's pissing me off. I wanna kill everyone who calls me chicken chaser but then I can't be the good character that I want to be :chaste:

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I heard that the new slim PS2 isn't made for extended play, and (due to the fact that they took out the fan) can over heat despite the fact that they shrunk down the chip size. :innocent:

"Despite"? Shrinking the chip size is probably the reason it will overheat without a fan! :P

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