Rob Zacny

Three Moves Ahead 570: Grand Tactician: The Civil War

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Three Moves Ahead 570:

Three Moves Ahead 570

Grand Tactician: The Civil War
The promise of the Civil War game that does everything is enticing but elusive. Now that it's out of early access, is Grand Tactician: The Civil War that game? Is it even close? Rowan and Rob get into the weeds on its officer promotion system, AI, brilliant little touches, and missed opportunities.

Grand Tactician: The Civil War


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Loved the discussion but I did walk away with the feeling that it would be tough to care about this game if you aren't already familiar with the people and the personal conflicts of the US civil war. 

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Warhawk has a great series of YouTube videos about the early war period.  He finished the peninsula campaign. 


For fixing the Unions overwhelming material issues, I would make the union units not respond to orders a percentage % of the time and a percent chance that Lincoln will fire generals when they fail an attack order. It was done well in War in Russia. Gary G’s first game.

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As I don't use twitter it's been a long time since, during the drive home from work, a 3MA podcast made me go "gotta buy and install this IMMEDIATELY"


My son, a five year old lad just discovering games, is at the perfect age to start pouring over those beautiful civil war illustrated books and the idea that we will replay the burning of our own cities is joyful. Being able to explain the stupidity that causes every young person to say "why did they do that" through a game is a real joy.  Instead of the lost cause we can teach that maybe drunk, stupid, and politically connected generals should rush kids into shooting themselves.


I can't wait to do an assault on Florida with my Maine division and burn Chicago to the grown with a unit of cuban volunteers.


"You know if this is for you" is what a 7/10 "for fans of the genre" truly means.



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