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About Mentalgongfu

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    Listening to Muzak, making Muzak, standing in elevators, awkward elevator conversation
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  1. I'm game, but I can't help cribbing a little from Cameron's ideas at O&A for the first three below, since I heard them at the same time I learned the titles. The rest are my thoughts. See You On the Other Side - probably a retrospective on those actors who died just before, during or shortly after filming Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers - something related to the Woodsmen Man with Gray Elevated Hair - about Lynch as director or his character A Pot of Boiling Oil - either something with the Lodges and oil smells from original seasons, or something playing on Coop dropping guns in the oil fryer in the finale Bloody Finger - something to do with the guy in the jail cell whose face was falling off, or maybe something with the rings, i.e. lodge ring, wedding ring in Brigg's stomach Two Blue Balls - no idea. About Dougie's first bathroom visit or first sexual experience upon his re-emergence? Tell it, Martin - no idea. Someone named Martin who works on the show giving us some perspective on their job? Obviously, a few of these ideas are a bit on the nose, and more will be needed to fill out 25ish minutes in each segment. But I'll claim a win if 4 of 6 connect in any way to my guesses
  2. Interesting. The other henchman is Dickie Bennett (Jeremy Davies) from Justified. Since folks these days like to imagine TV world crossovers, like Malcom in the Middle/Breaking Bad, it's fun to think about a universe in which Raylan Givens and Dale Cooper cross paths through Dickie, or a Boyd Crowder/Mr. C team-up. Maybe there is a portal to the Lodge in the deep dark hills of eastern Kentucky....
  3. Yeah, wrap-up thread or finale thread. Either can serve as a catch-all for re-watch thoughts, I imgaine.
  4. Maybe this is me being naive, but why the Annie-barf? I don't get why her character is so disliked in season 2 by so many Peaks fans. Is it just because she's a foil to Audrey, whom everyone wanted to Cooper to end up with?
  5. I assume the ambiguity must be part of why Lynch loves it. It can be read as "Fire, walk with me," and/or "Fire-walk, with me."
  6. When I let myself think about it, the lack of resolution on Hawk's map and the statement you quote, is extremely frustrating, especially given the Log Lady's nearly last words to him about "the one under the moon on Blue Pine mountain." We never see anything even remotely relating to this, unless it is when they find Naido, and that is in daylight, not under the moon, so I don't think it makes sense, unless that too is a metaphor. ... It does occur to me, @Jake and @Chris, given the discussion about Bob's "catch phrase," it can take on new meanings. I had always thought it was "One chance out," but it seems "one chants out" is more likely to be the original intention. I haven't looked for specific script punctuation, which could alter the whole slightly, but as it is, that gives us: Through the darkness of future past The magician longs to see One chants out between two worlds Fire walk with me Given that we have the line, and the episode title, "Laura is The One," and we have "chants" as a verb, is Laura the One who chants out between two worlds? As in she is somehow the bridge between the Dale Cooper and Dougie Coop we know, and the "Richard" who meets "Carrie Page" in the sudden turn of the re_Turn. The idea of Laura as the connecting piece seems kind of obvious, since that is the only consistency in the end of the season, but I had never connected it with Bob's poem before. Is she the one asking/ telling us to Fire Walk with her? I'm not one for big, elaborate theories, just connections. But when I thought of the poem in terms of "chants" instead of "chance," Laura as The One immediately jumped out at me. For what it's worth. One chants out between two worlds. Laura Palmer chants out between two worlds. Carrie Page chants out between two worlds. Cooper travels from one world to another, changing name yet still finding her, through Judy's diner, because the one still chants out between the two worlds. Don't know if this idea holds to close scrutiny, but anyhow, that's my thought of the day,
  7. Thank you so much @Jake and @Chris for the podcast all season long, and specifically for pointing out in the finale recap that we already knew how Annie was. I don't know if your cribbed from my comments here or just got there on your own, but I am taking credit in my own mind. Regardless, it was so gratifying to hear someone else say it. I listened to a lot of TP content all over the place as The Return went on, but you guys were my favorite at the start and have remained so. Even when you have a "removing his wound" moment from time to time, you are still far above the rest of the pack. I didn't always agree with your take, but I never found myself yelling at your podcast, unlike many of the others I have checked out. Since I only found this place after The Return started, now I have to go back and listen to the original Rewatch of the first two seasons until you get around to doing an actual rewatch of Season 3.
  8. Those would be some damn big capacitors.
  9. Posted with love: An interesting discussion on the controversial ending of The Return that includes some well thought-out criticism of the dropped storylines and the surprising turn in Part 18. I haven't gotten through it all yet, but it immediately resonates with some of the critiques expressed by many fans.
  10. From what little we see, new Dougie seems about equal to sleeping Dougie Coop in his level of interaction, which seemed to be the happiest time in the life of Janey E and Sonny Jim. And I also assume he's an improvement over philandering Dougie prior to being replaced by Dougie Coop. So not as great as living with Dale himself, but still a nice ending.
  11. @Don't Go There I agree with some of your observations on lack of conclusion to these stories and abandoned plotlines, but not all of them. I even quoted your original list in an earlier post. I would say that all of them are ambiguities. Whether or not they are all abandoned plots or "bad storytelling" is more debatable. These are my thoughts on the things with which I disagree: Andy and the redneck guy is just a mystery as far as I'm concerned, and one to which we can surmise a conclusion without many assumptions. Richard took his truck. Richard killed someone with his truck. The guy tells Andy he can't talk where they are and agrees to meet Andy later on a deserted road. He never shows. Ominous shot of the trailer. Plenty of clues. I conclude Richard killed redneck truck guy off screen to keep him from talking to the police. Just as he tried to kill Miriam on screen for the same reason. "How's Annie?" was never as big a deal as it has been made out to be. We see her come out of the lodge with Bad Coop at the end of Season 2. Before the infamous mirror scene, Bad Coop asks original Truman and the Doc "How's Annie?" for the first time, and Truman says "She's going to be just fine. She's over at the hospital." The infamous scene with Cooper repeating the question after smashing his head on the mirror is just Bob/Bad Coop getting a laugh at his ability to fake compassion. We already know how Annie is, at least physically. She's just fine. I agree her absence in The Return is conspicuous and unfortunate. Doc Hayward mentions Audrey but not Annie. Norma never mentions her. Frost apparently disavowed her existence in one of his books. But her physical condition after the last 2 episodes of Season 2 was never in question based on what is shown on screen; it just took on mythical proportions over the years since it was the last scene in the show. Donna's absence is, to me, more noticeable. Ray's mysterious phone calls are explained by him being an FBI informant, talking to Cole. This requires a few more assumptions than with redneck guy, but it is perfectly plausible based on the info we have. I could quibble that we do learn a little about Billy, though it's true we never meet him, as far as we know. And what we do learn is all in Audrey scenes or Roadhouse scenes, and the reality of those scenes is being rightfully questioned. I do find some of the lack of resolution frustrating, and I wonder how much was intended originally versus what might have been cut in favor of other scenes or just abandoned for some unknown reason.
  12. Interesting observation. You are aware, aren't you, that that is also the title of a novel and a movie staring Jodie Foster and Martin Sheen? Considering the character name "Gordon Cole" is directly lifted from Sunset Boulevard, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a deliberate reference to the film. I haven't seen The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, but from the wikipedia description it does seem to relate thematically in that it has uncomfortable sexuality, death, murder, a magician, conspiracy, suicide, potassium cyanide, a body in the cellar and a coma. It is going on my watch list, as is Sunset Boulevard (which I have seen, but I was around 12 years old).
  13. I believe it was the same sound, which is also one of the sounds the Fireman played to Cooper on his old phonograph in Part I when he was still in the Lodge and tells him to "listen to the sounds."
  14. @Nordelnob I'd agree the tone was empty, down or depressing; I just can't agree that it was supposed to leave me feeling the same way, because it didn't exactly do that. It mostly left me feeling ponderous. @UnpopularTrousers Personally, I'm trying not to dissect the intent beyond any meaning I can grasp for myself. But I am admittedly a little annoyed at the idea that has been spread throughout the season by some posters, not necessarily those at this site, that The Return was just an intentional troll. And that might come across in some of my posts. I think it's the only interpretation I would bother to argue against. It bothers me because it assumes both the intent of the artist and that any viewer who liked it is just a "fanboy," a mark who will buy whatever Lynch is selling, regardless of its value, and implies a superiority on the part of the viewer who is dissatisfied compared to someone whose reaction is more positive. The choice need not be binary, and shouldn't be. I loved The Return, but I won't know how I feel about the ending for a while. I loved the sweeping scene. I loved Wally Brando, and I came to love Dougie. But that's me. Being bored or upset, or feeling there was wasted time is just as valid a reaction, even though it's not mine. Thinking all 18 hours was just meant as a big middle finger to the audience is probably a valid reaction too, but it's one that I disagree with strongly enough to argue about.