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Alone in the Dark 5 Tech Demo

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See it here. I think the engine looks pretty good. I've never played an AitD game before, though, but I have the impression they're like an actioney Silent Hill, with less creepy shit and more shooting at monsters? Didn't the last one come out in the '90s?

One thing though: I'd like it if games like these, where I light is all-important, actually allowed you to create total dark. It seems like lamps are indesctructible when the guy explodes a bomb and the lamp just flies around like crazy. Wouldn't it be cool if you had to watch it with the shooting and exploding, lest you'd find yourself in total darkness. Being able to die because you were lost in the dark without any light sources would be awesome!

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That would be an awesome concept for a game. Kind of like Pitch Black meets Luigi's Mansion.

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Or like those firefly segments of Super Metroid, where the enemies are your light source and if you kill too many you can't see the platforms anymore.

Also: duct tape. :tup:

I wonder if the idea came out of Doom 3 criticisms. And I agree that calling it "Real World (Road) Rules" just makes those immersion-breaking moments like indestructible lamps stand out all the more.

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funny how everything tries to be realistic, but the items simply vanish from the table.

but the inventory system is nice

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Hopefully they will let you really make use of that system, not just in a couple of puzzles, but in actual gameplay. In other words, hopefully the enemies won't become too aggressive or the only thing you can achieve with the items is to light the shit in your pants on fire.

Also, why didn't those creatures follow the trail of blood to the player?

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TBH all I saw was the ability to make any object sticky. I wouldn't call that "infinite possibilities" or even many possibilities. I hope to see more combinations of objects that don't include sticky tape.

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It looked a bit too mechanical and pointless for my tastes. At the moment it looks like a gimmick, maybe in the hands of gifted designers it'll work but I can see it being needlessly fiddly.

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Isn't this typical of games these days? Like Bioshock in its day, the designers boast about how everything is just real, that things you expect to be possible are possible, for example this and that, and then it turns out that this and that are the only things possible in the game.

Hopefully this will be an awesome horror/action game with some fancy sticky weapons and cool lighting effects. Is there anything indicating that it'll be something special? I never heard about this game before watching this clip.

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That pistols sure packs a punch. It can bend 2-inch-tick metal or shatter a table with only one shot.

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This second video was slightly more impressive. I particularly like the analogue melee control.

However "choose between using it as a deadly weapon or to heal yourself"... anyone who has played any kinf of action game knows to go for the latter; it's not as much of a choice as it appears :tmeh:

And yeah if it really was "real world rules" then the bullet would probably just go straight through the wooden table, leaving a hole.

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Yeah, and not do a single thing to the door. But it's really movie physics, which is just fine I guess.

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These kind of features sell the game so it's to be expected. The bit that's worrying is if you take it away what have you got? Hopefully a game, and not some carcass.

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Nobody did it already, so I'm going to state the obvious : these features are cool but I'd really like to know how they are used and balanced in an actual gameplay experience.

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