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"Help Rigby get rid of the pesky blocks who are ruining the perfect aesthetics of his curvy kingdom."

I don't know if you guys are into Flash games, with your fancy Guitaaar Herows and whatnot on them consoles. But I just finished a little piece of game called Rigby and thought maybe you guys would like to play it.

It's more of a proof of concept than a game, really. But I tried to make it as finished as possible before unleashing it unto the public. Couldn't stand to work on it anymore, 'cause the code's a right mess now (which is embarrassing because I started studying Computer Science.)

So I'm just putting it out, fixing the bugs that crop up from public scrutiny and then moving on to a new project. With better code.. and hookers!

Anyways, the game's here! Hope you enjoy it.

EDIT: If, for some reason, the link doesn't work use this:

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Very nice!

I liked it how none of the levels were too difficult or frustrating, which is, for some reason, the case with many similar flash-games I have played. The graphics are really nice too.

All I can code is a crappy text-based adventure game. :shifty:

(My first course of coding, though. But still...)

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You know what is nice ? Contrary to most flash games, it has an END.

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Pretty fun. For some reason I was expecting a midi of Eleanor Rigby to start playing on the title screen.

I'm not entirely sure if this was a bug or a design choice, but I once hit the double-hit blocks twice while falling to the left or right of them. I'm not entirely sure if that was supposed to be the correct solution to the l-shaped level with the double-hit block on top and two normal blocks on the bottom.

I do like the casual punishment system, where the level resets automatically on failure, but keeps the timer rolling. One suggestion would be to not start the timer until the player starts moving, at least on levels with tutorial text, although it's not at all required, and most people wouldn't care about/ have a shot at hitting the high score boards on their first run-through anyway.

Overall, it seems tight, except for a few random instances where I wanted to jump near the corner of a block, but I bounced weakly like I was hitting the side. Good job.

Oh, and I'd also recommend only showing the highest score a particular username has gotten. Right now, your high score board only reflects about 3-4 people, when it could conceivably be showing 10.

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Oh, and I'd also recommend only showing the highest score a particular username has gotten. Right now, your high score board only reflects about 3-4 people, when it could conceivably be showing 10.

Awesome idea! I was wonderig what I was going to do with the semi-boring scoreboard after some guy on Kongregate basically tore it a new one. Thanks!

And thanks for the comments, too. Yes, it's full of bugs. Especially the collision detection. It was my first go at circle-shaped collision, which is a bitch the first time. And after finally figuring it out my code was in such a bad shape I never got the courage to go and rewrite it properly.

Some people somehow even wound up out of the level when touching a moving block. I have no idea how that happened, but I'm obviously going to fix that somehow.

The solution to that L-shaped level should've been to jump on the side block, then lightly touch the double-block so that you could move under it, jump off the block under it and back up to finish it off. Hope that made sense.

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"Help Rigby get rid of the pesky blocks who are ruining the perfect aesthetics of his curvy kingdom."

I don't know if you guys are into Flash games, with your fancy Guitaaar Herows and whatnot on them consoles. But I just finished a little piece of game called Rigby and thought maybe you guys would like to play it.

It's more of a proof of concept than a game, really. But I tried to make it as finished as possible before unleashing it unto the public. Couldn't stand to work on it anymore, 'cause the code's a right mess now (which is embarrassing because I started studying Computer Science.)

So I'm just putting it out, fixing the bugs that crop up from public scrutiny and then moving on to a new project. With better code.. and hookers!

Anyways, the game's here! Hope you enjoy it.

This is brilliant!!! :tup: :tup: :tup:

Simple, well crafted fun. I really enjoyed it! Well done!

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Very fun game. Didn't encounter any problems on my run through. Every now and then the height of my bounce off a block felt a little iffy, but as you say it's you're first time with a circle collisions, so I'll just say that it was one of the best little time-wasters I've played in a while. Top notch work, man.

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Yeah, where's the Eleanor Rigby soundtrack? ;)

Fun little game. Perhaps the difficulty curve is a bit too slow and low in the beginning, but then I don't know jack about Flash games, who play them and what works.

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Fun little game. Perhaps the difficulty curve is a bit too slow and low in the beginning, but then I don't know jack about Flash games, who play them and what works.

Me neither. I just thought, I'd rather have a difficulty curve that's a bit too slow than a bit too steep.

Oh, and UPDATE: Glitch is hopefully fixed. If you happen upon it again, let me know! Also, scoreboards are awesome now, thanks to Noyb.

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Wow! That was a great little game! Well done. Simple to pick up and understand the rules, and gets addictive. I like that there's a progressive difficulty curve, but not too hard. Also, it's fun.

Also, you've picked up on the smaller stuff that a lot of people miss, like giving the players visual rewards for success - your confetti over the "CLEARED!" text that the player gets at the end of a level is a good example of this. Simple things like this give positive feedback to the player. When I was doing QA on a GBA racing game, we got feedback from Super Mario Club, and this was one of the things that I still remember from them - really hammer in that each good thing the player does is an achievement - whether it be with confetti, a trophy, visual reward is quite important.

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I tend to get an error just before the scoreboard

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

at main_fla::MainTimeline/countScore()

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Yeah, with regards to the visual stuff, I gotta say that the smile on that mountain just makes me inexplicably full of joy.

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Hey BigJKO, I'm not sure if you need this, but I'm going to ramble on about circle-square collision for a bit ... I know a bit about how it's done. Let me know if you need some more specific help.

Okay, I assume your using a delta-time based system. So we have the ball moving from (ox, oy) to (nx, ny). Since it's delta based we don't actually know how far the ball will move per frame. If you use a fixed time-slice, this becomes *much* easier.

So what you want to do is cast a couple of rays, starting from the following positions:

ox + cos(ang)*rad, oy + sin(ang)*rad

ox + cos(ang+0.5*PI)*rad, oy + sin(ang+0.5*PI)*rad

ox + cos(ang-0.5*PI)*rad, oy + sin(ang-0.5*PI)*rad

So thats from the front of the ball, and one from the left and right side of it (relative to the direction we're moving in) ... thats where they start ... you want to cast these rays in the direction we're moving in, with a length of infinity.

Now, we intersect these rays with all of the boxes in the level. For each intersection we find, we only keep track of the one with the shortest distance from the start of the ray to the point of intersection. This distance is the furthest your ball can move in that time-slice. So instead of moving your ball to (nx, ny) move it to ...

(ox + cos(ang)*shortest_ray_dist, oy + sin(ang)*shortest_ray_dist)

Done and done! :)

Okay, that was a total rush-job because I need to get to class RIGHT now! Let me know if you want me to explain anything, or go over the harder case where the boxes and ball are both moving ...


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I've fallen UP and I can't get DOWN. :deranged:

This just happened to me as well - same level - my starting move is straight away diagonally into that moving block in the middle and as it's coming downwards diagonally they intersect, screen fades and I'm stuck in the top left corner.

Really nice game though. A tad too simple to fully capture my attention but I can definitely appreciate what's going on.

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I can't for the life of me seem to be able to replicate that thing, except the very first time I tried and never since (and unfortunately I wasn't wearing my handy debug goggles at the time)

So, I've just reuploaded a new version, with... hopefully fixed mechanics. Let me know if any of you happen upon the bug again.

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Are people making Flash games really using Adobe Flash to make them, or is there an IDE that doesn't suck?

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Are people making Flash games really using Adobe Flash to make them, or is there an IDE that doesn't suck?

There are plenty of open source Flash compilers, but none have the integrated timeline/graphics tools. They're all code only.

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So let's say I want to make the most awesome game ever in Flash. Would I use the Flash IDE to do that, or would I use something like Flex Builder or FDT? Maybe a porn game.

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"Help Rigby get rid of the pesky blocks who are ruining the perfect aesthetics of his curvy kingdom."

that is the exact same starting premise as hello kitty:roller rescue.

not that i've played it :shifty:

(but its a good premise except when you ask why skates are allowed in kitty's platonic circular world)

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"Help Rigby get rid of the pesky blocks who are ruining the perfect aesthetics of his curvy kingdom."

that is the exact same starting premise as hello kitty:roller rescue.

not that i've played it :shifty:

(but its a good premise except when you ask why skates are allowed in kitty's platonic circular world)

When can we expect to see you thesis??? :grin:

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Just a bump, cause I'm a WINNAR!

And again, thanks for all the wonderful comments/feedback. Apparently there's still some people experiencing that dreadful bug..

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