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Tra la la, what a beautiful day!

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Nice one.

I hadn't heard of that. Sounds like a cool course.

Mmm. Too bad I'm not doing it.

When we arrived for the award ceremony, they introduced us to a couple of the first year students in that course, and openly referred to both us (assuming we wanted to take the course) and them as 'guinea pigs'. I have some cool video footage of me assaulting the Course Coordinator person with a copy of Halo 2, which was fun (although accidental). It was a national competition, and since they plan to make it an annual event (and we're the first winners) we're invited back to next year's ceremony for tea, biscuits, and to give some kind of a speech. Apparently.

Of course, this all happened in 2004, but I only just discovered that page so I thought I'd gloat a bit, because I'd forgotten all about it until now.

I was going to make a mockumentary... 'A Day in the Life of an Award Winning Game Designer', and upload it. Unforunately, 90% of the video footage I got was of Louise and I mocking people we hate, putting on ridiculous foreign accents and acting out scenes from Shaun of the Dead. And I forgot to prop the video camera up when I went up to get the actual award, so all you can see is a half eaten sandwich on a plate.

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I was going to make a mockumentary... 'A Day in the Life of an Award Winning Game Designer', and upload it. Unforunately, 90% of the video footage I got was of Louise and I mocking people we hate, putting on ridiculous foreign accents and acting out scenes from Shaun of the Dead. And I forgot to prop the video camera up when I went up to get the actual award, so all you can see is a half eaten sandwich on a plate.

Upload it then...

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Excuzie moi, monsieur, I shall trouvez mon láptop unt get ít pour vous.

(Trés bien! A+!)

UPDATE: Since my laptop has no CD or DVD RW, there is no feasible way of removing the video footage from said laptop. To complicate issues further, the program I need to open the video files isn't working, so I can't take screenshots and put them on to a floppy (which my laptop DOES have). There you have it. I'll find some way of getting them off, but probably not tonight.

I shall use System Restore, and see vot happens!

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Well, my mother has fucking ruined my laptop for about the fifth time. The only system restore point is dated March 6th, 2005. Thanks, Microsoft! Thanks, Mom! Thanks a fucking bunch.

Eventually I'll find some way of getting the pictures off. In the meantime, does anybody live in New York and would be able to get to Barnes & Noble on Fifth Avenue on the 15th of March?

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Eventually I'll find some way of getting the pictures off. In the meantime, does anybody live in New York and would be able to get to Barnes & Noble on Fifth Avenue on the 15th of March?

Possibly, assuming I'm not out of the state and/or country that day (which considering my schedule over the next few weeks is very likely).

Which Barnes n' Noble on fifth avenue? (There are a couple...it's a long street).

And why?


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Yufster says:

I always get mailing list crap from Blue Black records

Yufster says:

I only keep it because it's vaguely related to Tim Schafer in some way

Shattered Sponge says:

Ooh! Talking of your distrubing obsessions, there's something I feel I should tell you!

Shattered Sponge says:

I went into the Barnes & Noble on fifth avenue, right? It's the one where they have loadsa signings.

Shattered Sponge says:

Guess who's signing there in, like, a week.

Yufster says:

Gene Wilder?

Shattered Sponge says:


Yufster says:

Whoa, lucky guess

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Excuzie moi, monsieur, I shall trouvez mon láptop unt get ít pour vous.

(Trés bien! A+!)

UPDATE: Since my laptop has no CD or DVD RW, there is no feasible way of removing the video footage from said laptop. To complicate issues further, the program I need to open the video files isn't working, so I can't take screenshots and put them on to a floppy (which my laptop DOES have). There you have it. I'll find some way of getting them off, but probably not tonight.

I shall use System Restore, and see vot happens!

Well, my mother has fucking ruined my laptop for about the fifth time. The only system restore point is dated March 6th, 2005. Thanks, Microsoft! Thanks, Mom! Thanks a fucking bunch.

A likely story mademoiselle, and I suppose your laptop also has no way to connect to the interweb?

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On a similar note (and to hijack the thread, ha ha) I got a form-letter note in the mail today from my high school principal. It congratulated me for winning an award for 'Best Review of 2004' in the 'New Zealand Secondary Schools Newspaper of the Year Awards'. Now, some interesting things about that. Beyond the name, I have no idea about these awards at all. I also didn't know that I was even nominated for this. I didn't even know I was entered into this. And the person who would have entered me, my Journalism teacher, is the VERY SAME person who FAILED to tell me that I had won it. I smell scam - ESPECIALLY since, as I recall, you get MONEY for winning this. HMMM.

I think a conversation might be in order.

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All of the paintings, drawings and such from my middleschool and highschool days that I had ever won any kind of award on have been spirited away by my art teachers or some nobodies in the bureaucracy.


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Shattered Sponge says:

Guess who's signing there in, like, a week.

Yufster says:

Gene Wilder?

Shattered Sponge says:


Yufster says:

Whoa, lucky guess


If i'm going to wait on line for two hours, it might as well be someone I really want to meet.

Don't get me wrong, I think Gene Wilder's great (I'm just not a fan of either Willy Wonka or The Producers), but I have no real interest in meeting the guy.

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A likely story mademoiselle, and I suppose your laptop also has no way to connect to the interweb?

Uh, believe it or not, no it doesn't. The internal modem is wasted, and I never got around to buying an external one for it since using I use THIS PC for the internet.

I'll get them eventually.

If i'm going to wait on line for two hours, it might as well be someone I really want to meet.

But you'd be doing it for me, and I am sort of awesome, maybe. Okay, maybe not, but I'm sure it wouldn't be two hours. How many people could there be in New York, after all?

I guess this isn't the time to mention it, but we really have very different opinions on a lot of things.

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But you'd be doing it for me, and I am sort of awesome, maybe. Okay, maybe not, but I'm sure it wouldn't be two hours. How many people could there be in New York, after all?

It looks like i'll either be in London or Mineapolis that week anyway, so it's not an option.

I guess this isn't the time to mention it, but we really have very different opinions on a lot of things.

Yes, well that's because your opinions are wrong. :nuts:


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Gene Wilder IS great, no discussion... would I want to have his autograph? No! But having someone on the other side of the globe go meet him for you, that is always awesome! But sadly apparently not happening ;)

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I don't think I can find words to describe how much I want to see that movie. I've combed the entire city of Ireland in search of it, and now I've ordered a Laser Card just to order it online.

I didn't even have to click that link, because I know you're talking about The Frisco Kid.

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I have it on vhs somewhere, I copied it from a finnish tv channel that aired it once about five years ago or something...

Hmm, it's been that long since I last saw it.

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