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So in accordance with crappy weather over the world, we've had some earthquakes here the last couple of days. It's at the point now where earthquakes are my alarm clock. Also they're a regular clock, I guess, as they happen at random points throughout the day as well. Not just in the morning. Although there was one this morning which actually did wake me up and it felt pretty bad. But then I checked it online and to my disappointment it was only a 5.5 on the Richter scale. It felt a lot worse than that.

I think I've long since passed the point where I'm frightened of them, as they're kinda commonplace where I live even outside of this week. I think it's been a few years without any regular or major earthquakes, though. As I understand it the city where I live is on top of a fault line. Nice work, God. Man.

But now everytime there's an earthquake my first thought is not for my safety. Nor is it 'OMG which game/cat/family member would I save if my house was on fire?!'. Actually I keep thinking that if I had a girlfriend, I could tell her that the earth was moving for us. Even if she wasn't impressed by the lame romantic sentiment, I imagine she'd be impressed by my quick wit. Except it wouldn't really be a quick wit, because I could be sitting on this for a while. Because I'll never get a girlfriend if all I do is think up geography-related one-liners. And the earthquakes could stop for a couple of years anyway. Meaning I'd never get to use this. And I'd be sitting on this goldmine for years possibly.

So now I have to figure out how to engineer an earthquake.

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Because I'll never get a girlfriend if all I do is think up geography-related one-liners.

You'd be surprised...

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engineering a real earthquake or just one for your future girlfriend? You could try tantra or the kama sutra? :chaste:

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Because I'll never get a girlfriend if all I do is think up geography-related one-liners.

You'd be surprised...


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