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They haven't announced it yet, but it might happen today.



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Amazing! Is that a new Mario Kart? And the joy-cons working like a Mouse?!


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Good catch! I haven't seen any site mention that there's dual optical sensors. Maybe it's for determining the orientation of the mouse, e.g. for rotating a brush when painting in Mario Paint.

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It's just like good ole Ninty to mush a bunch of readily available tech components together for novel interface ends.


I read somewhere that Nintendo stock fell 5% after the announcement and that this heralds the end of Nintendo as the pinnacle of innovation blah blah, but having looked it up, it looks like Nintendo stock has since (a week ago ¬¬) more than corrected. Regardless NTDOY is trading near its all-time record highs and people write weird shit about stuff.

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I'm looking forward to it. I know it looks like it will just be an upgraded model but the possible mouse functionality could be fun

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Looks good.


Mouse functionality is a neat addition, tho I do wonder how comfortable it'll be to use for longer sessions.


I'd also love it if this thing could connect to a TV without needing a dock, just hdmi cable.

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